Mangement of the System/id
Management of the System
Pengelolaan sistem informasi kesehatan hewan iSIKHNAS akan diatur oleh sebuah komite yang ditetapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan. Komite ini beranggotakan perwakilan senior dari kelompok-kelompok pemangku kepentingan seperti Produksi, Kesmavet, Obat Hewan, dan Karantina.
The management committee will be supported by the technical expertise provided by the System Administrators (Champions) and the Epidemiology Advisory Panel (Epi Leaders).
Key subsectors involved in certain specialist areas such as Production and Public Health will appoint coordinators to lead the oversight and training of officers involved in these activities.
Each administrative level will appoint a coordinator appointed and that person will be given detailed training in the use and oversight of the system. This will mean that every region, province and kabupaten will have a designated iSIKHNAS coordinator. Some areas may choose to share the coordination between two or three staff members to ensure that the system is monitored and users are supported at all times.