Function call: add_checkdigit (inval bigint) bigint
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a number, return it with a check digit appended to the end of it.
Function call: addlookuprecord (lookuptype character varying, cde character varying, name character varying, descr character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Add a Lookup Type Record
Function call: animals_affected_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: anyerrors (result inputprocessresult) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: A simple utility function to simplify checking whether errors have been found
Function call: app_checkpin (userphone character varying, userpin character varying) json
Schema: metadataDescription: App phone number validation system. Given a user phone number and pin, return matching user details.
Function call: app_get_form (smsid integer, userid integer, OUT form_def json) json
Schema: metadataDescription: Generate JSON form definition for mobile App based on sms metadata
Function call: app_get_project_by_phone (userphone character varying, OUT project_def json) json
Schema: metadataDescription: Look up project by phone
Function call: app_get_project_grouped (smsuserid integer, OUT project_def json) json
Schema: metadataDescription: Generate project JSON for mobile app (grouped version)
Function call: app_get_project (smsuserid integer, OUT project_def json) json
Schema: metadataDescription: Generate project JSON for mobile app, based on user phone number
Function call: app_get_static (static_id integer, userid integer, OUT static_data text) text
Schema: metadataDescription: Download App static data
Function call: app_startup (userphone character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: App phone number validation system. Given a user phone number, generate a random pin, store it in the user's record, and send a confirmation SMS message.
Function call: businessrulehandler (hookname hook, uid integer, callingfunc character varying, args character varying[], sms_msgid bigint) businessrulereturn
Schema: backofficeDescription: The function calls business rule handler functions which match the hook name and caller name input arguments. There can be 0, 1, or more business rule functions which match.
Business rule functions are assumed to take the userid as the first argument, followed by the arguments passed into this function in the args array, and to return a composite object consisting of a return code and a error string. If the business rule function succeeds, it returns a result code of zero, and an empty or null error string. If the business rule function encounters a non-fatal error, it returns a result code of zero, and a non-empty error string. In this case, further rule handlers can be called. If the business rule function has a fatal error, it returns a result code of 1, and a non-empty error string. In this case, any further business rule handlers are not called.
If an internal error occurs in a rule handler function, causing an exception to be thrown, this will be trapped and treated as if it was an error return.
This function returns 0 and an empty string to indicate success, or 1 and an error message to indicate failure. If multiple errors were detected, the error strings are concatenated with linefeed characters.
Function call: case_comments_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (CASE_COMMENTS_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: caseimages_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (CASEIMAGES_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: case_resolved_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (CASE_RESOLVED_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: check_d_codes (codes text[], sms_userid integer, OUT msg character varying) character varying
Schema: smsDescription: Check incoming codes from SMS
Function call: checklocationcontained (parentid integer, locid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: See if a location is the child of another location
Function call: checklookupcode (lkuptypid integer, codeval character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Used for tables where there are too many codes to fit into a hstore (e.g. locations with 77,000 records). Return the integer id value for the code if it a valid code, or NULL if it is not. This function should always return the same integer that GetLookupTableData would have returned for the same code value.
Function call: cleanname (name character varying) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a column/table name used for user display, convert it into a name suitable for inclusion in SQL statements, by stripping out any non-alphanumeric characters
Function call: clinical_signs_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (CLINICAL_SIGNS_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: columnintable (tblname character varying, colname character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Return true if the table contains a column with the given name, false otherwise. Results are unpredictable if there are two tables with that name, in different schemas!! (which should not ever happen...)
Function call: confirm_register_user (userid integer, sms_pin character varying, sms_msgid bigint, OUT rslt integer, OUT msg character varying) record
Schema: backofficeDescription: This function confirms a user as registered by: - finding their phone number,
- adding the number to the user record with a matching pin,
- before setting the pin to NULL.
Function call: create_api (tablename character varying) integer
Schema: metadata
Function call: createbasetype (ourname character varying, descr character varying, internalname character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a basetype record for each internal type which users are allowed to use as a type for fields in our user-defined projects. Returns the id of the created record.
Function call: createdatatable (tblid integer) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Physically creates the table defined in the specified record of datatables, using the field definitions for that table that exist in tablefields.
Function call: createdatatablerecord (tblnam character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create an entry in the datatable table for a project master table (but do not define the table in question, since the field definitions for the table do not yet exist).
Function call: createdatatablerecord (tblnam character varying, parent integer, parentlinkfield character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create an entry in the datatable table (but do not define the table in question, since the field definitions for the table do not yet exist).
Function call: createdomaintype (ourname character varying, descr character varying, internalname character varying, checkcond character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a domain type, which is basically an internal type with a check condition added - checkcond is a string of the form: VALUE >= 1 AND VALUE <= 100 - returns the id of the created record.
Function call: create_lab_standards_file (standard integer, labcode character varying) character varying
Schema: reference
Function call: createlookuptable (ourname character varying, schema character varying, synonyms boolean) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a generic lookup table file. If the optional synonyms flag is set, include a synonym column to point back to the record
Function call: createlookuptypefortable (lookuptype character varying, descr character varying, tblname character varying, lkupcol character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a lookup type for a table which already exists.
Function call: createlookuptype (ourname character varying, descr character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a lookup type. Also create the corresponding table which will contain the definitions of the values we will be looking up.
Function call: create_password (passlength integer) text
Schema: backofficeDescription: Creates a random password of the specified length using the following characters only:
Function call: create_pin (pinlength integer, OUT pin text) text
Schema: backofficeDescription: Creates a random numeric PIN number of the specified lenght (default 6 digits), for use during user registration.
Function call: createtablefield (tblid integer, fname character varying[], typid integer, keyf boolean, mand boolean, repeat boolean) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a table field
Function call: custom_excel_import (jid integer, mail_userid integer, mail_msgid bigint, sheet character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Parses custom lab spreadsheet data and inserts it into iSIKHNAS.
Called by parse_XM.
- JID: jobid from the import jobs list (currently only 1)
- msgid: unique message ID assigned at receipt of the email
Function call: definitive_diagnosis_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: del_ah (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_ai (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from aireports/aireportanimals
Function call: del_bb (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_bcs (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_bh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_cip (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from users
Function call: del_cul (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from afkir
Function call: del_dh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from hewan
Function call: del_dnc (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from shipments/nitrogenshipment
Function call: del_dp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from users
Function call: del_dsb (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from shipments/strawshipment
Function call: del_dx (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from diagnoses
Function call: delete_email (bademail text, reason text) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Deletes the specified email address, and sends an SMS alert to the user, and an email alert to their
kabupaten coordinator alerting them of the fact and the reason
Function call: deletetablerecords (tblname character varying, condition character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a table name and a text condition, delete all records from that table which match the specified condition.
