User References/en
iSIKHNAS User References
There are many types of users registered with the iSIKHNAS system. The User Type is usually set during the initial basic user training when registration takes place. The User Type determines the information able to be reported to the system and viewed as well as permissions to do various tasks within the system. This is to ensure that iSIKHNAS system and the data remain secure and accurate. The people who report data are those closest to the animals - farmers, village reporters, inseminators, vaccinators, dinas veterinary staff and a few others. People not involved in field activities are data users or viewers. The User Type you are allocated will help us tailor the system to your needs and data interests more easily.
Quick reference: iSIKHNAS Code lists
iSIKHNAS Training Resources
Training new users to become confident users to the iSIKHNAS system is vital for the ongoing success of the system. There are many aspects and components to the system so to assist with the training of the full range of user types in the different components the material has been broken up into manageable portions or modules.