District coordinators - in more detail/id: Perbedaan revisi

(Created page with "====Berbagi peran koordinasi dengan satu atau lebih staf lain.==== * Memiliki setidaknya dua orang koordinator di setiap kabupaten/kota merupakan ide yang baik - dua orang sta...")
Baris 29: Baris 29:
* Jika anda sulit untuk dihubungi atau bersikap tidak ramah dan enggan membantu, maka staf anda akan berhenti berusaha menghubungi anda sehingga kepercayaan dan keyakinan mereka kepada anda akan hilang. Hal ini akan berdampak negatif terhadap moral staf anda serta kemauan mereka untuk bekerja sebagai tim maupun tingkat motivasinya.
* Jika anda sulit untuk dihubungi atau bersikap tidak ramah dan enggan membantu, maka staf anda akan berhenti berusaha menghubungi anda sehingga kepercayaan dan keyakinan mereka kepada anda akan hilang. Hal ini akan berdampak negatif terhadap moral staf anda serta kemauan mereka untuk bekerja sebagai tim maupun tingkat motivasinya.
====Share the coordination role with one or more deputies====
====Berbagi peran koordinasi dengan satu atau lebih staf lain.====
* It is always a good plan to have at least two coordinators in each district - two senior staff members who are able to take the role of coordinator. This means the responsibilities can be shared during busy periods and allows for some real 'down time' for a coordinator who might be on sick leave, taking holidays, away for training or meetings.
* Memiliki setidaknya dua orang koordinator di setiap kabupaten/kota merupakan ide yang baik - dua orang staf senior yang dapat berperan sebagai koordinator. Dengan demikian, dapat dilakukan pembagian tanggung jawab ketika beban pekerjaan tinggi dan memungkinkan salah satu koordinator untuk tidak hadir ketika sakit, cuti, mengikuti pelatihan atau menghadiri rapat.  
* Coordinators need to be constantly monitoring the system and responding to errors, problems and issues in the administration of the system as they arise. They also need to be in touch with the animal health data being submitted - to monitor for priority reports, disease investigations, and potential problems. This can be a full time job so it makes sense to share it with at least one other person to make sure the coordination service is consistent, comprehensive and responsive.
* Koordinator perlu memantau sistem secara terus menerus dan merespon kesalahan maupun permasalahan administrasi sistem yang muncul. Koordinator juga perlu mengamati data kesehatan hewan yang diterima - memantau laporan prioritas, investigasi penyakit, dan potensi permasalahan lainnya. Tanggung jawab ini dapat memakan banyak waktu sehingga lebih baik jika dilakukan pembagian kerja dengan setidaknya satu orang staf lain agar koordinasi pelayanan tetap konsisten, komprehensif, dan responsif.  
* Because of the responsibility which accompanies the role of coordinator, it seems more sustainable one coordinator to be properly 'off duty' on alternate weekends or evenings, for example, while the other takes up the role.
* Karena besarnya tanggung jawab yang dimiliki koordinator, akan lebih baik jika staf yang menjadi koordinator dapat mengambil giliran 'bertugas' pada akhir minggu atau di malam hari secara bergantian.
====Respond to requests for new data reports or suggested changes====
====Respond to requests for new data reports or suggested changes====

Revisi per 17 September 2014 08.52

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Daftar isi

Peran Koordinator Kabupaten/Kota: Memahami Lebih Dalam


Bertindak sebagai perwakilan, sumber informasi, dan juru bicara sistem di tingkat kabupaten/kota.

  • Anda patut bangga dengan peran dan keterlibatan anda dalam penerapan salah satu sistem informasi kesehatan hewan terbaik di dunia. Anda adalah tenaga ahli di tingkat lokal yang paling memenuhi syarat untuk menyampaikan cara kerja, manfaat, dan peningkatan kinerja yang ditawarkan oleh sistem ini untuk membantu staf anda dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat.
  • Citra yang anda tampilkan akan membantu staf anda ikut merasa bangga menjadi pengguna sistem yang aktif.
  • Sistem ini hanya akan menjadi kuat apabila didukung sepenuhnya oleh orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, informasi yang mereka sediakan, dan manfaat yang dapat diberikan kepada semua penggunanya.
  • Penting artinya untuk selalu memiliki pemahaman terkini mengenai sistem ini dalam konteks kemasyarakatan yang lebih luas; disamping mampu menyampaikan pengetahuan mengenai keamanan dan kepemilikan data, kelebihan sistem, serta meyakinkan berbagai kalangan mengenai privasi data.
  • Penting pula untuk senantiasa memiliki informasi terbaru mengenai perkembangan fitur dan standar operasional terkini; informasi ini perlu disampaikan kepada staf anda secara tepat waktu, dengan disertai pemberian kepastian dan bantuan, pada saat beradaptasi dengan fitur dan standar operasional baru.