Function call: del_hk (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from case_animals
Function call: del_hpt (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from hijauan
Function call: del_ib (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_image (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from caseimages
Function call: del_jh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from pemilik_hewan
Function call: del_kgg (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_kom (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from komentar
Function call: del_kt (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_lab (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from submissions
Function call: del_lapp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: del_lh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg_lh from kejadian
Function call: del_ltl (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from investigationanimals
Function call: del_nik (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: del_ob (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from treatments/treatmentanimals
Function call: del_obi (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from treatments/treatmentanimals
Function call: del_pg (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_p (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from cases/syndromereports
Function call: del_pkb (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_pk (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from caseresults
Function call: del_pkhi (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from caseresults
Function call: del_pkl (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from caseresults
Function call: del_pl (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_pnc (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from receipt/nitrogenshipment
Function call: del_pneg (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from negativereports
Function call: del_pop (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from population
Function call: del_prp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from cases/signreports
Function call: del_ps (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_q (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from questions
Function call: del_r (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from response
Function call: del_rp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from slaughtertotals
Function call: del_rvak (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from riwayatvaksinasi
Function call: del_sap (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_sbh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from stokbibit
Function call: del_scs (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: del_shp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from stokbibit
Function call: del_sk (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from movement/movementanimals
Function call: del_sko (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from stocktake/containershipment
Function call: del_skp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from konsentrat
Function call: del_sksr (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_slab (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from surveillance
Function call: del_slap (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from surveillance
Function call: del_snc (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from stocktake/nitrogenshipment
Function call: del_sp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from sumberpenyakit
Function call: del_spk (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from survpasar
Function call: del_srab (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from rabiesreports
Function call: del_ssb (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from stocktake/strawshipment
Function call: del_sur (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from surveillance
Function call: del_tk (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from tandaklinis
Function call: del_tl (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from tindakanlain
Function call: del_tp (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from penolakan
Function call: del_uc (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from ujicepat
Function call: del_u (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from cases/signreports
Function call: del_uh (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from kejadian
Function call: del_ui (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from cases/signreports
Function call: del_vak (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from vaccinations
Function call: del_z (sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Delete msg from zoonoses
Function call: differential_diagnosis_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: excel_serial_to_date (indate character varying) date
Schema: backofficeDescription: Converts an Excel serial date value (as a sting input) to a PostgreSQL date value. Detects if the string is actually a text version date format.
Function call: find_function (functionname text) setof text
Schema: backofficeDescription: Find particular function and return name and namespace
Function call: format_phone (in_phone character varying, OUT result character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an international phone number, this function returns a local number.
phone is a phone number assumed to be in international format (that is, beginning with 62); however, checks are not done to ensure this is so. The first two characters of the phone number are replaced with 0.
Note: probably better to replace this function (where used) with local_phone, which DOES check whether have international format. (At this stage, identical copies of local_phone are stored in reference and backoffice.
Function call: general_disease_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (GENERAL_DISEASE_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: generate_checkdigit (inval bigint) bigint
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a number, return the checkdigit that should be appended to it.
Function call: generate_export_standard (expid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Generate an export spreadsheet standard
Function call: generatekeyselectcondition (flddata projfielddata[], keyfields integer[], outdata character varying[]) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a set of data values from a line, and information about the field definitions and which ones are key fields, return an SQL condition which can be used to select a record matching those key fields.
Function call: generate_lab_standards (standard integer, labcode character varying) integer
Schema: reference
Function call: get_age (birthday date, userid integer) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Given a number, return it with a check digit appended to the end of it
Function call: get_animal_id_by_centre (bibcode character varying, eartagcode character varying, creator integer, infratypeid integer, species integer, dob date, gender integer, OUT animalid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return Animal ID, create new record if not found
Function call: get_animal_id (ownerid integer, anident character varying, OUT animalid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns the unique animal ID based on tag number and internal iSIKHNAS owner ID
Function call: get_animal_id (phone character varying, anident character varying, sms_userid integer, OUT animalid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Look up Animal ID given Farmer Phone, SMS User ID and Anident
Function call: get_animal_types_name (antype_id integer, user_id integer, OUT animal_types_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the animal type in the viewer's language.
SELECT get_animal_types_name(animaltypeid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
anytable is any table that contains an animaltypeid field (for example, reference.animal_types (field name: id), or data.slaughtertotals (field name: animaltypeid).
Function call: getbasetypeoftype (typeoid oid) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the oid of a type, keep returning its basetype until we get to an elemental type which does not have a further base type, then return the text name of that type. Usually this should return in only one iteration but one could, for example, have a domain type which is based on another domain type, which could require
two iterations.
Function call: get_cell_ref (ref character varying, rid integer, parentcell integer, rowcol character) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Get a cell reference
Function call: getcodelookupdata (lkuptypid integer) public.hstore
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the id of a field type, which must be a lookup type, return a hstore object which contains all the valid lookup codes, mapped to the associated numeric id which we will use internally to represent it.
Function call: getcodelookupquery (lkuptypid integer) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Create a query which, for a given lookup type, returns all currently valid lookup codes and their corresponding id values.
Function call: get_data_range (trange character varying, rowcol character, OUT rng integer[]) integer[]
Schema: metadataDescription: Get the min and max non-empty row in an excel-like range
Function call: getdatatableid (tblnam character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the name of an iSikhnas data table, return its id number
Function call: getdaterange (datetype integer, basedate date) daterange
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a date range type, return a date range object
Function call: getdaterangelimits (datetype integer, basedate date) date[]
Schema: referenceDescription: Return an array of two dates which are the inclusive ends of the date range specified by the date type integer.
Function call: get_differential (sms_caseid integer, sms_userid integer, lim integer, id integer, disease text, sx double precision) setof record
Schema: referenceDescription: Get differentials for a particular case
Function call: get_disease_name (d_code integer, user_id integer, OUT d_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a diseaseid, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the disease name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_disease_name(diseaseid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_disease_names (d_codes integer[], user_id integer, OUT d_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY. Its parameters are 1) an array of diseaseids, and 2) the userid.
The function returns a comma-separated list of the corresponding disease names, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_disease_names(diseaseidarray, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
If your query is not based on a table field that is already in array format, you can aggregate the data using a SELECT query with a GROUP BY clause, then convert the data into an array using ARRAY_AGG:
SELECT item1, get_disease_names(ARRAY_AGG(diseaseid)) FROM anytable GROUP BY item1;
Function call: get_drug_names (d_codes integer[], OUT d_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY. Its parameters are an array of drugids (e.g. for vaccines, this is 15).
The function returns a comma-separated list of the corresponding vames.
