Cara orang belajar

Revisi per 26 April 2014 12.28 oleh Hendrayatna (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "===Pembelajar Lewat Pendengaran=== Pembelajar lewat pendengaran kebanyakan belajar dengan mendengarkan: *Ceramah *Diskusi *Presentasi *Perkataan orang lain, *dan juga deng...")
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9. Cara orang belajar

Setiap orang berbeda-beda. Masing-masing memiliki gaya dan kebiasaannya sendiri untuk cara belajar.

Kita semua punya pilihan sendiri-sendiri cara belajar yang disukai. Gaya belajar sering dikelompokkan menjadi tiga jenis utama:

  • Pendengaran - belajar dengan mendengar
  • Penglihatan - belajar dengan melihat
  • Sentuhan - belajar dengan melakukan

Namun, tidak ada orang yang hanya menggunakan satu cara belajar. Kita mungkin punya gaya tertentu yang lebih disukai, tetapi kita juga menggunakan gaya lainnya saat belajar.

Pelatihan harus memberikan peluang pembelajaran bagi semua gaya belajar dan mencakup;

  • Berbagai variasi kegiatan agar peserta tertantang dan bersemangat.
  • Berbagai variasi konfigurasi peserta agar pembelajar memperoleh kesempatan untuk bekerja sendiri, memecahkan masalah berpasangan dengan pembelajar lain, atau mendengarkan diskusi dalam kelompok yang lebih besar
  • Berbagai variasi stimuli, media, visual, baik dalam bentuk fotokopian, slide presentasi, instruksi verbal, presentasi video, atau tampilan grafis untuk membantu beragam jenis pembelajar.

Setiap orang belajar melalui lebih dari satu pendekatan – bukan hanya satu gaya belajar.

Pembelajar Lewat Pendengaran

Pembelajar lewat pendengaran kebanyakan belajar dengan mendengarkan:

  • Ceramah
  • Diskusi
  • Presentasi
  • Perkataan orang lain,
  • dan juga dengan mengucapkan sendiri.

The instructor’s tone of voice, pitch, and speed help them interpret and remember what they hear. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard so auditory learners often benefit from spoken instructions, discussions, recordings and debates, for example. They may also benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder. For example, ask learners to read aloud or create their own audio recording of

  • parts of a technical manual they have to use,
  • them attempting to teach some of the material,
  • a description of procedures they have to learn to follow,
  • paraphrased sections of important material they have to learn.

Visual Learners

Visual learners learn most effectively through seeing:

  • Pictures
  • Demonstrations
  • Diagrams
  • Illustrated text books
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Videos
  • Flip charts
  • Handouts
  • Written instructions

The facilitator’s body language and facial expressions help visual learners understand the content. They like to sit up front so nothing is in the way between them and the instructor. They remember something by seeing it in their minds. Visual learners like to take detailed notes to absorb the information. To support visual learners, try to incorporate the use of picturesque language, vivid presentation materials and graphics, colour, real objects, or stories from real life, for example.

Tactile Learners

Tactile learners learn best by doing, moving, and touching. They find it hard to sit still for very long. Hands-on activities and games are great for tactile learners. They want to actively explore the physical world around them. So,

  • Get people moving physically
  • Change the learning environment
  • Give plenty of hands on experience
  • Use computers to reinforce learning
  • Use demonstrations to evaluate knowledge

Combining different learning styles To really grasp a new piece of information or a new skill, we need to:

  • Hear it (a verbal description or "Preparation")
  • See it (a demonstration or "Presentation")
  • Say it (repeat it back or "Practice")
  • Do it (a practical exercise or "Practice" again)
  • Teach it to others (explain it to someone else, or "Performance")

Just like their learners, instructors have a preferred learning style. That learning style will affect the way they like to teach.

  • An instructor who is a visual learner will probably incorporate more graphic elements in a lesson.
  • One who is an auditory learner will be more comfortable lecturing.
  • One who is a tactile learner will want to get right to the activities, perhaps putting less emphasis on preparatory instructions.

Each training facilitator will need to stretch himself or herself to incorporate the learning styles which are outside of their own preferred style and teaching activities they are perhaps less comfortable with. Remember that addressing all learning styles will increase each participant’s retention of the material.