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 r Inggris (en){{example|Menangle virus was first identified in 1997, following an investigation of a serious outbreak of mummified and stillborn foetuses in a commercial piggery at Menangle, New South Wales, Australia. A high proportion of litters born to sows that were pregnant at the time of exposure to the virus were affected, although clinical disease was not noticed at the time of infection. After an extensive investigation the infection was traced to a nearby colony of fruit bats (flying foxes), with a high proportion of bats sampled found to be seropositive for Menangle virus antibodies.
 r Bahasa Indonesia (id){{example|virus Menangle pertama kali diidentifikasi pada tahun 1997, menyusul penyelidikan wabah serius janin mumi dan lahir mati dalam kandang babi komersial di Menangle, New South Wales, Australia. Sebagian besar dari janin yang lahir mati karena terpapar virus, meskipun penyakit klinis tidak terlihat pada saat infeksi. Setelah penyelidikan ekstensif terhadap infeksi tersebut ditelusuri ke koloni kelelawar buah (rubah terbang) terdekat, dengan proporsi tinggi untuk sampel kelelawar yang ditemukan seropositif untuk virus antibodi Menangle.