Manually sending individual or bulk SMS messages/id
Mengirim pesan SMS
Ada dua cara untuk mengirimkan pesan SMS dari server (baik kepada perorangan maupun kepada sekelompok pengguna): menggunakan interface Laman di bagian Administrasi, ataum menggunakan koneksi SQL langsung ke database.
Web site interface
- Log in to iSIKHNAS as an administrative user
- Go to Administration | SMS metadata | Send SMS Message(s)
- For a single message
- fill in the destination phone number
- fill in the message text
- click send
- For bulk SMS messages
- click 'Multiple options'
- Enter the area(s) to be sent to
- Select the user type(s) to be sent to
- Click to update the list
- Select or unselect any individuals on the list
- Enter the message to send
- Click send
Manual sending via direct database insert
Administrators with appropriate database privileges can send messages by directly inserting them into the SMS outbox table on the database, using a message id of '0'. The table is checked periodically for any messages with an ID of zero, which are then automatically sent.
To insert messages into the table, use the following generic SQL structure:
insert into outbox (phone, message, msgid, createdby) select phone, 'Message to send', 0, 2 -- id of the current user (person creating the messages) from users u where not u.del and phone is not null and left(phone,2) = '62' -- only numbers in Indonesia -- add any other filters here. For example -- and groupid = 4 -- filter for a specific user group
Be very careful of this approach as poorly formed SQL can accidentally generate very large numbers of messages.