Semua terjemahan

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Ditemukan 3 terjemahan.

NamaTeks sekarang
 r Inggris (en)The main S3 storage buckets include:
** This is a low-security bucket with files used for web delivery, including css, javascript and images. This is the only bucket in which files can be accessed through public addressing.
* aipeid.isikhnas.reports
** Temporary storage of generated output reports
** Long term storage of templates and images for creation of template-based reports, such as client reports from laboratory submissions, movement certificates and animal registration certificates.
* com.isikhnas.emailattachments
** Temporary storage of files to be attached to outgoing emails
* aipeid.isikhnas.logs
** System log files
* aipedi.isikhnas.backups
** Six-hourly backups of the database and the Wiki. These are replicated for triple-redundant off-site backup.
 r Bahasa Indonesia (id)The main S3 storage buckets include:
** This is a low-security bucket with files used for web delivery, including css, javascript and images. This is the only bucket in which files can be accessed through public addressing.
* aipeid.isikhnas.reports
** Temporary storage of generated output reports
** Long term storage of templates and images for creation of template-based reports, such as client reports from laboratory submissions, movement certificates and animal registration certificates.
* com.isikhnas.emailattachments
** Temporary storage of files to be attached to outgoing emails
* aipeid.isikhnas.logs
** System log files
* aipedi.isikhnas.backups
** Six-hourly backups of the database and the Wiki. These are replicated for triple-redundant off-site backup.
 r Dokumentasi pesan (qqq)Translators:  Please only translate the lines which begin with **.  Leave the lines which begin with * in English.