Menjaga filosofi dan prinsip-prinsip dasar pembuatan iSIKHNAS.

  • Anda perlu memahami dan membiasakan diri dengan filosofi dan prinsip-prinsip dasar pembuatan iSIKHNAS.
  • Ingatlah:
    • Mereka yang terlibat dalam pelaporan data perlu mendapatkan penghargaan atas kontribusinya kepada sistem.
    • Keterlibatan dalam iSIKHNAS harus dapat meningkatkan, mendukung, dan mempermudah kinerja mereka yang menyediakan laporan dan bekerja melalui sistem ini.
    • Sistem ini tidak boleh membebani pekerjaan sehari-hari penggunanya, tetapi sebaliknya memberikan manfaat yang nyata dan segera untuk pekerjaan mereka.
    • Sistem ini harus dapat memberikan lebih banyak keuntungan sehingga semua pengguna dapat memperoleh manfaatnya.
    • Memberikan pelayanan kepada semua penggunanya kapan saja dibutuhkan; pelayanan ini harus dapat merespon kebutuhan pengguna yang berubah-ubah.
  • Jadi, berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut:
    • Pengguna harus selalu mendapatkan dorongan, penghargaan, dan rasa terima kasih; jangan pernah menegur atau membuat mereka merasa dihukum. Kekeliruan dan kesalahpahaman biasanya lebih disebabkan oleh kurangnya pelatihan ketimbang ketidakmampuan.
    • Koordinator perlu memperhatikan dengan seksama bagaimana stafnya merespon serta bereaksi terhadap penggunaan iSIKHNAS, dan apakah mereka dapat memberikan saran untuk meningkatkan sistem ini.

Memastikan pengguna dapat menghubungi dan merujuk kepada anda dengan mudah dan bebas.

  • Koordinator perlu memastikan staf dapat menghubungi dirinya dengan mudah untuk menyampaikan pertanyaan, saran atau permasalahan. Anda perlu memastikan bahwa staf mengetahui dan dapat menghubungi nomor telepon genggam anda.
  • Pastikan agar staf anda dapat meninggalkan pesan melalui telepon apabila anda tidak dapat dihubungi. Hubungi kembali secepatnya.
  • Jika anda sulit untuk dihubungi atau bersikap tidak ramah dan enggan membantu, maka staf anda akan berhenti berusaha menghubungi anda sehingga kepercayaan dan keyakinan mereka kepada anda akan hilang. Hal ini akan berdampak negatif terhadap moral staf anda serta kemauan mereka untuk bekerja sebagai tim maupun tingkat motivasinya.

Berbagi peran koordinasi dengan satu atau lebih staf lain.

  • Memiliki setidaknya dua orang koordinator di setiap kabupaten/kota merupakan ide yang baik - dua orang staf senior yang dapat berperan sebagai koordinator. Dengan demikian, dapat dilakukan pembagian tanggung jawab ketika beban pekerjaan tinggi dan memungkinkan salah satu koordinator untuk tidak hadir ketika sakit, cuti, mengikuti pelatihan atau menghadiri rapat.
  • Koordinator perlu memantau sistem secara terus menerus dan merespon kesalahan maupun permasalahan administrasi sistem yang muncul. Koordinator juga perlu mengamati data kesehatan hewan yang diterima - memantau laporan prioritas, investigasi penyakit, dan potensi permasalahan lainnya. Tanggung jawab ini dapat memakan banyak waktu sehingga lebih baik jika dilakukan pembagian kerja dengan setidaknya satu orang staf lain agar koordinasi pelayanan tetap konsisten, komprehensif, dan responsif.
  • Karena besarnya tanggung jawab yang dimiliki koordinator, akan lebih baik jika staf yang menjadi koordinator dapat mengambil giliran 'bertugas' pada akhir minggu atau di malam hari secara bergantian.

