Dos and don'ts of Training Facilitation/id: Perbedaan revisi

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Baris 3: Baris 3:
==6. Yang boleh dan tidak boleh dalam fasilitasi==
==6. Yang boleh dan tidak boleh dalam fasilitasi==
Perilaku yang berdampak negatif terhadap peserta
[[Image:Nuvola apps error.png|frameless|100px|left]]
*Tidak mengajak setiap peserta untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan dan minatnya
*Menggurui atau mencela seseorang, bersikap meremehkan
*Sering menyela atau menguasai diskusi
*Bersikap menghakimi, mengkritik berlebihan atau berargumen secara agresif
*Tidak menghormati ide orang lain atau kecepatan atau gaya belajar orang lain
*Tidak bersedia atau tidak mampu menerima kritik, masukan negatif, atau saran untuk perbaikan
*Tidak memberikan pedoman yang memadai dan kurang berupaya mencapai sasaran pelatihan
Perilaku yang berdampak positif terhadap peserta
'''Behaviour which has a negative impact on participants'''
*Sepenuhnya mengajak dan mengikutsertakan peserta dalam pelatihan
*Memperlihatkan kepercayaan diri, kepemimpinan dan organisasi yang baik
*Not including every participant to the best of their ability and interest
*Menjaga target dalam hal waktu yang tersedia, sasaran, dan hasil yang diperlukan
*Patronising or putting someone down, being dismissive
*Memperlihatkan penghormatan dan penerimaan atas semua ide
*Frequently interrupting or talking over people
*Terbuka menerima saran, siap bereaksi dan luwes
*Being judgemental, unreasonably critical or aggressively argumentative
*Peka terhadap kebutuhan, minat, tingkat semangat, dan kenyamanan para peserta
*Showing a lack of respect for others’ ideas or learning pace or style
*Menciptakan suasana yang mendorong semua orang agar mau berbagi ide
*Not being willing or able to accept criticism, negative feedback or suggestions for improvement
*Mengelola kelompok sehingga tidak seorang pun mendominasi dan tidak seorang pun tersisih.
*Not providing enough guidance and working towards the stated goals of the course
'''Behaviour which has a positive impact on participants'''
*Full inclusion and engagement of participants
*Demonstrating confidence, good leadership and organisation
*Keeping on target in terms of timing, goals and outcomes required
*Showing respect and acceptance of all ideas
*Being open suggestion, ready to react and flexible
*Being sensitive to the needs, interests, energy levels and comfort of participants
*Providing a safe and secure atmosphere which embraces the sharing of ideas
*Managing the group so that no one dominates and no one is left out.

Revisi per 26 Agustus 2014 19.57

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English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

6. Yang boleh dan tidak boleh dalam fasilitasi

Nuvola apps error.png

Behaviour which has a negative impact on participants

  • Not including every participant to the best of their ability and interest
  • Patronising or putting someone down, being dismissive
  • Frequently interrupting or talking over people
  • Being judgemental, unreasonably critical or aggressively argumentative
  • Showing a lack of respect for others’ ideas or learning pace or style
  • Not being willing or able to accept criticism, negative feedback or suggestions for improvement
  • Not providing enough guidance and working towards the stated goals of the course


Behaviour which has a positive impact on participants

  • Full inclusion and engagement of participants
  • Demonstrating confidence, good leadership and organisation
  • Keeping on target in terms of timing, goals and outcomes required
  • Showing respect and acceptance of all ideas
  • Being open suggestion, ready to react and flexible
  • Being sensitive to the needs, interests, energy levels and comfort of participants
  • Providing a safe and secure atmosphere which embraces the sharing of ideas
  • Managing the group so that no one dominates and no one is left out.