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Ditemukan 2 terjemahan.
Nama | Teks sekarang |
r Inggris (en) | {{fpblock|Module 24 : Involving local human health staff in iSIKHNAS|Red flag.svg| Some kabupaten are choosing to involve human health staff in iSIKHNAS where there are suspected zoonotic cases of disease. These personnel or village level health reporters can be sent alerts via SMS so that everyone can be involved in protecting the community. Coming soon, this module will help kabupaten coordinators to register and involve local level human health staff in the system.|Human health}} |
r Bahasa Indonesia (id) | {{fpblock|Module 24 : Involving local human health staff in iSIKHNAS|Red flag.svg| Some kabupaten are choosing to involve human health staff in iSIKHNAS where there are suspected zoonotic cases of disease. These personnel or village level health reporters can be sent alerts via SMS so that everyone can be involved in protecting the community. Coming soon, this module will help kabupaten coordinators to register and involve local level human health staff in the system.|Human health/id}} |