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Revisi per 4 September 2014 17.20

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Manage : My Profile

Coordinator manage my profile menu.png

Users can visit their profile details and can upload a photo or change their language choice. Users can check that their details are up to date and should contact their local iSIKHNAS coordinator if their details need correcting or updating.

Manage my profile.png

Manage : Manage Users

Manage : Manage Users : User Details

ID Coordinator manage users menu.png
Manage Data Users

Coordinators are primarily responsibile for managing users. District coordinators are responsible for managing most data reporters - vets, para-vets and other people involved in sending reports. One important role of coordinators is to keep user records up to date and managing the permissions set for each individual. They do this through the Manage : Manage Users : User Details menu on the iSIKHNAS website.

Manage individual users.png

Remember, there are many thousands of iSIKHNAS users and the most efficient way to search for a particular person is to start to type the person's name or other details in the empty fields at the top of the page. This will help the system to sort through all the records and find the individual.

Find individual user.png

This will give you a short list of users to choose from.

Individual user edit.png

Then you choose the middle icon - the pencil - to edit the user's details. To edit the user's password, click on the left icon - figure with a key. The right hand icon - the red cross - deletes (or hides) the user from the list.

Edit icons 2.png
Update Data User

Once you have chosen a particular user and clicked on the edit icon you will be taken to the user's details for updating. This is what you would do for example if someone changes their mobile phone number, moves jobs, changes their area of responsibility, starts work at an identified infrastructure.

Update user.png

Don't forget to press the Save button on the bottom of the form when you have finished editing.

Save button.png
Change user password

If a user forgets their webaccess password the local iSIKHNAS coordinator should be contacted. The coordinator will have to access the user's details through the Manage : Manage Users : User details : Manage Data Users menu. Choose the correct user through the search headings at the top of the page and click on the Change password icon. You will have to give the user a new password. This can be done by generating one automatically or by giving the user the one of his or her choice. You do this in the same way as you would during user registration.

Make sure you save and tell the user their new password.

Change password.png
Create Data User : Registering new users and updating current users

All users of iSIKHNAS must be registered before they are able to use the system. This is the case for both data reporters and data viewers.

New users can be registered to the system in two ways

  • in the field by an authorised person using their mobile telephone, or
  • by an authorised person, usually the district iSIKHNAS coordinator, via the iSIKHNAS website.
Registration using the iSIKHNAS website

Using the iSIKHNAS main menu, go to Manage : Manage Users : User details.

Then click on Create Data User

Manage User Menu

You will be taken to a new Create Data User form.

Create a new data user form

Click your mouse in the First name field. The outline colour will change to blue to show that it is active.

Active field
First name

Enter the first name of the new user. Try to use correct capitalisation for these name fields. Remember the user name will appear in multiple reports and other areas of the website. Please make sure it is correctly spelled and as complete as possible.


Move to the Surname field by either pressing Tab button.jpg or by using your mouse to take you to the new field and clicking in the empty box. This field is only required for those people who use family names. Leave the field empty if there is no surname.


Next, enter the mobile phone number of the new user. This telephone number must be to the unique to the user. It must be the number to phone they use every day for their work. This telephone number will identify the new user to the system every time they report or query data.


Enter an email address if the person uses email. The address should be unique to the new user. It cannot be a group email address, or one that is used by other iSIKHNAS users. By adding an email address, a new user can arrange to have regular reports using iSIKHNAS data, sent by email. The email address can always be added or changed later.


The web password will be useful if users want to visit the iSIKHNAS website to

  • Look up data on the site.
  • Change a password.
  • Change some user details.

You can click the checkbox Generate Automatic Password to ask the system to make a unique password for the new user. Write the password on a piece of paper and give it to the new user.

Auto password IND.png

Passwords can be changed later by the user. Coordinators can also change passwords for users who have forgotten their password. You can either use a password chosen by the new user by writing the password into the empty field.

A word about passwords: Passwords should not contain personal information, whole words or well known characters or names. The best password are longer than 8 characters and created by coming up with an entire phrase that’s easy for the user to remember. Use the first letter, number or symbol from each word in the phrase, keeping punctuation intact as well.

So, let’s take this, for example: Hi! I’m Dhony. I’m from Sulawesi and I like the number 3! Use the first letter of each part and some of the punctuation, and the password could become: H!ImDImfSul&Iltn3! That’s a good, strong, long password that’ll be hard to crack and easy to remember.


Choose the location of the usual place of work of the new user to the village (desa) level. Go through each level to pick from the drop down lists.

Find location 2.png

When you have finished click OK.

Location sinjai.png

The full location code and name will appear on the form.


New users can be assigned to infrastructure where they work. The main infrastructure types are

  • Abattoirs
  • Aggregation points
  • Laboratories
  • Semen collection points
  • Markets
  • Veterinary services offices
  • Checkpoints

New infrastructure can be created by coordinators using the Manage : Infrastructure

Area responsibility

As well as being assigned to a particular working location - where a user is phyically based most of the time - users are assigned to one or more areas of responsibility. This defines the whole area the user works or is responsible for. This will tell iSIKHNAS that this person should receive alerts or information relevant to that area. It helps to filter the data for the user, to make sure only the most relevant data or alerts are sent.

