Disease Investigation/id: Perbedaan revisi

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Sistim pelayanan kesehatan hewan di Indonesia merupakan salah satu bagian dari sistim kesehatan hewan nasional yang dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Kesehatan Hewan (Puskeswan) di kecamatan. Puskeswan secara kelembagaan memiliki struktur yang sesuai dengan fungsinya sebagai ujung tombak layanan kesehatan hewan, memiliki satu dokter hewan dan beberapa paravet atau petugas lapang kesehatan hewan. Mereka diharapkan mampu melakukan aktivitasnya secara efektif dan mengelola sumberdayanya secara efisien.
Investigasi penyakit merupakan salah satu tugas dari puskeswan dan SDM pengelola puskeswan harus memiliki pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam melakukan investigasi penyakit. Staf Puskeswan harus memiliki keterampilan melakukan investigasi penyakit di lapangan dan mampu memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat untuk pembuatan diagnosa dan penanganan bagi pemilik ternak. Bimtek ini merupakan acuan teknis dasar bagi staf yang melakukan investigasi penyakit. Bimtek ini mencakup kaidah teknis dan membantu investigator memahami kondisi lapangan di daerahnya.
Veterinary services Indonesia are a part of the national animal health system implemented by Animal Health Centres (puskeswan) at the subdistrict level. The puskeswan has an organizational structure well suited to its front line position in Animal Health., with one veterinarian and several para-veterinarians or field animal health officers. They are expected to be able to undertake activities effectively and to manage resources efficiently.
Disease investigation is one of puskeswan responsibilities and its managers must understand and have good disease investigation skills. Puskeswan staff should have good field disease investigation skills and be able to provide helpful information on diagnosis and treatment to livestock owners. This BIMTEK provides basic technical reference for staff conducting disease investigation. It covers technical principles and helps investigators address field conditions in their areas. Additional materials related to animal health service or animal disease management that match local needs can be added.
====Isi materi====
====Isi materi====

Revisi per 2 April 2015 14.21

Bahasa lain:
English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

Investigasi Penyakit untuk Para-vet

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Veterinary services Indonesia are a part of the national animal health system implemented by Animal Health Centres (puskeswan) at the subdistrict level. The puskeswan has an organizational structure well suited to its front line position in Animal Health., with one veterinarian and several para-veterinarians or field animal health officers. They are expected to be able to undertake activities effectively and to manage resources efficiently.

Disease investigation is one of puskeswan responsibilities and its managers must understand and have good disease investigation skills. Puskeswan staff should have good field disease investigation skills and be able to provide helpful information on diagnosis and treatment to livestock owners. This BIMTEK provides basic technical reference for staff conducting disease investigation. It covers technical principles and helps investigators address field conditions in their areas. Additional materials related to animal health service or animal disease management that match local needs can be added.

Isi materi

  • Investigasi penyakit: tanggung jawab investigator
  • Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Terjadinya Penyakit
  • Pra investigasi: Koordinasi, konfirmasi dan persiapan sebelum ke lapangan
  • Daftar persiapan (checklist) investigasi
  • Biosecurity dan biosafety (Perlindungan diri)
  • Investigasi penyakit hewan di lapangan
    • Komunikasi yang Efektif
    • Penggalian Informasi
    • Pemeriksaan fisik
    • Pemeriksaan Lingkungan
    • Pemilihan, Pengambilan dan Pengiriman sampel yang relevan
    • Sebelum Meninggalkan Lokasi Investigasi
    • Pelaporan ke iSIKHNAS

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