Training and Facilitation Guide:SMS Message Training points/id
Daftar isi
- 1 Poin-Poin Pelatihan Sistem dan Pesan SMS
- 1.1 Kegiatan Administratif untuk Koordinator
- 1.2 Pengantar umum mengenai iSIKHNAS
- 1.3 Laporan penyakit dari pelsa dan Dinas
- 1.4 Dinas Routine Response messages
- 1.5 Priority investigation and response
- 1.6 Sertifikat kesehatan untuk lalu lintas ternak
- 1.7 Queries
- 1.8 Special activities
- 1.9 Slaughterhouse Reports
- 1.10 Artificial Insemination Reports
- 1.11 Administrative Functions
Poin-Poin Pelatihan Sistem dan Pesan SMS
Sebagai tambahan, lihat juga Operational_instructions:Message_Information_sheets_ENG
Kegiatan Administratif untuk Koordinator
- Membiasakan diri dengan situs web
- Memeriksa alokasi Jenis Pengguna dan Kelompok Pengguna bagi semua staf yang terdaftar
- Mendaftarkan staf baru
- Lokasi terdaftar pengguna harus berada di tingkat Desa
- Bidang tanggung jawab pengguna harus ditetapkan dan dapat tumpang tindih dengan pengguna lain
- Perlu juga didiskusikan apa yang harus dilakukan jika dua pelapor melaporkan kasus yang sama, siapa yang akan bertanggung jawab menanggapi laporan pelsa dan apa yang perlu dilakukan jika ada ‘laporan buruk’ yang perlu langsung ditanggapi dengan MENGHAPUS data.
- Memeriksa pemberitahuan – Pemberitahuan dari pelsa harus sampai kepada dokter hewan dan paravet. Beberapa pemberitahuan dari pelsa (terutama dugaan rabies dan antraks) dapat disampaikan kepada pelsa terdekat lainnya.
- Tambahan infrastruktur
- LOK dengan menggunakan koordinat yang dihasilkan Google Map
- Merekam data kantor, laboratorium, infrastruktur lainnya
- Menugaskan staf ke lokasi ujung tombak jika dimungkinkan
- Menciptakan kampanye Surveilans dan Vaksinasi di situs web.
- Menciptakan daftar obat
Pengantar umum mengenai iSIKHNAS
Lihat presentasi Powerpoint
Laporan penyakit dari pelsa dan Dinas
- Diagnosis diferensial vs diagnosis definitif
- Diagnosis diferensial = pendapat berdasarkan tanda – siapa saja bisa berpendapat
- Diskusi terkait membangun bukti menuju diagnosis definitif dan ini baru langkah pertama menuju sasaran, jika dimungkinkan.
U [tanda,tanda...] ([spesies] [jumlah hewan]…) {lokasi} {diagnosa,diagnosa...}
- 2 entri berbentuk ‘daftar’ – tanda dan diagnosis yang perlu dipisahkan dengan koma jika diperlukan lebih dari satu entri
- Perlu latihan pengenalan tanda (Pelsa dan Dinas)
- Tingkatkan kesadaran mengenai Tanda umum versus Sindrom prioritas
- Diagnosis diferensial vs diagnosis definitif
- Hindari ‘tanda lain’
- Ulang urutan (spesies, jumlah hewan) untuk beberapa spesies dengan tanda serupa
- Kode untuk tanda spesifik dapat dicari tahu dengan menggunakan CKT [nama tanda]. Kode tanda dapat ditemukan dengan permintaan data (query) dalam format CKT [teksapasaja] yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencari tahu kode bagi tanda yang dimulai dengan huruf yang sama atau cocok dengan teks yang dimasukkan. Misalnya saja, CKT kembung menghasilkan kembung KBG dan berbagai pilihan lain dengan konfigurasi huruf yang mirip.