SELECT get_drug_names(drugidarray) FROM drugs;
If your query is not based on a table field that is already in array format, you can aggregate the data using a SELECT query with a GROUP BY clause, then convert the data into an array using ARRAY_AGG:
SELECT item1, get_drug_names(ARRAY_AGG(drugid)) FROM anytable GROUP BY item1;
Function call: get_dup_anident (ownerid character varying, anident character varying, userid integer, OUT dup_anident character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Get duplicate Anident
Function call: get_farmer_id (phone bigint, sms_userid integer, OUT farmerid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Get Farmer ID given Farmer Phone (Big Int) and SMS User ID
Function call: get_farmer_id (phone character varying, sms_userid integer, OUT farmerid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Get Farmer ID given Farmer Phone (Character Varying) and SMS User ID
Function call: get_farmer_ids (phone character varying, sms_userid integer, OUT farmerid integer) setof integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Get Farmer ID/s given Farmer Phone (Character Varying) and SMS User ID
Function call: get_group_name (groupid integer, user_id integer, OUT group_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This functions returns the human readable name of a group, given the groupid, returned in the language of the viewer of the report.
SELECT get_group_name(groupid, <<userid>>)
If no value is provided for the language of the user of the report, the language of the subject of the report is used instead.
Function call: get_group_names (groupids integer[], user_id integer, OUT group_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of groupids, this functions returns a human readable list formatted for HTML display of group names, returned in the language of the viewer of the report.
SELECT get_group_names(groupids, <<userid>>)
If no value is provided for the language of the user of the report, the language of the subject of the report is used instead.
Function call: get_hostname (OUT hostname text) text
Schema: metadataDescription: This function is not as smart as it might appear. It relies on the /etc/hostname file being set during the cloud-init process (or sometime thereafter). This function will not work on a replica as it creates a temporary table to store the data during loading. [BM]
Function call: get_infra_id (infra_type character varying, infra_code character varying, sms_userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Get infrastructure ID
Function call: get_infra_id (infra_type integer, infra_code character varying, sms_userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Get infrastructure ID
Function call: get_infrastructure_name (infra_id integer, OUT i_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Given the infrastructureid, the function returns the name of the infrastructure.
SELECT get_infrastructure_name(infraid) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_infrastructure_names (infra_ids integer[], OUT i_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY of infrastructureids.
The function returns a semicolon-separated list of the corresponding infrastructure names.
SELECT get_infrastructure_names(infrastructureidarray) FROM anytable;
If your query is not based on a table field that is already in array format, you can aggregate the data using a SELECT query with a GROUP BY clause, then convert the data into an array using ARRAY_AGG:
SELECT item1, get_infrastructure_names(ARRAY_AGG(infrastructureid)) FROM anytable GROUP BY item1;
Function call: get_ivm (start_date date, end_date date, OUT created_at timestamp with time zone, OUT district_code integer, OUT district_name character varying, OUT province_id integer, OUT epi_lab_number integer, OUT epi_lab_ref_number character varying, OUT epi_year character varying, OUT htype integer, OUT ntype integer, OUT id integer, OUT isolate_name character varying, OUT virology_lab_identifier character varying) setof record
Schema: backoffice
Function call: get_lang (user_id integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return a user's preferred language
Function call: get_location (loccode character varying, OUT locationname character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Get a location name based on ID
Function call: get_location (locid integer, OUT locationname character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Get a location name based on ID
Function call: get_location_id (loccode character varying) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a location code, return the id of the location with that code, or null if it is an invalid code.
Function call: get_location_id (loccode character varying, userid integer, force_village boolean) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a location code entered by a user, return the id of the location to use, or null if no valid village-level location code can be determined.
Function call: get_locationlevel_name (ll_code integer, user_id integer, OUT ll_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a locationlevel code, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the location level name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_locationlevel_name(locationlevelcode, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_location_names (loc_ids integer[], OUT i_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY of locationids.
The function returns a semicolon-separated list of the corresponding location names.
SELECT get_location_names(locationidarray) FROM anytable;
If your query is not based on a table field that is already in array format, you can aggregate the data using a SELECT query with a GROUP BY clause, then convert the data into an array using ARRAY_AGG:
SELECT item1, get_location_names(ARRAY_AGG(locationid)) FROM anytable GROUP BY item1;
Function call: get_location_names_rev (loc_ids integer[], OUT i_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY of locationids.
The function returns a semicolon-separated list of the corresponding location names, with levels ordered from general to specific.
SELECT get_location_names_rev(locationidarray) FROM anytable;
If your query is not based on a table field that is already in array format, you can aggregate the data using a SELECT query with a GROUP BY clause, then convert the data into an array using ARRAY_AGG:
SELECT item1, get_location_names_rev(ARRAY_AGG(locationid)) FROM anytable GROUP BY item1;
Function call: get_location_rev (loccode character varying, OUT locationname character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Get a location name based on code
Function call: get_location_rev (locid integer, OUT locationname character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Get a location name based on ID
Function call: getlookuplistquery (lkuptypid integer, userid integer) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a lookup type, return a query which can be used to return a list suitable for display in places such as a filter listbox, in the users preferred language.
Function call: get_messagecode (msgid_code bigint, OUT mcode character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameter is a msgid.
The function returns the messagecode.
SELECT get_messagecode(msgid) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_messagecode_name (msgid_code bigint, user_id integer, OUT mt_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a msgid, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the messagecode name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_messagecode_name(msgid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_messagetypeid (msgid bigint, OUT mtypeid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameter is a msgid.
The function returns the messagetypeid.
SELECT get_messagetypeid(msgid) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_month_name (month_id integer, user_id integer, OUT month_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the name of the day of the week in the viewer's language. It can be used on a date field as shown:
SELECT get_month_name(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM reportdate)::integer, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_owner_id (ownername character varying, owneraddress character varying, ownerphone phonenumber, ownerlocationid integer, creator integer, ownermsgid integer, OUT ownerid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: For use in the infolab spreadsheet import
Function call: get_owner_id (ownername character varying, owneraddress character varying, ownerphone phonenumber, ownerlocationid integer, ownermsgid integer, OUT ownerid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Stephen Kirby Created this for the use in the infolab spreadsheet import
Function call: get_palette_code (palette_id integer, OUT palette_code character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the R-readable code for the selected Colorbrewer palette, for use in charts.
SELECT GET_PALETTE_CODE(<<palette>>) FROM anytable;
<<palette>> is, or is selected as a lookupone filter through the interface.
Function call: get_param (pname character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns the specified parameter value from the parameters table. These parameters are intended for general system variables.
Function call: get_pdsr_hpai_village_status (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Check village HPAI status
Function call: get_pop (species integer, locationid integer, reportdate date, population integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Returns a table contining the most up to date population
data for all villages for the specified species. Table fields are locationid, reportdate, population.
