{{fpblock|Using the data|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.}}
{{fpblock|Using the data|Data download.svg|Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.}}
Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.