- Kapan perlu menggunakan kode lokasi opsional – untuk pelsa yang menangani beberapa desa, dinas akan nyaris selalu perlu menggunakan kode lokasi opsional
- Kode lokasi baru – belum sempurna pada saat ini, tetapi perlahan-lahan akan diperbarui secara lokal
- Staf AH vs Pelapor Desa – format pesan yang berbeda
- Laporan U dari Dinas tidak memerlukan laporan R. Laporan U dari Dinas merupakan gabungan dari U dan R.
- Pelatihan penguatan diagnostik untuk staf Dinas akan tersedia dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama lagi
- Tingkat tanggapan 100% haruslah menjadi target – sebagian besarnya mungkin melalui telepon
P [sindrom] ([spesies] [jumlah hewan]…) {lokasi} {diagnosa,diagnosa...}
- Kode prioritas dan definisi – 6 sindrom
- Tambahan 1 (satu) Sindrom prioritas tanpa definisi, jika tanda-tandanya tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi sindrom, tetapi pelapor merasa perlu segera ditanggapi (jika dicurigai sebagai penyakit zoonosis, sangat menular, tingkat kematiannya tinggi, dll.)
- Konsekuensi Positif (Ucapan terima kasih kepada mereka yang melaporkan P, bahkan jika kemudian ternyata hanya merupakan alarm palsu/false alarm yang memang cukup sering terjadi, tetapi setidaknya ini menunjukkan bahwa pelapor sudah waspada dan sadar pentingnya P.)
- Diagnosis diferensial vs diagnosis definitif
- 100% harus dikunjungi
- Urutan yang berulang (spesies, jumlah hewan) untuk beberapa spesies dengan sindrom yang sama
- Kode lokasi diperlukan untuk laporan oleh staf Dinas
- Entri berbentuk daftar untuk diagnosis diferensial - bila ada beberapa penyakit harus dipisahkan dengan koma
- Kode penyakit dapat ditemukan dengan menggunakan CKP [nama penyakit]
- Sindrom Prioritas Tambahan diberikan sehingga memungkinkan Pelsa untuk melaporkan kasus yang tampaknya perlu segera ditangani (zoonosis, sangat menular atau tingkat kesakitan/kematiannya tinggi) tanpa adanya sindrom yang jelas = tanda bahaya untuk penyakit yang tidak diketahui atau eksotik
- Pelsa harus mengirimkan setiap minggu – hanya Pelsa
- Artinya mereka tidak melihat sindrom prioritas lainnya selain yang sudah dilaporkan minngu itu.
- Ada 6 sindrom prioritas sehingga jika seorang pelsa sudah melaporkan satu atau dua P minngu itu, maka PNEG yang ia kirimkan berarti sindrom Prioritas lainnya tidak ditemukan.
- Berguna untuk mengumpulkan bukti untuk status bebas dari penyakit untuk membuat argumentasi mengenai pengendalian lalu-lintas hewan, perdagangan, dan hal-hal penting lainnya yang berhubungan dengan penyebaran penyakit dan strategi pengendalian wabah
Dinas Routine Response messages
R [ID Kasus] [dikunjung (K/T)] [diagnosa,diagnosa...] {diagnosa lain}
- Dinas – Pertanyaan apa yang disampaikan kepada pelsa agar Anda dapat memperoleh gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai kasus – kegiatan komunikasi
- R = DINAS U atau DINAS P
- Pengiriman pesan dalam bentuk suatu daftar diagnosa banding– lebih dari satu entri dipisahkan dengan tanda koma
- Kode penyakit didapat dengan CKP [nama penyakit].
- ‘diagnosa lain’ merupakan pilihan dan ada juga pilihan untuk langsung menuliskan diagnosa jika kodenya tidak ditemukan di daftar penyakit.
- Apakah kasus penting? Prioritas? Zoonosis? Morbiditas/mortalitas tinggi? Penyakit baru/tidak diketahui? Jika ya maka lakukan INVESTIGASI secara MENYELURUH – formulir untuk investigasi yang terdapat di berbagai macam bidang akan diintegrasikan di masa mendatang ke dalam sistem iSIKHNAS.