Function call: get_population (sp integer, loc integer, OUT total integer, OUT createdon timestamp without time zone) record
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns the most recent population data for the specified species and location. The function returns a record with two fields: total and createdon.
select (get_population(22,67720)).total ;
select * from get_population(22,67720);
select createdon from get_population(22,6772);
Function call: getprojectfielddata (prjid integer) projfielddata[]
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a project code, return an array of records, each of which contains all information needed to process one of the input fields in TranslateInputValue.
Function call: get_purpose_name (p_code integer, user_id integer, OUT p_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a purposeid, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the purpose name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_purpose_name(purposeid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: getrectodeleteid (tblnm character varying, flddata projfielddata[], keyfields integer[], outdata character varying[]) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Given a set of data values from a line, and information about the field definitions and which ones are key fields, see if there is an existing record with the same key values, and return its id if so, or NULL otherwise.
Function call: get_related_table (_table text, a text, b text, c text, d text) setof record
Schema: labDescription: Get all related tables
Function call: getroottypeoftype (typeoid oid) oid
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the oid of a type, keep returning its basetype until we get to an elemental type which does not have a further base type. Usually this should return in only one iteration but one could, for example, have a domain type which is based on another domain type, which could require two iterations.
Function call: get_sign_name (s_code integer, user_id integer, OUT s_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a signid, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the sign name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_sign_name(signid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_sign_names (signids integer[], user_id integer, OUT sign_names character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription:
Returns a string containing a list of sign names corresponding to the sign codes in the passed array, in the viewer's language.
SELECT get_sign_names(signsidarray, <<userid>> FROM signreports;
Function call: get_sign_names (signids integer[], user_id integer, OUT sign_names character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns a string containing a list of sign names corresponding to the sign codes in the passed array, in the viewer's language.
SELECT get_sign_names(signsidarray, <<userid>> FROM signreports;
Function call: get_sign_names (signids integer[], user_id integer, OUT sign_names character varying) character varying
Schema: smsDescription:
Returns a string containing a list of sign names corresponding to the sign codes in the passed array, in the viewer's language.
SELECT get_sign_names(signsidarray, <<userid>> FROM signreports;
Function call: get_singlecolour_code (OUT singlecolour_code character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the 'R-readable' code for the iSIKHNAS standard colour, to be passed to R for use in charts that have a single colour. The colour is hard-wired into the function; currently, it is set as 'firebrick'.
Function call: get_sms_cname (sms_id integer, user_id integer, OUT sms_cname character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the code and name of the sms in the form code: name, based on the sms id and the user id to determine the correct language
SELECT get_sms_cname(smsid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_sms_cnames (sms_ids integer[], user_id integer, OUT sms_cnames character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
This function must be applied to an ARRAY. It returns a comma-separated list (on separate lines) of the code and name of the sms in the form code: name, based on the sms id and the user id to determine the correct language
SELECT get_sms_cnames(smsidarray, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_sms_format_description (sms_start_code character varying, lang integer, OUT sms_format character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Stub for real CUSUM to determine if the current period's level or reporting is unusual
Function call: get_sms_format (sms_msg_id integer, lang integer, OUT sms_format character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns the sms message format in the specified language for a given message (specified by the id of the message in the metadata.sms table
Used for automated system documentation and generation of training materials.
Function call: get_sms_format (sms_start_code character varying, lang integer, OUT sms_format character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns the sms message format in the specified language for a given message (specified by the start code of the message)
Used for automated system documentation and generation of training materials.
Function call: get_sms_format_user (sms_msg_id integer, uid integer, OUT sms_format character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Wrapper for get_sms_format. This version takes the userid and returns the format
in the appropriate langage.
Function call: get_species_hier_id (spec_id integer, OUT species_id integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the highest-level id of the species, based on the species id SELECT get_species_hier_id(speciesid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_species_hier_name (spec_id integer, user_id integer, OUT species_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the highest-level name of the species, based on the species id and the user id to determine the correct language
SELECT get_species_hier_name(speciesid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_species_name (spec_id integer, user_id integer, OUT species_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the name of the species, based on the species id and the user id to determine the correct language
SELECT get_species_name(speciesid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_string (trans_key character varying, OUT st_out character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns a string from the translation table (corresponding to the specified key) in the default language (Indonesian)
Function call: get_string (trans_key character varying, user_id integer, OUT st_out character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Retuns a string from the tranlsation table (corresponding to the specified key) in the default language (Indonesian)
Function call: get_syndrome_name (syndromeid integer, user_id integer, OUT syndrome_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the name of the syndrome in the language of the viewer (user), given the syndromeid and userid.
SELECT get_syndrome_name(syndromeid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_table_data (jid integer, tid integer, rid integer, sheet character varying, parentrow integer) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: This function uses recursion to loop down through subsequent tables / sheets of data to allow insert of subdata from sheets
Function call: gettableinfodata (prjid integer) tableinforecord[]
Schema: metadataDescription: This function collects information about project tables needed by UploadInputData
Function call: get_target_name (t_code integer, user_id integer, OUT t_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
The parameters are 1) a targetid, and 2) the userid.
The function returns the target name, in the language of the report viewer.
SELECT get_target_name(targetid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_tindakan_name (tindakan_id integer, user_id integer, OUT tindakan_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription:
Returns the name of the tindakan, based on the tindakan id and the user id to determine the correct language
SELECT get_tindakan_name(tindakanid, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: get_treatment_script (user_id integer, OUT treatment_code character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the string that controls formatting of the dose information, according to the viewer's language.
SELECT get_treatment_script(<<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Script (English): '%s head %s @ %s %s with %s'
Script (Indonesian): '%s ekor %s @ %s %s dengan %s'
Function call: get_treatmenttype_name (d_code integer, user_id integer, OUT dt_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This functions returns the human readable name of a treatment type, given the treatmenttypeid, returned in the language of the viewer of the report.
SELECT get_treatmenttype_name(treatmenttypeid, <<userid>>)
If no value is provided for the language of the user of the report, the language of the subject of the report is used instead.
Function call: gettypeid (lookuptype character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the name of a lookup (or other) type in our fieldtypes table, return the id
Function call: get_user_groups (userid integer, user_id integer, OUT user_groups character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This functions returns a human readable list of the groups that a user is in, returned in the language of the viewer of the report.
SELECT id, get_user_groups(id, <<userid>>)
FROM users;
If no value is provided for the language of the user of the report, the language of the subject of the report is used instead.
Function call: get_vaccination_order (animalid bigint, vaccineid bigint, OUT vorder integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a animal id, vaccine id, and return the vaccine order by diseases id.
