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Revisi terkini pada 3 September 2014 14.38

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Using the iSIKHNAS website for Monitoring


Hundreds of different reports have been created to allow rapid access to the data for commonly asked questions, administrative and reporting requirements and analyses. The list of reports is constantly being improved and widened. Many reports allow you to sort and define the base data to further suit your specific requirements.

If you find that the reports currently available do not meet your needs you can request a new report to be created. New reports are able to be created by the Champion System Administrators and anyone may request these. Remember, the founding principles of iSIKHNAS is that it should bring benefit to all of its users, rapid availability of data, provide a service which reduces the administrative burden on staff and responds to district, provincial and regional information needs. So, please ask the Champions - they want to support your work. Make sure you are clear in your mind about what you need (the question you want to answer with the data) and in what form (table, chart, etc).

You can email the champions with a request for a new report at

Reports menu

Coordinator reports menu.png

Reports are the outputs from the system - the easiest way to answer particular, frequently asked questions using the data submitted from the field. Remember, as the system is rolled out for use all over Indonesia there will be a growing amount of data available for a growing number of provinces and districts. Reports, which include tables of data, charts and, soon, maps, are the best, most efficient way to display the most pertinent data quickly and simply. Most of the reports allow you to filter the data by location, date range, species and other attributes so that you can tailor the reports more to your needs.

The reports menu will change reasonably frequently over the next year or so as new reports are added and the organisation of reports is improved. Expect improvements and changes to occur and whilst this might be a little frustrating at times the reports section needs to stay dynamic so that it can meet the changing needs of all users.

Currently, the reports menu is divided into sections to make it easier to find the right report you are looking for. The sections are as follows

  • New

This is an easy way to 'advertise' any recently created reports which might be of interest.

  • Disease

Reports dealing with occurence of disease.

  • Vaccination

Data relating to vaccination programs, coverage and other related issues are reported here.

  • Surveillance Programs

Data reported in this section relates to active surveillance activities, such as blood sampling, as part of a district or provincial program.

  • Movement

Reports dealing with the movement of livestock based on the health certificates issued to owners transporting livestock for any reason.

  • Abattoir

Daily slaughterhouse statistics and related data from the entire country.

  • Laboratory

Data from Disease Investigation Centres (DIC) and B and C labs are being incorporated into iSIKHNAS and include sero-surveillance data, client testing data and a range of other results.

  • Users

Data related to user activity, registration, user types, performance, error logs, reporting and response rates etc.

  • Codes

This section is dedicated to the system codes and can be used as a look up tool or as a list creation tool for use in training material.

  • System

System reports include data of use for overseeing the system, looking at the way it is being used, reporting rates, sms message receiving and sending rates for example. This section will be particularly useful for Coordinators and Champions.

  • View reports

This section offers the complete list of reports in a drop down list. Some people may find this alternative method of accessing particular reports easier to search through. Not all users have access to this view.

  • Saved reports

This section includes reports which have parameters prechosen and saved. These reports have been created for sending as daily updates to certain users.



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