OB [ID Kasus] ([kode obat] [jumlah hewan] {dosis}...)
- Anda akan memerlukan kode obat
- Kode obat dapat dicari dengan menggunakan kode sms (CKO)
- Jumlah hewan, dosis per hewan
- Ulangi urutan tersebut jika diperlukan
LAB [ID kasus] ([jenis spesimen] [bentuk spesimen] {seksi} [jumlah spesimen]...) [lab ID]
- Pisahkan pesan menggunakan ID kasus yang sama jika sampel-sampel dikirim ke lokasi yang berbeda
- Kode seksi laboratorium merupakan pilihan, tidak wajib diisi
- Ulangi urutan tersebut jkia diperlukan
- Harus mengingatkan petugas untuk memberikan label pada spesimen dengan benar menggunakan ID kasus sehingga data dapat dimasukkan ke sistem Infolab dan kedua sistem tersebut akan terhubung
- Pertukaran data dengan Infolab akan dimulai di awal 2014
PK [ID kasus] [kode perkembangan kasus]
- Jika tidak diketahui, ID kasus biasanya dapat dicari dengan menggunakan LAPD
- Pesan ini membantu kita untuk dapat ‘menutup’ kasus
- Pelsa dapat menggunakan ini atas izin dari kabupaten.
- Mengumpulkan data untuk membantu pemantauan dalam hal pengobatan, diagnosis, dan seberapa jauh kita menindaklanjuti kasus.
Priority investigation and response
To be introduced gradually by PDSR coordination unit
PDSR AI report
AI [case ID] ([species] [total dead]...) [backyard?] [production system]
- PDSR AI report always starts with AI.
- Species code from the Species code list.
- Number of dead animals. Digit entry.
- This sequence can be repeated for multiple species.
- Is the production type backyard? Yes (Y) or No (T).
- Location code if reporting from an area different from the one the reporter is registered.
- Optional: Case ID if this investigation is the result of a previously reported case
PDSR Rabies report
SRAB [species] [number animals bitten] [number humans bitten] [provoked? Y/T] [location] {case ID}
- PDSR Rabies report always starts with RAB.
- Species of suspected case. Use Species code list.
- Number of animals bitten.
- Number of humans bitten.
- Was the suspected case provoked? Yes (Y) or No (T)?
- Location code if different from the location at which the reporter is registered.
- Optional: Case ID if this investigation is the result of a previously reported case
Field investigation outcome report
LTL [case ID] ([species] [number sick] [number dead] [number culled] [number at risk]...) {resolved}
- Field investigation outcome report starts with LTL
- Repeating sequence: (species, number sick, number dead number culled, number at risk)
- Optional: resolved?: Ya or Tidak
Sertifikat kesehatan untuk lalu lintas ternak
Application for movement certificate where no laboratory tests are required
SK [owner ID] [origin] [destination] ([species/breed] [number of animals]...) {ownerphone}
- Application for movement certificate without the need for lab tests always starts with SK
- Owner ID is National ID card number or (soon) Driver’s Licence number
- Location code for desa of origin
- Location code for destination to whatever level is required Kabupaten or desa
- Repeating sequence: (species/breed, number of animals)
- Bangsa hewan (species/breed) code for movements
- Number of animals of that species/breed
- Optional: Owner phone number to receive SKKH unique number.