Respond to requests for new data reports or suggested changes

  • Make the system work for you and your district. Any requests for changes, suggestions for improvement or issues which arise in the field should be addressed quickly and communicated to the province/region and then the Champions. The system is flexible and can be responsive to district needs but only if the Champions are made aware that there is a need for change, a request for a new report, a problem which needs addressing.
  • Your role as coordinator is to listen to your staff, respond to their needs and to try to improve the system in response to their input. The staff will appreciate it and you will win even greater respect.

User development and administration

Register new Pelsa and Dinas users correctly

  • One of the core administrative responsibilities of the district coordinator is to register new users to the system. Once completed the user details compiled at registration will form the basis for many tailor-made features of the iSIKHNAS system. The user name will appear in official disease reports, for example, so should be complete, accurately spelled and use the correct capitalisation. The registered location of the user's usual workplace as well as their area of responsibility are important determinants for the flow of information and alerts. The person's mobile phone number is obviously of primary importance - every user is identified by their unique phone number.

Recruit and train new Pelsa and Dinas users in all relevant aspects of the system

  • Coordinators have primary responsibility for the ongoing training of staff as well as the recruitment and maintenance of a strong network of pelsa.
  • Pelsa are offered signs recognition training in conjunction with iSIKHNAS reporting training and extensive material has been produced to assist you in this task.
  • iSIKHNAS is a comprehensive system which offers many different tools to ease the reporting and data analysis burden on districts. To ensure staff are not overwhelmed, the system has been divided into multiple smaller modules according to their different functions. Your job is to train staff in the use of these short modules, to make sure they practice and succeed in sending messages accurately and to give clear direction on how, when and under what circumstances they are to be used. Training materials and suggested practice activities have been designed to simplify your training role.
  • We always recommend you commence with the general field disease reporting module as an introduction to the system for Pelsa and Dinas staff. Then, according to your own district priorities you can choose between any number of other key modules. This way, staff are introduced slowly and systematically to the system and the task of coordination and oversight is much easier.

Ensure user details are up to date

  • User details are managed by coordinators through the iSIKHNAS website Manage : User details and Manage : User Settings.
  • From time to time you will need to change user details. We suggest doing a regular audit of the staff details to make sure every individual is assigned correctly in terms of User Type, Location, Area of Responsibility and that their details are up to date.
  • Sometimes staff will move, be rotated or change roles. Remember to up-date details as the changes occur.
  • You may wish to reconfigure the individual user permissions for some users as they become more confident or attend further training.
  • Staff should be reminded that they need to contact you immediately if they lose their telephone, or if their phone number changes.

Facilitate or assist training of specific user groups such as abattoir, production, police or health department, for example

  • As iSIKHNAS grows more people and different types of users will become involved. As coordinator, you may have to be in conctact with local abattoir reporters, field staff who work in breeding and production and even police and human health workers.
  • Most specialist groups will have their own coordinators, just as the abattoirs do, and it will always be good to keep in touch with the local representatives to share ideas and feedback on ways to keep the system strong.

Supervise and monitor all registered users in their area of responsibility

  • One very important job will be to constantly monitor users' assigned areas of responsibility to ensure they are correct and up to date at all times and that any changes in staffing are immediately reflected in iSIKHNAS.
  • Staff who move to other districts or provinces will have to be assigned a new registered area and reassigned a new area of responsibility. They may also need to be assigned as a different user type. The new district or provincial coordinator may have to do this. If there is any difficulty in doing this then contact the Champions.

Support and monitoring

Monitor the message log and respond quickly to problems in a supportive manner

  • An error log message can be emailed to you daily.
  • It is also possible to see the error log on the website by visiting the Reports : Users section - Listing of problem SMS messages by user
  • The error log is a very useful tool for coordinators and should be referred to each day. It identifies users who are having problems with incorrect message formats, codes and other data. Remember: iSIKHNAS will not accept messages which are incorrectly formatted - this is to ensure the data that enters the system is error free - so any users who make mistakes are immediately sent a message from the system helping them to send the correctly formatted message. Encourage your staff to read these helpful return messages as they will help them to save time, frustration and pulsa.
  • Coordinators can learn a great deal from user errors - weaknesses in training; poor understanding of concepts; poor knowledge, in treating disease, for example, and once the problem has been identified you can contact the person and gently and clearly explain where they are going wrong. A quick response from you will show how much you care about your staff, the data and good, efficient work.
  • Errors are extremely useful training tools. You can play games with your staff during training and ask them to correct the errors or find the problem.
  • Users who have frequent problems sending messages may need special tools to help them in the field - 'smart cards' or 'cheat sheets' to keep in their pockets if they don't feel confident about using their phone confidently.

