Bagaimana cara iSIKHNAS dikelola?

Revisi per 28 April 2014 19.35 oleh Hendrayatna (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "Manajemen iSIKHNAS dipegang oleh komite staf senior dari berbagai ditjen dan subdit. Kelompok ini bertanggung jawab mengelola sejumlah prioritas, administrasi, dan pertumbuha...")

Bagaimana cara iSIKHNAS dikelola?

iSIKHNAS Support and Management structure

Komite Manajemen iSIKHNAS - iMC - pemimpin umum kita

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Manajemen iSIKHNAS dipegang oleh komite staf senior dari berbagai ditjen dan subdit. Kelompok ini bertanggung jawab mengelola sejumlah prioritas, administrasi, dan pertumbuhan sistem pada masa mendatang. Mereka harus memperhatikan sasaran nasional sekaligus memiliki pemahaman yang jelas akan prinsip inti sistem iSIKHNAS. Mereka akan membantu mengarahkan masa depan iSIKHNAS dan mendukung semua pengguna dengan kepemimpinan di bidang kebijakan, peraturan, dan administrasi. Komite ini ditunjang oleh keahlian teknis dari administrator sistem atau Pengelola (Champion), dan dari kelompok Penasihat Epidemiologis (Epidemiology Advisory).

The Champions - our system administrators


The Champions are the people who are most involved in the technological aspects of iSIKHNAS - the database, the development of output reports, new functions and additional features. They understand the iSIKHNAS system profoundly and have the specialist skills required to mould the system to meet the needs of all its various users.

The Champions are an enthusiastic and responsive team with a desire to address problems efficiently, meet specific requests and ensure the continued smooth-running of the system.

The Epi Leaders - our epidemiological experts


This important group acts as an advisory group to the Champions and the Management Committee. With their guidance and assistance, iSIKHNAS data will be used to best effect. They will help us to ask the right questions, guide our understanding of the results of analysis and keep an eye on the 'big picture' - the data needs for the whole country. To help us to ask and answer the questions which will inform our decisions and priority setting.

Specialist Coordinators - our coordinators from the subsections

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Sections are represented by an appointed coordinator who is responsible for the oversight of the specialist activities such as abattoir reporting, breeding and production and quarantine for example.

Coordinators - our leaders in the field

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Each administrative level has to apoint a coordinator and that person will need a certain amount of training in how the system works and how to support users well. Eventually, each region, province and kabupaten will have a designated coordinator. Some areas may choose to share the coordination between two staff members to ensure that one person is not burdened with too much responsibility.

District coordinators play a vital role. The coordinators will support the work of the important people in the field - our field staff - dinas vets and para-vets, inseminators, field Kesmavet staff etc. - and the village reporters (pelsa). These individuals are the source of most data and their continued supported collaboration is vital to the ongoing strength of iSIKHNAS.