Function call: get_weekday_name (weekday_id integer, user_id integer, OUT weekday_name character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function returns the name of the day of the week in the viewer's language. It can be used on a date field as shown:
SELECT get_weekday_name((CASE WHEN EXTRACT(DOW FROM sessionstart::TIMESTAMP)=0 THEN 7 ELSE EXTRACT(DOW FROM sessionstart::TIMESTAMP) END)::integer, <<userid>>) FROM anytable;
Function call: hierindent (name character varying, hiercode character varying, html boolean, OUT indented_name character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Given a hierarchical code returns it indented
Function call: hier_parents (code character varying, toplevel integer) setof character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Given a hierachical code in the form, this function returns a set of parent codes, up to the specified level, or up to level 1 if not specified.
For location codes (without '.') it returns higher level codes.
Function call: hiersort (hiercode character varying, OUT sortcode integer[]) integer[]
Schema: backofficeDescription: Given a hierarchical code returns it as an array
Function call: im_parse (msg character varying, user_mail character varying, msg_id bigint) void
Schema: smsDescription: Parse incoming SMS
Function call: im_parse_xmpp (msg character varying, user_im character varying, msg_id bigint, OUT insert_id bigint) bigint
Schema: smsDescription:
This is essentially the same as im_parse, but takes the mobile phone number instead of the email address. Note: Unlike the im_parse() version of the function (which returns void), this is returning the insert id... it was for debugging, is there any reason not to?[bm]
Example call:
SELECT im_parse_xmpp('kode', '', '2233915044836935');
Function call: infection_source_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: insertprojectrecords (userid integer, fielddata projfielddata[], tableinfo tableinforecord[], datavaluesall character varying[], auxtbl character varying, parentline integer, tblidx integer, parentrecid integer) inputprocessresult
Schema: metadataDescription: An auxiliary routine used by UploadInputData to do the work of inserting the new data, using the data structures created by UploadInputData. It will also delete any existing records whose keyfields match new data being inserted.
Function call: install_rcmd ( text) text
Schema: backoffice
Function call: int_phone (l_phone bigint, OUT int_phone character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Convert a phone number from local to international format
Function call: int_phone (l_phone character varying, OUT int_phone character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Convert a phone number from local to international format
Function call: is_child (parent character varying, child character varying, OUT is_child boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription:
Determine if any hierarchical code is a child of any other hierarchical code
Function call: ischildlocation (parentid integer, locid integer[]) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Return true if any loc id is a child of the parent id, or false otherwise.
Function call: ischildlocation (parentid integer, locid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: See if a location is the child of another location. Do this by checking that the code of the potential child location begins with the code of the parent location. Or, if the parent location has a code of "0" (i.e. Indonesia), that code is a parent of all other locations.
Function call: ischildlocation (parentids integer[], locid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Return true if loc id is a child location of any of the parent ids (including if it is the same location), or false otherwise.
Function call: is_child_sign (parentid integer, childid integer, OUT is_child boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription:
Returns a boolean (TRUE,FALSE) depending on whether the sign is a child of another sign.
SELECT is_child_sign(parentsignid, childsignid) FROM anytable;
Function call: is_child_sign (parentid integer, childids integer[], OUT is_at_least_one_child boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription:
Returns a boolean (TRUE,FALSE) depending on whether at least one of the signs in the array is a child of another sign.
SELECT is_child_sign(parentsignid, childsignidarray) FROM anytable;
Function call: is_child_species (parentid integer, childid integer, OUT is_child boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return whether a species is a child of another species in the hierarchy
Function call: is_child_speciestype (parentid integer, childid integer, OUT is_child boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Sikhnas codes are no longer used. This now behaves exactly like is_child_species
Function call: is_child_speciestype (parentids integer[], childid integer) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return whether a species is a child of another species in the hierarchy
Function call: is_hpai_compatible_event (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT event boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Determines if there has been an HPAI-compatible event in the specified village in the specified time period.
Time period defaults to 14 days, base date defaults to now.
The function checks a) for any response (R) report that includes HPAI as the differential diagnosis, and for any priority syndrome report (P)
for mortality in poultry that does not yet have a response report.
Function call: is_hpai_control_happening (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT control boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Determines if there are currently HPAI control activities
in the specified village, defined as biosecurity measures reported with Tindakan Lain.
Function call: is_hpai_lab_test_pos (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT event boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Returns true of there has been at least one positive HPAI rapid test report from the village in the specified time period
Function call: is_hpai_rapid_test_pos (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT event boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Returns true of there has been at least one positive HPAI rapid test report from the village in the specified time period
Function call: is_in_user_area (child_userid integer, parent_userid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: See if a user is the child of another user.
Function call: is_in_user_arearev (child_userid integer, parent_userid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: See if a user is the child of another user.
Function call: isnumeric ( text) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Check if input is numeric
Function call: is_open_hpai_case (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT control boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Is there an active (unresolved) case with
a definitive diagnosis of HPAI in the village?
Function call: is_parent_area (child integer, parent integer, OUT is_parent boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Returns true or false, depending on whether the parent is a parent of the child i.e. the child location lies within the area of the parent location.
Function call: is_permitted2 (perm integer, uid integer, OUT allowed boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return true or false, depending on whether a user has permission to perform a particular task. This returns the value from the user permission record if it exists, otherwise true if any of the groups that the user belongs to has the permission granted.
Function call: is_permitted_group (perm integer, uid integer, OUT allowed boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return true or false, depending on whether a user has permission to perform a particular task through one of the groups he is a member of (ignoring any user_permissions record).
Function call: is_permitted (perm integer, uid integer, OUT allowed boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return true or false, depending on whether a user has permission to perform a particular task. This returns the value from the user permission record if it exists, otherwise true if any of the groups that the user belongs to has the permission granted.
Function call: is_permitted (perm text, uid integer, OUT allowed boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Return whether a user has a particular permission whose name is specified. This is implemented in terms of another overload of this function.
Function call: is_terminal_infrastructure (infraid integer, OUT terminal boolean) boolean
Schema: backofficeDescription: Identifies which records are the last levels in the hierarchy (have no children)
Function call: is_under_surveillance (desa integer, basedate timestamp without time zone, period integer, OUT event boolean) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Returns the HPAI status of the specified village:
0: No surveillance in this village; 1: Apparently free; 2: Suspect; 3: Infected
Function call: list_functions (OUT schema character varying, OUT fname character varying, OUT foid oid, OUT returntype character varying, OUT pos integer, OUT direction character, OUT argname character varying, OUT datatype character varying, OUT description character varying) setof record
Schema: backofficeDescription: Generates a list of all functions in the database and returns the schema, function name, arguments, return type and description
Function call: local_phone (int_phone character varying, OUT l_phone character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription:
SELECT local_phone(phone) FROM anytable;
This function checks to see if the phone number is prepended by '0'. If it is, the phone number is assumed to be already in local format. Otherwise, it is assumed to be in international format, and the first two digits are removed and replaced with '0'.
