Translations:Operational instructions:P/6/en: Perbedaan revisi

(Created page with "===When to use?=== * What type of diseases? ** All diseases that match one of the priority syndromes ** There are two messages for reporting field disease cases: U and P *** P...")
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Revisi per 26 Februari 2014 10.22

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Definisi pesan (Operational instructions:P)
=== When to use ===
* Untuk jenis penyakit apa?
** Semua tanda penyakit yang sesuai dengan salah satu sindrom penyakit prioritas
** Ada dua format SMS untuk melaporkan kasus penyakit di lapangan: U dan P
*** P digunakan untuk semua kasus yang sesuai dengan definisi sindrom penyakit prioritas
*** U digunakan untuk semua kasus lain yang tidak sesuai dengan sindrom penyakit prioritas yang membutuhkan penanganan petugas dinas
* Apa yang dimaksud dengan kasus ?
** Kasus adalah suatu kejadian atau masalah penyakit  
*** Pada satu atau lebih hewan yang memiliki kemiripan masalah
*** Di lokasi yang sama (desa atau peternakan yang sama, tapi belum tentu pemilik yang sama)
*** Pada waktu kejadian yang sama atau hampir bersamaan
** Hanya membutuhkan satu laporan per kejadian (peristiwa penyakit).
*** Jangan membuat laporan terpisah untuk setiap individu hewan ketika ada beberapa hewan dengan masalah yang sama
Terjemahan===When to use?===
* What type of diseases?
** All diseases that match one of the priority syndromes
** There are two messages for reporting field disease cases: U and P
*** P is used for all cases that match any of the priority disease definitions
*** U is used for all other cases: any case of disease that does not match one of the P case definitions and requires veterinary attention
* What is a case?
** A case is a disease event or problem
*** involving one or more animals that appear to have the same problem
*** in the same general location (same village, same farm, but no necessarily the same owner)
*** at the same time
** Only one report is required per case (disease event). 
*** Do not make a separate report for each individual animal when there are several animals with the same problem

When to use?

  • What type of diseases?
    • All diseases that match one of the priority syndromes
    • There are two messages for reporting field disease cases: U and P
      • P is used for all cases that match any of the priority disease definitions
      • U is used for all other cases: any case of disease that does not match one of the P case definitions and requires veterinary attention
  • What is a case?
    • A case is a disease event or problem
      • involving one or more animals that appear to have the same problem
      • in the same general location (same village, same farm, but no necessarily the same owner)
      • at the same time
    • Only one report is required per case (disease event).
      • Do not make a separate report for each individual animal when there are several animals with the same problem