Manuals:SMS Reports: Perbedaan revisi

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Revisi per 25 Februari 2014 07.13

iSIKHNAS SMS reports : Summary

SMS messages are a simple way of ‘talking’ to a computer by giving it instructions, sending it information and asking it to do certain things. All the SMS messages in the system have to be written in a simple but uniform way so that the computer can understand your instructions. The messages are a ‘code’ for the computer so you have to use these simple and standard codes in all the SMS messages.

There are a few important things to remember.

1. There are several different types of messages. The first part of every message is a special message code which tells the system what type of message it is. Every message must start with one of these codes.

2. Some messages start with a single letter code


U  General Signs report
P  Priority Syndrome report
R  Response report
D  Registration
N  Change your telephone number
H  Delete the last message

Other messages start with a multiple letter code


RP  Slaughterhouse report
OB  Treatment report
SK  Movement report
VSK Movement validation
VAK Vaccination report
LAB Laboratory submission
LTL Follow-up report
POP Population report

3. After this start code, there are other parts of the message with the different pieces of information (data) you want to send such as Species or Animal Type and Locations. These codes are listed on the iSIKHNAS website, in your iSIKHNAS User Manual and on your Quick Reference Cards. The standard way to write these message formats is to use the following notation:

[…] square brackets mean data is needed
{…} curly brackets mean the data is optional
(…) round brackets mean the data is grouped in a sequence which can be repeated

4. When you register to use the system your location is also registered. Every report you send will assume that you are reporting about events in that location. You must include a different location code in the reports you make from locations which are different from your normal, registered place.

5. Every different piece of information must be separated by a space, except in messages which accept lists such as the General Signs (U) or the Priority (P) reports for dinas staff which can accept multiple signs, or differential diagnoses. You must separate each sign and each diagnosis with a comma.

6. Some messages are simple and others more complex with a repeatable sequence.

Whenever you send a message, you will ALWAYS receive a response confirming that the message has been received and correctly interpreted, or advising you of a mistake in the message. Make sure you read the response from iSIKHNAS to check that the data you entered was indeed correct.

If you do not receive this response within 5 minutes then there is probably a problem. The mobile network may not be working, the iSIKHNAS system may be malfunctioning or your phone is not working properly. Wait for 5 minutes and try to send the message again. If the problem continues, contact your local iSIKHNAS coordinator.