Note: this function is an improved version of reference.format_phone, but is identical to reference.local_phone; one of these should be removed.
Function call: log_error (sms_userid integer, sms_msg character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Add record to sms errors
Function call: log_import_error (iref character varying, imsg character varying, isheet character varying) integer
Schema: metadataDescription: Given the name of a lookup (or other) type in our fieldtypes table, return the id
Function call: luhn_checksum (inval bigint) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Calculate a Luhn checksum of the supplied number.
Functions to handle Luhn checksums: luhn_checksum, verify_checksum, generate_checkdigit, add_checkdigit, remove_checkdigit.
Code has been modified from
(with some help from the Python implementation in the above Wikipedia page).
luhn_checksum was factored out of the original code so it could be reused
in both verify_checksum and verify_checksum.
Also fixed a bug in the original code: LOG(inval) had to be changed to
LOG(inval+1) to correctly generate check digits for powers of ten.
Case ids, for example, are stored as integers without checksums. When
passed as a reference to external users, a checksum digit is appended.
When users supply a case id, it should include the checksum digit, and
we verify that it has a checksum of zero. If not, it is an invalid number.
This detects most common errors such as single digit error, transpositions,
etc. Stripping off the checksum digit will get back the internal caseid.
Tests: the following statements should all evaluate to true.
SELECT luhn_checksum(10000) = 1;
SELECT luhn_checksum(10009) = 0;
SELECT verify_checksum(10000) = false;
SELECT verify_checksum(10009) = true;
SELECT generate_checkdigit(1000) = 9;
SELECT add_checkdigit(1000) = 10009;
SELECT remove_checkdigit(10009) = 1000;
SELECT luhn_checksum(5163103000504460) = 2;
SELECT verify_checksum(5163103000504460) = false;
SELECT verify_checksum(5163103000504468);
SELECT generate_checkdigit(516310300050446) = 8;
SELECT add_checkdigit(516310300050446) = 5163103000504468;
SELECT remove_checkdigit(5163103000504468) = 516310300050446;
Function call: make_regex (sms_msg_id integer, group_regex boolean) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Generates regex to parse an SMS message.
Function call: make_sms_function (sms_msg_id integer) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Generates PL/SQL function to process an SMS message.
Function call: make_sms_get_vars (sms_msg_id integer, grouped boolean, OUT declarations character varying, OUT funccode character varying, OUT fieldnames character varying[], OUT insertvars character varying[]) record
Schema: metadataDescription: Get vars for SMS
Function call: make_sms_info (sms_msg_id integer) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Generates PL/SQL function to process an SMS message requesting information - no data stored in database. Used for help etc
Function call: msg_ah (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ai (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_bb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_bcs (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_bcsk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_bh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cip (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckab (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckhi (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cki (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckjs (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cko (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckpr (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cks (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ckt (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cpd (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_csr (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cul (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cv (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_cvr (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_d (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dhk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dhm (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dhp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dip (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dkb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dkl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dnc (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dsb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_dx (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_gi (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_h (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_hk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_hpt (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ib (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ih (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_image (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_io (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_jbh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_jh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ka (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_kdp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_kdx (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_kgg (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_kmt (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_kneg (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_kode (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_kom (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_kt (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lab (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lapd (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lapk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lapp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lapsk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_link (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_lkom (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_lok (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ltl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: backoffice
Function call: msg_ltl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_n (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_nik (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_ob (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_obi (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pg (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_p (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pkb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pkhi (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pkl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pnc (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pneg (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_pop (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_prp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_psb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ps (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_q (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_r (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_rp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_rvak (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sap (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sbh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_scs (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_shp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: NOTE: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sko (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_skp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sksr (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_slab (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_slap (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_snc (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_spk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_srab (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ssb (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_sur (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_tk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_tl (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_tp (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_uc (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ue (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: sms
Function call: msg_u (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_uh (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_ui (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_vak (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_vsk (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: msg_z (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: This function was automatically generated by metadata.make_sms_function(). To make changes, please update the metadata in metadata.sms and metadata sms_fields, and regenerate this function.
Function call: nama (first character varying, sur character varying, OUT nama character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: This function also uses regular expression test on the firstname to remove any errant characters (newline or carriage returns) that might have crept in.
trim( coalesce( initcap(trim(regexp_replace(first, E'[\\n\\r\\f\\u000B\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]+', ' ', 'g' )))
Function call: nama (usrid integer, OUT nama character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Get user name based on given ID)
Function call: outcome_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (OUTCOME_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: parse_xm (fname character varying, sender character varying, email_msgid bigint, infname character varying, OUT functionstatus integer, OUT lab2id text) record
Schema: backoffice
Function call: pg_stat_statements (showtext boolean, OUT userid oid, OUT dbid oid, OUT queryid bigint, OUT query text, OUT calls bigint, OUT total_time double precision, OUT min_time double precision, OUT max_time double precision, OUT mean_time double precision, OUT stddev_time double precision, OUT rows bigint, OUT shared_blks_hit bigint, OUT shared_blks_read bigint, OUT shared_blks_dirtied bigint, OUT shared_blks_written bigint, OUT local_blks_hit bigint, OUT local_blks_read bigint, OUT local_blks_dirtied bigint, OUT local_blks_written bigint, OUT temp_blks_read bigint, OUT temp_blks_written bigint, OUT blk_read_time double precision, OUT blk_write_time double precision) setof record
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_array_accum ( double precision[], double precision) double precision[]
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_array_push ( double precision[], double precision) double precision[]
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_get_raw ( bytea) bytea
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_inline_handler ( internal) void
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_set_display ( text) text
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_set_rhome ( text) text
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_singleton_array ( double precision) double precision[]
Schema: backoffice
Function call: plr_validator ( oid) void
Schema: backoffice
Function call: print_custom_lab_report (labsubmission integer, OUT columns integer, OUT epinumd text, OUT infrastructureid integer, OUT emailto text, OUT response json) record
Schema: labDescription: Print a custom lab report
Function call: print_custom_lab_test (labsubmission integer, OUT table_data json) json
Schema: labDescription: Test - delete?
Function call: priority_disease_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: put_on_queue (msg json, queue character varying) character varying
Schema: sms
Function call: rapid_tests_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (RAPID_TESTS_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: remove_checkdigit (inval bigint) bigint
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a number which contains a check digit, return the original
number minus the check digit. The caller should check that
verify_checksum(inval) is true before calling this function.
