ISIKHNAS User References/en
Daftar isi
Field data reporters
Manuals for Field Data Reporters
Users usually involved in reporting from the field include vets, paravets, pelsa and abattoir reporters. Soon the system will receive reports from other people involved in animal health including inseminators and even some farmers.
Data Users
Personnel involved in viewing and analysing data via the iSIKHNAS web site vary widely. Many data reporters will of course also be data users. The manual produced for these groups is a general guide to the use of the website and the tailoring of reports and analyses to meet the needs and interests of each individual user.
Laboratory reporters and data users
The staff in our laboratories share their data through spreadsheets and automatic electronic transfers of data. These manuals document this process for
- A-Lab (DIC) staff
- B-Lab (provincial) staff
iSIKHNAS Coordinators
The system is constantly monitored by high level users who have the greatest access to all parts of the system.
- Regional coordinator
- Provincial coordinator
- District coordinator
Field data validators
The following User Types are involved in data validation, checking for errors, problems or possible illegal activity in the field. Many will use the validation system available through their mobile telephones while they are doing their routine daily work.
This group could include;
- Quarantine staff
- Check point staff
- Police
Other special user groups
There are a range of special interest user types including;
- Trainer/demonstrator
- Vet services viewer
- Quarantine viewer
- Public Health viewer
- Abattoir viewer
- Provincial Kesmavet Coordinator
- National Production Coordinator
- Epi Viewer
- Project Viewer
- Semen Collection Centre Officer
- District Production Coordinator
- Public Vet
- Public health
User guides are yet to be developed for these user groups.