Individual Animal Identification
Training materials
Powerpoint for Animal Identification
SmartCards for IB and Animal Identification
Message formats
Advice about Owner IDs
- The owner ID is the owner's mobile phone number.
- To make life easier for users the owner's ID can be shortened to be just the last few digits of the phone number - as long as it remains unique for all the owners in the sender's area of responsibility.
Register a livestock owner
DP [Name] [Location Code] {Owner identification}
- Message is sent by a registered inseminator or para-vet.
- Message always starts with DP
- Owner name
- Full name of the livestock owner including correct capitals and a space between each part of the name.
- Location code of the livestock owner, to the desa level (8 digits).
Confirm registration by livestock owner
- Message is sent from the livestock owner's phone within 20 minutes of receiving the PIN code during registration.
- Message always starts with KDP
- PIN code which is sent to the telephone of the person registering the livestock owner (usually inseminator or para-vet).
- This process captures the correct phone number of the newly registered owner and confirms that he/she is willing to participate in the system.
Register an individual animal
DH [ID Peternak] ([Identifikasi Hewan] [Kode spesies] [Jenis Kelamin] [Umur]...)
- Message always starts with DH
- Owner ID
Sell animal
- Message always starts with JH
Change animal ID
GI [Farmer ID] [Old Animal ID] [New Animal ID]
- Message always starts with GI
Report the fate of an animal
AH [Owner ID] [Animals Id] [Animal Disposal]
- Message always starts with AH
System query
Owner herd listing
DHP {Farmer ID}
Individual animal information
IH [Owner ID] [Animal ID]