Function call: rep_ai (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get report from aireports, productionsystems and aireportanimals
Function call: rep_case (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on a specific case
Function call: rep_caseresult (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on a specific case result
Function call: report_custom_import_errors (fname character varying, email character varying) integer
Schema: metadata
Function call: rep_rabies (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on Rabies
Function call: rep_response (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Report on response
Function call: rep_signs (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on the signs of a particular case
Function call: rep_syndromes (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on the syndromes of a particular case
Function call: rep_treatment (caseid integer, sms_userid integer, repdate timestamp without time zone, summary character varying) setof record
Schema: dataDescription: Get a report on the treatment undertaken on a particular case
Function call: save_report_file_to_s3 (filename character varying) integer
Schema: backoffice
Function call: save_report_params_to_ddb (rid integer, uid integer, link character varying, params jsonb, srid integer, eventtime timestamp with time zone, runtime numeric) integer
Schema: backoffice
Function call: send_client_report (epinumber character varying, labuserid integer) boolean
Schema: labDescription: Sending client report
Function call: send_email (sendto character varying[], subject character varying, body character varying, files character varying[], html character varying) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Send an email with specified body text and attachments:
- sendto: recipient's email address (only one recipient allowed currently)
- subject: subject line
- body: body text of the message
- files: varchar array of file names including paths (must be readable by the db user)
The senders email is automatically set to 'iSIKHNAS <>'
Function call: send_error_msg (sms_phone character varying, sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Sends an error message and logs the error
Function call: send_error_msg (sms_phone character varying, sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Sends an error message and logs the error
Function call: sendmessage (labid integer, email text, OUT argv text) text
Schema: backoffice
Function call: send_sms (phone character varying, msg character varying, priority boolean, modem character varying) boolean
Schema: smsDescription: Function to send SMS
Function call: send_sms_old (phone character varying, msg character varying, priority boolean, modem character varying) character varying
Schema: sms
Function call: send_template_report (rep_template character varying, email character varying, recid integer, database character varying) character varying
Schema: backoffice
Function call: settableattributes (tblnm character varying) void
Schema: metadataDescription: Set the default owner and rights for any tables or views created
Function call: sms_parse (msg character varying, msg_type character varying, msg_id bigint) void
Schema: smsDescription: Function to parse incoming SMS
Function call: sms_process (sms_msg character varying, sms_msgid bigint, sms_userid integer, sms_phone character varying) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Process an incoming text message
Function call: spatial_aggregate_to_new_parent (units integer[], parentname character varying, userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Create a new parent-level spatial unit, by aggregating a group of children units.
For example, a contiguous group of desa from several neighbouring kecamatan can be selected and aggregated into a new kecamatan.
units: an array of unit IDs for the units to be aggregated
parentname: the name of the new parent unit to create
userid: the id of the current user
Function call: spatial_can_edit (userid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a user id returns true if the user has permission to edit data in the spatial data management system or false otherwise.
This is a wrapper function for is_permitted('can_edit_spatial', userid)
Function call: spatial_edit (unit integer, newname character varying, newcomment text, userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Edit the name and commnent of spatial data.
- unit: id of spatial unit
- newname: new name
- newcomment: new comment
- userid: user user id
Function call: spatial_explode_desa (desa integer, userid integer) void
Schema: referenceDescription: Break a multi-part village polygon into multiple seprate villages. Useful for working with islands. Automatcally recodes and names each part sequentially.
Function call: spatial_get_parent (childid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a spatial unit id, returns the id of the parent unit.
Function call: spatial_get_siblings_without_geom (desa integer) setof record
Schema: referenceDescription: Given a spatial unit id, returns a table consisting of the id, name and code of all sibling units in the same parent unit that do not have any defined boundary geometry
Function call: spatial_is_desa (desa integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Returns true if the id provided is for a desa (unit level 5) or false otherwise
Function call: spatial_is_multipart (desa integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Returns true if the polygon has more than one parts
Function call: spatial_link_previous_record (original_desa integer, new_desa_to_link integer, new_desa_no_link integer, desa_with_no_geom integer, userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Links an existing manually created spatial unit created through the table interface, to a newly split desa.
This function is intended as a means to update manually created spatial units with their boundary data. This function is part of the web-based spatial data management system and is not intended to be called manually.
- original_desa integer, -- the oirignal desa that has been split into two desa
- new_desa_to_link integer, -- the desa split from the original, that is to be linked to a previously manually created record that has no geom
- new_desa_no_link integer, -- the split desa that represents the original - no linking required
- desa_with_no_geom integer, -- the manually created record with no geom that is to be linked to the new desa that was split from the original
- userid integer -- the id of the current user)
Function call: spatial_merge_desa (desa1 integer, desa2 integer, userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Given the spatial ids of two villages (desa1 and desa2), merges their boundaries into a single desa, retaining the attributes of desa1 returning the id of the merged village
Function call: spatial_parent_is_above_children (units integer[], destination integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Check function for the move procedure. Given an array of child unit ids (to recode) and the id of the destination unit,
returns true if the destination unit is on level above the child units, otherwise false.
Function call: spatial_recode (units integer[], destination integer, userid integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Move (recode) procedure. Moves units from one parent unit to another.
Given an array of units at the same level and in the same parent
(both of which should be first checked before this function is called), and the id of the destination parent,
this function recodes the child units and any other lower units they contain according to the new parent unit code,
and recalculates the boundaries of the parent and any higher units.
Function call: spatial_split_desa (desa integer, boundary public.geometry, userid integer) setof integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Split procedure. Splits one desa into two new desa, using a line digitised by the user.
Given an id for the desa, and a line geometry unit (in WGS84 coordinates (EPSG:4326)), splits the desa
into two new desa, each of which will have identical attributes, and returns the new unit IDs
Function call: spatial_units_are_contiguous (units integer[]) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units and another unit, determines if all the units are contiguous.
If at least unit does not contact any other units, returns false, otherwise true
Function call: spatial_units_are_contiguous (units integer[], destination integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units and another unit, determines if all the units are contiguous.
