*Diare mengindikasikan penyakit-penyakit yang mengindikasikan * Diarrhoea indicates diseases that affect gut motility or absorption (digestive system). There are many diseases that can cause diarrhoea.
* Coughing and difficulty breathing indicates disease of the lungs or airways (respiratory system)
* Saliva drooling from the mouth indicates inability to swallow either due to nervous system disease, physical obstruction of the throat, or increased production of saliva
* Lameness or altered gait may indicate disease or injury affecting the leg(s), spine or brain}}
Revisi per 4 Maret 2014 11.25
Diare mengindikasikan penyakit-penyakit yang mengindikasikan * Diarrhoea indicates diseases that affect gut motility or absorption (digestive system). There are many diseases that can cause diarrhoea.
Coughing and difficulty breathing indicates disease of the lungs or airways (respiratory system)
Saliva drooling from the mouth indicates inability to swallow either due to nervous system disease, physical obstruction of the throat, or increased production of saliva
Lameness or altered gait may indicate disease or injury affecting the leg(s), spine or brain}}