Course logistics and practicalities/id: Perbedaan revisi

(Created page with "===Jadikan gaya pelatihan Anda bermakna===")
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Baris 69: Baris 69:
===Jadikan gaya pelatihan Anda bermakna===
===Jadikan gaya pelatihan Anda bermakna===
'''How you look body language'''
'''Penampilan Anda bahasa tubuh'''
Your body language will tell participants if you are relaxed, comfortable with the content and well organised.  You will be able to overcome any hurdle if you are prepared, if you take a deep breath and greet people properly, look them in the eye, smile and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable.  Show that you think it is a pleasure to be leading the training and that you are looking forward to sharing the day with them.
Your body language will tell participants if you are relaxed, comfortable with the content and well organised.  You will be able to overcome any hurdle if you are prepared, if you take a deep breath and greet people properly, look them in the eye, smile and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable.  Show that you think it is a pleasure to be leading the training and that you are looking forward to sharing the day with them.

Revisi per 8 Mei 2014 10.51

Bahasa lain:
English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

18. Logistik dan pelaksanaan pelatihan

Sebelum pelatihan

Bangunlah harapan positif mengenai pelatihan.

Untuk melakukannya, Anda dapat

  • Mengirimkan informasi kepada peserta sebelum pelatihan
  • Menggambar poster yang lucu untuk mengiklankan pelatihan
  • Mencari judul yang bagus untuk pelatihan, serta membuat kuesioner dan bahan untuk dibagikan yang menarik
  • Mengirim email perkenalan yang bersahabat
  • Membuat kuesioner singkat untuk mengetahui tingkat, pengalaman, pelatihan yang pernah diikuti, dan harapan para peserta.

Yang dapat Anda berikan kepada para peserta sebelum pelatihan

Usahakan untuk membuat peserta ingin tahu, bersemangat, dan tertarik sebelum mereka datang ke pelatihan.

  • Berikan garis besar pelatihan dan manfaatnya
  • Informasi mengenai para pelatih beserta foto
  • Permainan asah otak atau teka-teki
  • Pertanyaan untuk membuat mereka berpikir
  • Tautan ke laman tentang pelatihan
  • Kartun yang berkaitan dengan topik
  • Informasi yang bersifat logistik
  • Daftar siapa saja yang akan hadir
  • Kuesioner singkat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai para peserta
  • Tugas-tugas yang berkaitan dengan pelatihan, yang relevan dengan pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari

NAMUN, jangan ungkapkan terlalu banyak dan berikan informasi yang penuh semangat dan menarik.

Logistik Pelatihan

Jika Anda memegang tanggung jawab untuk semua logistik dalam menjalankan pelatihan, akan ada banyak hal yang harus direncanakan dan diatur. Akan tetapi, hal ini jarang terjadi dan tugas-tugasnya biasa terbagi di antara beberapa orang. Namun sebagai pelatih, Anda sebaiknya memberi perhatian lebih terperinci mengenai pengaturan dan logistik dalam setiap pelatihan yang akan Anda bawakan.

Berikut daftar singkat beberapa pertimbangan logistik utama dalam pelatihan apa pun:

  • Tempat dan fasilitas
  • Pengaturan ruangan
  • Di mana posisi pelatih?
  • Peralatan
  • Waktu/jadwal
  • Logistik
  • Pembagian sesi

Pada hari pertama pelatihan

  • Siapkan ruangan dan peralatan sejak jauh-jauh hari
    • Jadikan ruangannya nyaman.
    • Gunakan materi yang menarik atau hal-hal ringan untuk memulai pembicaraan jika bisa.
    • Rapi.
    • Siapkan semuanya dengan baik
    • Pastikan semuanya berfungsi dengan baik
    • Tampilkan slide judul

Siap mental

Jika Anda takut berbicara di depan umum atau di depan sekelompok orang, Anda tidak sendiri. Berbicara di hadapan umum atau sekelompok orang sering merupakan ketakutan terbesar banyak orang.

The following tips can help you overcome any anxieties.

  • Remember, you know the materials. Remind yourself that you are well prepared, that you are familiar with the training materials
  • Read through the materials, discuss with other trainers that have used the materials before, and try some of the suggested activities if you are unfamiliar with them.
  • Release the tension. Take deep breaths. Breathe from your diaphragm and remember to exhale all the way. It also helps to exercise regularly, as unused energy may come out as anxiety.
  • Rehearse. Practice, practice, practice some of the lesson, until you feel comfortable.
  • Think through the possible problems that could arise and what strategies you have to deal with them.
  • Work out what your first few sentences are going to be so that during the first few seconds you don’t have to think.
  • Don’t tell the participants that you are nervous.
  • Know the training room and your equipment. Test your audio and visual equipment in advance. Make sure that instructional aides such as paper, pencils, flip charts, tape, etc. are on hand and sufficient in number.
  • Know the participants. Check the region/s participants are from, their native language, and learn key words and phrases. Greet and talk with them as they arrive for the session(s).
  • Reassure yourself. The participants are not there to see you perform; they are there to learn the material. Future trainers are not there to scrutinize you or waiting for you to make a mistake. Most likely, they want you to succeed because that means an interesting training for them, and as adult learners they will receive information that is relevant and applicable.

Jadikan gaya pelatihan Anda bermakna

Penampilan Anda – bahasa tubuh

Your body language will tell participants if you are relaxed, comfortable with the content and well organised. You will be able to overcome any hurdle if you are prepared, if you take a deep breath and greet people properly, look them in the eye, smile and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Show that you think it is a pleasure to be leading the training and that you are looking forward to sharing the day with them.

Dress comfortably and appropriately without anything which will distract people. Stand up straight with your hands beside you, open and relaxed. Don’t put your hands in your pocket, don’t fidget, don’t move about too much for no reason. Never lose eye contact with your participants. Avoid staring at the presentation slides, or other visual aids. Always look at people in the eye when you are talking to the group and listening to individuals.

How you sound – tone of voice

Speak at a volume that is slightly higher than necessary to reach the back row. You will sound confident and assertive. Use silence wisely. Don’t be afraid of it, instead embrace its power. Pause to allow people time to digest what you are saying or to answer questions you may have.

Vary your voice a little in pace and in tone so that you don’t sound the same all the time. Slow down, someone who talks too quickly can be exhausting to be with and they sometimes come across as nervous or impatient which will deter people from asking questions.

Try not to use a ‘training voice’ but rather speak in a natural, conversational style like you are talking to someone you know. Look and sound interested and enthusiastic about your subject and that will immediately help people to feel the same.

What you say

Try to sound as confident and assured as possible and be clear about what you say.

Speak positively and with enthusiasm.

Don’t apologise if you can help it – it will make you lose credibility not win sympathy.

Tell relevant and interesting personal anecdotes to illustrate points or bring in humour.

Try to avoid jargon, acronyms and terminology unfamiliar to most participants.

Bringing a course to a close

The concluding session should bring a proper and warm closure to to any course. It should

  • ensure that expectations were met
  • provide a shared group experience
  • evaluate the learning experience
  • request feedback and suggestions for improvement
  • summarise the course accomplishments and gain commitment for future action
  • send participants off with encouragement.

Ways to follow up after training

  • Send people follow up message or reminder by email
  • Take photos during the course and send them to people
  • Ask the iSIKHNAS coordinator to write up a news story for the iSIKHNAS website and use photos taken during the training
  • Actions proposed during the course could be followed up on
  • Local social media group – What’s App, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Blog or discussion forum
  • Share short video clips on YouTube or the iSIKHNAS training website
  • Meeting with participants to follow up on issues