If at least unit does not contact any other units, returns false, otherwise true
Function call: spatial_units_at_same_level (units integer[]) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units, returns true if all the units are at the same level, otherwise false
Function call: spatial_units_in_area (units integer[], destination integer, userid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units, another unit id, and a user id, returns true if all the units are in the user's area of responsibility, otherwise false
Function call: spatial_units_in_area (units integer[], userid integer) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units, and a user id, returns true if all the units are in the user's area of responsibility, otherwise false
Function call: spatial_units_in_same_grandparent (units integer[]) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units, returns true if all the units are in the same grandparent unit, otherwise false
Function call: spatial_units_in_same_parent (units integer[]) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Given an array of units, returns true if all the units are in the same parent unit, otherwise false
Function call: spatial_update_new_desa (newdesa integer, olddesa integer, new_name character varying) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Updates the name and code of a new desa created by spatial_split_desa()
Function call: submissions_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (submissions_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: summarise_data_records (sdate date, edate date, data_schema character varying[], schema_name text, table_name text, mth date, total integer) setof record
Schema: backofficeDescription: Produces a table showing the monthly total newly created records for each data table in the data schema over the specified period. This can be used for monitoring total system usage
Function call: tanggal (repdate timestamp without time zone, OUT formatteddate character varying) character varying
Schema: referenceDescription: Format a date
Function call: testhndlr1 (uid integer, i1 integer, str1 character varying, i2 integer, OUT result integer, OUT outmsg character varying) record
Schema: dataDescription: Looks like a test - delete?
Function call: testhndlr2 (uid integer, i1 integer, str1 character varying, i2 integer, OUT result integer, OUT outmsg character varying) record
Schema: dataDescription: Looks like another test - delete?
Function call: testvaliddate (instr character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Check if date is valid
Function call: testvalidoremptydate (instr character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Check if date is valid or empty
Function call: texttodate (instr character varying) date
Schema: metadataDescription: Return a NULL value if the input string is not a valid date, otherwise return a date corresponding to the input string.
Function call: tiggetpassword (_user_id character varying, OUT res_pw character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Given a user id, return a password
Function call: tiguserloginplainpw (_user_id character varying, _user_pw character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Login function
Function call: tiguserlogout ( character varying) void
Schema: backofficeDescription: Logout function apparently no longer being used (just returns). Delete?
Function call: track_usage (user_id integer, mtype character) integer
Schema: smsDescription: Function just returning 0 currently - delete?
Function call: translateinputvalue (flddata projfielddata, instr character varying, OUT result character varying, OUT errorstr character varying) record
Schema: metadataDescription: Given an input value, return the string that needs to be used in an INSERT/UPDATE sql statement. If there is an error, the result string will be NULL, and the errorstr return variable will contain information about the error that was detected.
Function call: translateinputvalues (flddata projfielddata[], indata character varying[], tablesused integer[], OUT outdata character varying[], OUT errors cellerrorinfo[]) record
Schema: metadataDescription: Given an array of field data and matching input values, create an array of corresponding output values for use in SQL statements. The errors output will have a variable number of entries - it will be null if there are no errors, otherwise will return an error message for each error found.
Function call: trawl_data (numdays integer, OUT reporttype text, OUT locationcode text, OUT locationid integer, OUT speciescode text, OUT speciesid integer, OUT signcode text, OUT signid integer, OUT targetcode text, OUT targetid integer, OUT dx integer) setof record
Schema: backofficeDescription: Identifies every unique combination of location, species and result (sign, syndrome, test target or diagnosis) as well as parent values in the corresponding hierarchies,
based on data for the specified period, and tests to see if they generate an alert.
Function call: treatment_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
SELECT (TREATMENT_REPORT(casechid,usrid,1)).*;
Function call: trunc_sms (message character varying, maxparts integer, OUT outmessage character varying) character varying
Schema: backofficeDescription: Truncates a string to fit in the specified number of text messages (default is 1).
This function leaves enough room for the "[iSIKHNAS]" prefix, adds "..." to indicate truncation.
A single SMS maximum is 160 characters, but for spanning SMS, each part can only have 153 characters.
Function call: trunc_user_area (userid integer, level integer, OUT area integer[]) integer[]
Schema: backofficeDescription: Takes a user id and (optionally) a number of digits to truncate to.
Returns an array of integers, being the ids of the area of responsibility, truncated to the desired level.
If truncation level is omitted, defaults to 4 (district/kabupaten).
This function is used in report generation to identify the area for the report to be generated.
With the default value of 4, users with multiple areas of responsibility wihtin a kabupaten will receive a single report for that kabupaten.
Users with multiple areas above the kabupate will have each area included in the report.
Function call: update_ods (fname character varying) integer
Schema: backoffice
Function call: update_permission (pid integer, gid integer, perm boolean) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Update permissions - update or insert
Function call: update_permission (pid integer, gid integer, permint integer) integer
Schema: backofficeDescription: Update permissions - update or insert
Function call: uploadinputdata (projid integer, userid integer, instr character varying) inputprocessresult
Schema: metadataDescription: Given an array of field data and matching input values, create an array of corresponding output values
for use in SQL statements. The errors output will have a variable number of entries - it will be null if there are no errors, otherwise will return an error message for each error found.
Function call: vaccination_history_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.
Function call: validate_value (fieldid integer, indata character varying, rowdata character varying[], userid integer, msgid bigint, OUT result businessrulereturn) businessrulereturn
Schema: metadataDescription: Validates an input value against metadata.
Inputs are:
- fieldid: the id of the field from the metadata.importfield table
- indata: the value to be validated, expressed as a string
- rowdata: a string array of all the values in the row, to be used for cross-field validation
- userid: the id of the current user
- msgid: the unique ID of the current message
Outputs: A record with two fields:
- result: 0 if valid, 1 if invalid
- error message: Error message explaining why the field is not valid
Function call: validintegervalue (instr character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Check if input is an integer
Function call: validnumericvalue (instr character varying) boolean
Schema: metadataDescription: Check if input is numeric
Function call: verify_checksum (inval bigint) boolean
Schema: referenceDescription: Return true if the supplied input value has a valid check digit
as the last digit, false otherwise.
Function call: warn_changed_spatial (loc_id integer, user_id integer) integer
Schema: referenceDescription: Check and warn if spatial data standards have been modified
Function call: write_to_s3 (content text, bucket character varying, path text, region_name text) character varying
Schema: backoffice
Function call: xget (ref character varying, rowid integer, rowcol character, OUT value character varying) character varying
Schema: metadataDescription: Used for parsing imported spreadsheets. xget access data from the xlimp temporary table using 'A1' cell referencing and returns the retrieved cell value
Function call: xmpp_parse (msg character varying, user_phone character varying, msg_id bigint) void
Schema: smsDescription: Inserts incoming msg into sms inbox
Function call: zoonotic_involvement_report (casechid integer, usrid integer, outform integer, caseid integer, itemdate timestamp without time zone, itemdescription text, item text, reporter text, naturalorder integer) setof record
Schema: dataDescription:
This function is one component of the detailed individual case report. Use 1 for HTML output, 2 for SMS; however,
currently, the SMS output is not developed (returns the same as the HTML).
The input parameter are a case identification number (including check digit), the userid, and 1 (for HTML) or 2 (for SMS) output.