Respond to feedback and questions from users in a timely and supportive manner

  • Any user can send freetext feedback or questions using the Q message format.
  • These messages will be forwarded to you and others automatically but it is your responsibility as district coordinator to monitor and respond to these messages quickly. Your response could be by SMS, thanking the person for their ideas or feedback. Or you may wish to telephone the user to answer their question.
  • Your response to these messages will demonstrate to staff that you value their input, and are responsive to their questions or problems.

Assist para-vets to respect and support the work of village pelsa

  • Pelsa play a really vital role in building good community trust and engagement with the veterinary services. Without Pelsa the system really is completely passive - dinas staff must wait for reports to come in from individual farmers. Most farmers will only report if they feel comfortable doing so, and confident that it will bring a positive (or at least not negative!) outcome.
  • Passive farmer reporting is one of the cheapest and most extensive types of surveillance. Vets and some paravets will learn about this in the Field Epi and Surveillance courses which have been designed to support the iSIKHNAS system. Strong community relationships, good communication and trust are the foundation stones of any strong passive farmer reporting system. Pelsa act as a link or conduit between community and the veterinary service, making communication easier for farmers and, now with iSIKHNAS, ensuring greater response from the animal health staff.
  • Paravets should be encouraged to get to know their local Pelsa, to talk to them respectfully and patiently and to include them, wherever possible, in any visits within the village. The respect your staff show will very likely spread within the community and the Pelsa will be used more.
  • Pelsa will need support, encouragement, periodic refresher training and opportunities to offer treatment solutions to farmers to simple problems that don't require veterinary attention. For that reason, Pelsa can ease the work load of paravets for very mundane or routine problems, leaving more time for more important tasks or cases.
  • Remember: Pelsa are the eyes and ears in the field and they can contribute significantly to the strength of iSIKHNAS.
  • Coordinators will have to guage what the realistic response rates for Pelsa alerts will be in order to manage expectations and reassure Pelsa so that they can keep their communities informed.

Monitor and evaluate the performance of the team, set goals and priorities for improvement and development

  • You should use the output reports in the Reports :Users and :System sections to examine the work of all the data reporters under your supervision to look for ways you can support or improve their work better.
  • You and your team can decide how best to use your time and resources efficiently and if there are ways that staff could be encouraged to improve the quality of the service they provide, the efficiency of their work and their overall satisfaction with the work they are doing.
  • You may want to think about ways of measuring and rewarding improved work. You know your staff best and what will work to motivate them. Remember: we all like to be recognised for improving the way we do things, or contributing in special ways, or showing initiative and good levels of motivation. Simple rewards and recognition go a long way.

Identify training needs of staff based on monitoring of field reports

  • Using the Reports section of the website will help you to identify weaknesses in routine work as well as more specialised activities amongst the staff under your supervision.
  • On close examination of the treatments, differential diagnoses and other aspects of their work, it will be evident where more refresher training is required.
  • Refresher training doesn't have to take a long time or be planned as a special activity with additional costs. Sometimes it might be possible, for example, to spend half an hour with several paravets discussing particular cases and sharing opinions on how to treat or what samples to take.
  • By using iSIKHNAS data your role as coordinator will be greatly supported. Over time you will gain a greater understanding of what your staff do and don't know, where they lack knowledge or experience and where your training budget can be targeted in the coming year.


Report technical problems, inadequacies or redundancies immediately to the Champions and Provincial coordinator

  • There is no point in keeping your good ideas, suggestions for improvements or any disatisfaction about the system to yourself. It is very important to let other people know. The system has been built to respond to changing needs but change can't occur if users don't speak up.
  • Talk ideas over with other staff then tell your provincial coordinator and the Champions if you think that others agree with you and your suggestions really do merit further consideration.
  • All ideas and suggestion for improvement are welcome.
  • Some may take time to implement, others are perhaps not possible, some may be able to be implemented immediately - the management committee and the Champions will consider all ideas for change.

Analysis and management

Assist in the analysis of data for the evaluation of activities, performance and priority setting

Assist in the analysis of data for the purposes of budget advocacy for support for ongoing and new activities

Make recommendations from the results of data analysis

Manage surveillance, vaccination and population data collection activities through iSIKHNAS

Register local infrastructure

Manage and update location codes within your area

Use of the website for administration and coordination