Facilitation Guide/id: Perbedaan revisi

(13 revisi antara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1: Baris 1:
== Training Facilitation: How to facilitate a course and help people to learn ==
==Fasilitasi Peletihan: Bagaimana memfasilitasi kursus dan membantu orang belajar==
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Baris 7: Baris 6:
===Pengantar pelatihan===
===Pengantar pelatihan===
*[[Course objectives|Sasaran pelatihan fasilitasi]]
*[[Course objectives/id|Sasaran pelatihan fasilitasi]]
===Fasilitasi pelatihan===
[[File:Target colour.jpg|60px|left]]
[[File:Target colour.jpg|60px|left]]
*[[Role of training facilitator|What is a training facilitator?]]
*[[Role of training facilitator/id|Apa yang dimaksud dengan fasilitator pelatihan?]]
*[[Key qualities of training facilitator|Key qualities of a good training facilitator]]
*[[Key qualities of training facilitator/id|Sifat-sifat penting seorang fasilitator pelatihan yang baik]]
*[[Key features of Training Facilitation|Key features of good training facilitation]]
*[[Key features of Training Facilitation/id|Karakteristik penting fasilitasi pelatihan yang baik]]
*[[Dos and don'ts of Training Facilitation|Dos and Don’ts in facilitation]]
*[[Dos and don'ts of Training Facilitation/id|Yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan dalam memfasilitasi pelatihan]]
*[[Adult learning|Some important features of adult learning]]
*[[Adult learning/id|Beberapa karakteristik penting pembelajaran dewasa]]
===Sedang Belajar===
*[[How people learn|How people learn]]
*[[How people learn/id|Bagaimana orang belajar]]
*[[Helping people to learn|How to help people learn better]]
*[[Helping people to learn|Bagaimana membantu orang belajar]]
*[[Building a good learning atmosphere|Building a good learning atmosphere]]
*[[Building a good learning atmosphere/id|Membangun suasana pembelajaran yang baik]]
*[[Techniques that maximise learning|Techniques that maximise learning]]
*[[Techniques that maximise learning/id|Teknik yang memaksimalkan pembelajaran]]
*[[Making sure that participants learn|Making sure that participants learn something]]
*[[Making sure that participants learn/id|Memastikan bahwa para peserta sungguh belajar]]
===Group work===
===Kerja kelompok===  
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[[File:User types.svg|60px|left]]
*[[Encouraging participation|Encouraging participation]]
*[[Encouraging participation/id|Mendorong partisipasi]]
*[[Small group work|Working in small groups]]
*[[Small group work/id|Bekerja dalam kelompok kecil]]
*[[Creating the right mood|Creating the right mood for the moment]]
*[[Creating the right mood/id|Menciptakan suasana yang tepat]]
*[[Dealing with tricky situations|Dealing with tricky situations]]
*[[Dealing with tricky situations/id|Menangani keadaan yang sulit]]
======Logistik dan hal-hal praktis======
======Logistik dan hal-hal praktis======
*[[Preparing to facilitate a group|Persiapan untuk memfasilitasi kelompok]]
*[[Preparing to facilitate a group/id|Persiapan untuk memfasilitasi kelompok]]
*[[Course logistics and practicalities|Logistik dan hal-hal praktis]]
*[[Course logistics and practicalities/id|Logistik dan hal-hal praktis]]
*[[Factors which affect the smooth running|Faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran pelatihan]]
*[[Factors which affect the smooth running/id|Faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran pelatihan]]
*[[Using activities in training|Menggunakan kegiatan dalam pelatihan]]
*[[Using activities in training/id|Menggunakan kegiatan dalam pelatihan]]
*[[Working with equipment|Bekerja dengan peralatan]]
*[[Working with equipment/id|Bekerja dengan peralatan]]
*[[Setting up a room for training|Menyiapkan ruangan untuk pelatihan]]
*[[Setting up a room for training/id|Menyiapkan ruangan untuk pelatihan]]
===Sumber daya===
===Sumber daya===
*[[Useful Links|Tautan berguna]]
*[[Useful Links/id|Tautan berguna]]
*[[Additional resources|Sumber daya tambahan]]
*[[Additional resources/id|Sumber daya tambahan]]

Revisi terkini pada 28 April 2015 10.07