Confirmation report of movement
KSK [permit ID]{([species] [jumlah hewan]…)}
- To be used by Dinas staff to confirm actual numbers and date of movement
- Data is stored with other information about that unique movement
- Optional repeated sequence: (species, number of animals)
Validation of movement certificate
VSK [permit ID]
- To be used by checkpoint and police staff to query the authenticity of a movement certificate
Case queries
LAPD [kode desa] {number of cases}
- Used for finding out the last five cases from the desa
- Reports case ID and brief note about each case
- Useful for asking follow up questions about cases
- Use PK for making follow up outcome reports
- Use LAPK for more detailed information about each case
- Optional: Default last five reported cases for that village but may request up to maximum of 20
LAPK [ID kasus]
- Used for reviewing all the information of a single case
- Useful for providing feedback and answering questions from farmers and pelsa
- Useful for improving communication
Freetext question or feedback
Q [petanyaan]
- Useful if no other source of information available, for giving suggestions or feedback
- Q messages are sent to local coordinators and should be answered within 48 hours
- Try not to overuse this function
Search for a location code
CKL [nama lokasi]
- Freetext name of area, ie Makassar,
- Will accept errors in spelling and system will report codes for the 15 closest matching locations with similar name
- Does not recognise abbreviated names such as ‘Jabar’ instead of Jawa Barat
- 4 digit codes are province and kabupaten
- 6 digit codes include kecamatan
- 8 digit codes are desa codes
- 9 digit codes (8 + .1) are specific location codes identified by users through LOK function for specific points within an area
- The location codes currently available are only as good as those supplied to iSIKHNAS by BPS. They will be updateable by coordinators via the isikhnas website soon.
Get a list of location codes
DKL [kode lokasi]
- Put in the 4 or 6 digit code and system reports the desa codes for that area
List other system codes
- Useful if you forget your reference cards
- Simple KODE message sent to iSIKHNAS will report the codes for code lists
- Follow with a KODE [jenis kode] message.
- SP = species
- RP = abattoir codes in registered kabupaten
- JHRP = slaughter animal types
- POP = population report animal types
- TAN = sign codes
- JP = user type codes
- PK = outcome codes
- SL = laboratory section codes
- BS = specimen form codes
KODE {jenis kode}
- SP = species
- RP = abattoir codes in registered kabupaten
- JHRP = slaughter animal types
- POP = population report animal types
- TAN = sign codes
- JP = user type codes
- PK = outcome codes
- SL = laboratory section codes
- BS = specimen form codes
CKT [nama Tanda]
- Search for General Signs using freetext entry.
- System will return the closest matches and their codes – may return in several messages
- Useful for when in the field but without access to Code Cards
CKP [nama Penyakit]
- Search for Disease codes using freetext entry.
- System will return the names of diseases which closest match and their codes
- Useful for when in the field but without access to Code Cards
CKO [nama Obat]
- Search for Drug codes using freetext entry.
- System will return the BRAND NAMES of drugs which closest match and their codes
- Useful for when in the field but without access to Code Cards
Special activities
Health permits for movement
SK [ID pemilik] [asal] [tujuan] ([spesies/bangsa] [jumlah hewan]...) {telepon pemilik}
- In the future, a web interface and possibly an app will be available for entering data more easily.
- Only accepts the national ID card number, not driver's licence at the moment
- Each permit is given a unique ID number by the system
- Completed permit sent to email address for printing, completing and stamping at the office. Animal owners should be asked to come into the office to collect certificate.
- Coordinators need to set the correct staff email addresses for receiving emailed certificates
- Need to establish clear responsibilities and workflow/process for the certificates
- Will need to enter some data by hand
- In the future, the national ID system may be linked to iSIKHNAS so that owner’s details are entered automatically
- Repeated sequence possible for multiple species
- For use when checking the validity of a permit number
- Helps to check for forgeries
- Helps to check accuracy of details
VAK [ID program] ([spesies] [jumlah divaksinasi pertama] {jumlah booster}...) [lokasi]
- Campaign number is produced by coordinator through the web interface
- May in the future have a query for local vaccination campaign number CKVAK, CKSUR
- Repeated sequence possible
POP ([jenis hewan] [jumlah hewan]...) {lokasi}
- Location code must be Desa code (8 digits)
- Data must be Desa level data
- Useful for census data collection but maybe easier to use a spreadsheet data entry (this feature is coming soon)
- Useful for planning of vaccination campaigns
- Useful for production figures and planning
- Some reassurance should be given to the community that this information is not linked to any other system in government ie not used for taxation purposes.
