
Revisi per 15 September 2014 19.48 oleh Hendrayatna (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "{{fpblock|Advokasi Anggaran|Sales-report256.png|Bagi staf Pemerintah Indonesia yang bertanggung jawab menyiapkan permintaan anggaran, agar dapat menggunakan analisis data kese...")
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Sumber daya pelatihan

Bagian ini memberi akses bagi staf kesehatan hewan, calon fasilitator pelatihan, dan orang-orang lain yang berminat ke semua paket pelatihan yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung pengenalan dan penggunaan sistem informasi kesehatan hewan terpadu yang baru di Indonesia, iSIKHNAS. Sistem ini memungkinkan semua pengguna yang terdaftar untuk mengakses data secara waktu nyata (real time) agar dapat menggunakan laporan dan analisis yang terotomatisasi. Pelatihan berikut ditujukan untuk memperkuat kapasitas staf dalam mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan menafsirkan data-data tersebut.

Epidemiologi Lapangan


Pelatihan di bidang epidemiologi lapangan dikembangkan untuk memberikan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan staf lapangan dokter hewan dan paravet guna mengumpulkan data surveilans berkualitas tinggi dengan menggunakan rentang informasi yang lebih luas mengenai penyakit dalam populasi, serta untuk mengambil keputusan pengobatan dan pencegahan yang lebih baik berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan.



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Pelatihan ini dirancang bagi orang-orang yang terlibat dalam perencanaan atau pelaksanaan surveilans, atau bagi mereka yang mengambil keputusan berdasarkan hasil surveilans.


Advokasi Anggaran


Bagi staf Pemerintah Indonesia yang bertanggung jawab menyiapkan permintaan anggaran, agar dapat menggunakan analisis data kesehatan hewan bersama dengan keterampilan mengenai ekonomi kesehatan hewan, guna mendukung advokasi anggaran untuk meningkatkan kesehatan hewan di Indonesia. Demi mencapai tujuan tersebut, mereka harus dapat:

  • Memahami cara memotivasi, merencanakan, mengkomunikasikan, dan menyampaikan data secara persuasif
  • Menjelaskan bagaimana indikator kinerja dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemajuan atau pencapaian sasaran dan bagaimana data ini dapat mendukung permintaan anggaran
  • Menggunakan data iSIKHNAS untuk memperkirakan biaya penyakit, memperkirakan manfaat dari kegiatan kesehatan hewan yang diusulkan, dan menjustifikasi permintaan anggaran yang diusulkan.


Epidemiological Data Analysis using iSIKHNAS data

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National, provincial and kabupaten level animal health staff with responsibility for the use of data and epidemiological analysis.

The broader aim of the course is help participants make evidence-based animal health policy decisions which will assist them to improve livestock production and health in Indonesia. The course assumes considerable prior knowledge and it is recommended to complete the Excel (Basic and Intermediat), Basic Field Epidemiology and Surveillance courses. This course will analyse real iSIKHNAS data presented in three case studies. During each case study, participants will undertake practical exercises in order to answer key questions.


GIS for Animal Health


The courses will be based on open-source free powerful GIS software (Quantum GIS). It uses pre-existing material developed for new QGIS users and provides participants with basic mapping skills. Chapter 16 "GIS for Animal Health" is specifically written for GIS users interested in animal disease mapping. Participants will learn how to use the software to generate usable disease distribution maps based on simple existing data sources in iSIKHNAS. The second part of the course will develop more advanced skills in GIS and data management using Quantum GIS, PostgreSQL, GRASS and other tools.




This course was first conducted in May 2013, prior to iSIKHNAS development. It will be undergoing revision to incorporate the use of data accessible through iSIKHNAS.


Disease Investigation


This is a practical course for para-vets and other field staff in a range of tasks including animal restraint, clinical examination, sample taking and handling, and the taking of a good case history.


Recognising Signs of Poor Health

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This course has been designed specifically for Pelsa (village reporters) who play a vital role at the village level in communicating health problems both general and priority in nature through the iSIKHNAS system. This course assists Pelsa in the recognition of abnormal signs and priority syndromes as well as the simple reporting mechanisms and benefits provided by the iSIKHNAS system.


Facilitation Guide

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This is a comprehensive guide for all staff preparing to facilitate a course, give a presentation or indeed give any kind of training. It has many practical tips and advice which should improve anyone's presentation or course.


iSIKHNAS Training Resources

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Training new users to become confident users to the iSIKHNAS system is vital for the ongoing success of the system. There are many aspects and components to the system so to assist with the training of the full range of user types in the different components the material has been broken up into manageable portions or modules.


Glossary of Terms

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This is a glossary of useful terms related to epidemiology, animal health and data analysis which are often referred to in training manuals and other references developed for the purposes of supporting iSIKHNAS.