A regional coordinator for Sulawesi, for example, would be assigned as follows

Region Sulawesi.png

Loc Sulawesi.png

The provincial coordinator for Sulawesi Seletan would be assigned like this

Province SulSel.png

Loc SulSel.png

A dinas paravet in Barru, Sulawesi Seletan might be assigned like this

Kecamatan loc.png

Loc kec sul sel.png

And so on

A village reporter (Pelsa) would be assigned as follows

Desa Tassililu.png

Loc Tassililu.png

A pelsa with two desa under her responsibility might look something like this

Multi area of responsib.png


Each user is given a User type and is part of a User Group. Some users are assigned to more than one group. This determines what the person is permitted to do, what data they are permitted to submit and view, and what functions they may perform on the iSIKHNAS website.

Assign User Type.png

Users can be assigned to several user types depending on their roles.

Assign more than one user type.png


Code User Type
1 Champion
2 Regional coordinator
3 Provincial coordinator
4 District coordinator
5 Vet Services Vet
6 Vet services paravet
7 Vet service other staff
8 Contract Worker
9 Village reporter
10 Farmer
11 Abattoir reporter
12 Meat inspector
13 Drug inspector
14 Check point officer
15 Quarantine
16 Public health
17 A-Lab (DIC)
18 B-Lab (provincial)
19 Inseminator
20 Trainer/demonstrator
21 Vet services viewer
22 Quarantine viewer
23 Public health viewer
24 Abattoir viewer
25 Administrator
26 Provincial Kesmavet Coordinator
27 National Production Coordinator
28 Production Provincial Coordinator
29 Reporting Farmer
30 Epi Viewer
31 Project Viewer
32 Semen collection centre officer
33 District Production Coordinator
34 Public Vet
35 Kader Vaksinator
36 Head of district livestock and animal health office division
37 Head of provincial animal health division
38 Head of dinas vaccination team
39 data encoder
40 Head of field vaccination team
68 C lab
69 SMS Admin
70 Survei team
71 Pregnancy Test Officer
72 Manager SPR
73 Tim Upsus Siwab
74 Superuser
75 Update locations Officer
76 Recorder Siwab
77 champion 1
78 champion 2
79 Technical Reproduction Assistant
80 AMPM reporter
81 Wastukan
82 Vet Author
83 Vet Authority Province Level
84 Sensus Reporting
85 Logistik Admin
86 Qurban Inspector
87 animal traders
88 API user
89 Academics
90 Pelapor Cold Storage
91 Head of Provincial Services
92 Head of District Services
93 Head of Animal Health/Public Veterinary Section
94 Director of Animal Health
95 Director of Veterinary Public Health
96 Kepala Seksi Keswan/Kesmavet Provinsi
97 Private Abbatoir reporter
98 Chief Veterinary Officer
99 Vet Authority Animal Health
100 Vet Authority Veterunary Public Health
101 Vet Authority Animal Quarantine
102 Vet Authority District Level
103 Head of Technical Unit
104 Babinsa & Babinkamtibmas
105 Babinsa atau Babinkamtibmas
106 Breeding officer
107 veterinary center staff
108 Public Reporter
109 Compartement Reporter
110 Vets Compartment
111 Compartement Champion

Manage : Manage Users : User Settings

Coordinator manage user settings menu.png
Update User Permissions

This part of the website allows coordinators to set the permissions differently for each individual user according to their abilities, training or responsibilities. The example below shows the way the page is organised. The name of the user is identified at the top of the page. You can start typing the name and a drop down list of the closest options will appear.

Drop down list of user names.png

The list of default permissions will differ according to the User Type the person has been assigned. Coordinators and vets will have a long list of permissions which are possible to change. Other users, such as pelsa, will have very few.

Individual update user permissions yohan.png

Individual user permissions can be changed from the default settings by clicking on or off the Allowed and Denied buttons.

Permissions with hand cursor.png

Manage : Vaccination Programs

Coordinator manage vaccination program menu.png
Create Vaccination Programs
Coordinator create vaccination program menu.png
Create vaccination program.png
Manage Vaccination Programs
Manage vaccination program.png
Update Vaccination Programs
Update vaccination program.png

Manage : Surveillance Programs

Coordinator manage surveillance program menu.png
Create Surveillance Programs
Coordinator create surveillance program menu.png
Create surveillance program.png
Manage Surveillance Programs
Update surveillance program.png
Update Surveillance Programs
Update surveillance program 2.png

Manage Infrastructure

Coordinator manage infrastructure menu.png
Create infrastructure
Coordinator create infrastructure menu.png
Create infrastructure.png
Manage infrastructure
Manage infrastructure.png
Update infrastructure
Update infrastructure.png