- Information can be divided into several messages if preferred
- Must have village level location code if reporter is reporter from another location (very likely to be the case)
- Repeated sequence possible
Active Surveillance
SUR [ID program] ([species] [jumlah hewan]...) [lokasi] {ID laboratorium}
- Campaign number is produced by coordinator through the web interface
- May in the future have a query for local surveillance campaign number CKVAK, CKSUR
- Must have 8 digit desa location code
- Repeated sequence possible
Slaughterhouse Reports
RP ([jenis hewan] [jumlah dipotong]...) {kode RP}
- Rumah Potong codes are available via the website
- Reporters may report for several abattoirs so will need to use the short codes for their RP
- Rumah Potong codes are codes created specifically for this kind of building/infrastructure. They are NOT standard location codes.
- The codes for Jenis hewan in a RP report come from the JENIS HEWAN POTONG code list.
Artificial Insemination Reports
To be refined and introduced in 2014
Farmer Insemination request
IB {# animals}
- Farmer insemination request always starts with IB.
- Optional: Number of animals ready for insemination.
Insemination request - Non farmer
IB {# animals} [ownerID]
- Insemination request always starts with IB.
- Optional: Number of animals ready for insemination.
- Owner ID
Inseminator report with Request ID
RIB [RequestID] ([animalID] [strawID]…)
- Inseminator report always starts with RIB.
- Insemination request ID generated by iSIKHNAS and sent in request for service to inseminator.
- Animal identifier
- ID of semen straw used.
- Sequence may be repeated for multiple animals.
Inseminator report without Request ID
RIB [Owner ID] [Acceptor ID] ([Bull ID] [batch/straw] [service 1 2 3]) [Lokasi]
- Always starts with RIB
- Owner ID using unique identifier where possible
- ID of animal inseminated, using local system
- Repeating system:
- Bull ID
- Batch/straw
- Service number, 1, 2 or 3
- Location code to desa level
Pregnancy testing report
PKB [Acceptor ID] [T/Y]
- ID of animal (should be unique, using local acceptor ID system)
- Pregnant: Ya or Tidak
Birth report a
LHR [animalID] [birth?]
- Birth report always starts with LHR.
- Animal ID
- Live birth? Yes or No.
Birth report b
LHR [Acceptor ID] [J/B] [DoB] [Live? Y/T] {weight}
- ID of animal
- Sex of calf: Jantan or Betina
- Live calf: Ya or Tidak
- Optional: weight of calf
Administrative Functions
Register a new user
D [nama] [lokasi] [user type] {email}
- Use capitals and spaces for name
- New location code required to the Desa level. Work place location.
- Choose user type code carefully
- Encourage email address entry
- Coordinators can change most details later but try to be accurate
- Coordinators will define the Area of Responsibility later using the Website
Change a phone number
- From old phone number
- From new phone number
Delete last message
H {message type code}
- H Deletes the last message
- H {message type code} Deletes the last message of this type ie RP or U
- To be used for recently made mistakes in message – usually discovered in the automatic system reply.
- Not for deleting data on the system
- When serious errors have been made, kabupaten coordinator should be contacted with details of Case ID. Save original messages wherever possible.
Add a new location
LOK [latitude] [longitude] [new location name]
- This function is for defining POINTS in a desa, for example, farms, checkpoints, outbreak points, centre of dusus.
- This should be done:
- If there is no code for the Desa in the code list, or
- If the disease event is far from the centre of the Desa
- New location codes can be created to identify the exact location of certain points and buildings etc.
- To create a new location code, you need to know the coordinates of the location, using a GPS or GPS-enabled smartphone. The format of the coordinates should be latitude and longitude in decimal degrees, for example:
- -3.31932 112.39203
- Other formats (degrees minutes seconds, degrees decimal minutes etc) are not accepted.
- Use a minus sign for the latitude to indicate south, or no minus sign to indicate north.
- In the future, there will be a function on the website to update locations, change kecamaten and village ‘connections’ when areas are redistributed.
- Geographic coordinates can also be found using Google Maps.