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What is iSIKHNAS?

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iSIKHNAS is Indonesia's integrated real-time information system for collecting, managing, reporting and using data to support animal health and production. It is:

  • bottom-up and people-focused - is primarily concerned with bringing benefits to field users
  • multi-portal - can be accessed by SMS, Web, e-mail, instant messaging etc.
  • fast - data is sent directly from the field to the integrated database for automated checking, analysis and immediate reporting
  • effective - iSIKHNAS gets the right information, at the right time, to the right people, in the right form to enable good evidence-based decision-making


User References

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Information for users of the system, including:

  • manuals for different user types (field disease reporters, village reporters, laboratory staff, inseminators, abattoir reporters etc.)
  • manuals for data users (how to access data on this web site)
  • code lists and national data standards for reporting.


Technical References

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Technical information about the system.


Training Resources

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A rich resource with a collection of comprehensive training modules on:

  • specific technical training on the collection and management of data using iSIKHNAS, and
  • general skills on field epidemiology, surveillance, budget advocacy, epidemiological data analysis, mapping, Excel and much more.


FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions


General and technical questions and answers about iSIKHNAS