Peran fasilitator pelatihan

Revisi per 16 April 2014 18.46 oleh Hendrayatna (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "Fasilitator pelatihan selalu siap belajar dan jika ditanya, tidak takut mengatakan ‘Saya tidak tahu, bagaimana menurut Bapak/Ibu dan rekan-rekan lain?” atau “Ayo kita ca...")
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3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan fasilitator pelatihan?

Bukan guru. Bukan pelatih. Bukan ahli.

Fasilitator pelatihan adalah orang yang memiliki keterampilan mendengar dan berkomunikasi dengan baik, serta dapat memimpin dan memandu orang menggunakan serangkaian materi pembelajaran demi memastikan mereka memperoleh manfaat maksimal dari materi bersangkutan, memperoleh manfaat dari pengetahuan satu sama lain, dan membangun kepercayaan diri untuk menggunakan keterampilan dan pengetahuan baru di tempat kerja.

Fasilitator pelatihan selalu siap belajar dan jika ditanya, tidak takut mengatakan ‘Saya tidak tahu, bagaimana menurut Bapak/Ibu dan rekan-rekan lain?” atau “Ayo kita cari tahu jawabannya bersama-sama sekarang juga”. Fasilitator pelatihan merupakan pendengar yang aktif, sangat terbuka terhadap gagasan, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan orang lain, serta mampu merangkum diskusi, mendapatkan konsensus dari kelompok, dan menafsirkan makna dengan akurat.

A training facilitator is familiar with the course objectives, course plan, all the content, materials, activities, and the evaluation tools. The course materials for facilitator-led training are usually written specifically for flexible use to suit a variety of learning levels and learning styles. A course facilitator has tools and tricks to adapt these to the needs of the group.

A training facilitator comes prepared to introduce the course, explain the methodology and objectives and use the material creatively and thoughtfully to achieve a good learning environment so that participants engage fully and are able to integrate new knowledge and skills into their own repertoire of tools so that they can be used regularly and routinely.

A training facilitator is able to use the training material in terms of the current context, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of participants, their needs and interests and listen and react thoughtfully. By guiding discussion, asking good questions and drawing out ideas more fully, a good training facilitator can significantly enrich the outcome of a course.

A training facilitator is always ready to take and give feedback on the course materials to the course developers and suggest changes, improvements or just positive comments on how materials have been successfully used and received.