Daftar isi
U: General Signs
U [tanda,tanda...] [spesies] [jumlah hewan] {lokasi}
U [sign,sign...] [species] [number of animals] {location} {differential diagnosis,differential diagnosis...}
- The message always begins with U.
- Signs code. Mulitiple signs possible but should be separated by a comma.
- Number of animals affected.
- Location code - if reporting from an area different to your area of responsibility.
- Dinas only - Diagnosis code from the Disease Code list.
- Village reporters (Pelsa)
- Dinas staff
- Para-vet
- Veterinarian
Report any cases of illness not a priority syndrome.
- Pelsa
- Report any health problem.
- CKT and Kode Tan will assist to find the correct code
- An SMS alert will automatically be sent to dinas officers.
- Dinas will respond by phone and/or visit.
- Dinas
- Officer reports cases of illness using code from the signs code list
- Officers also report a differential diagnosis using the codes from the Disease code list.
- This Dinas U report means that a Response R report is not necessary.
When to use
- For any kind of diseae?
- U general signs report to be used for any animal health problem which does not meet any of the priority syndromes.
- There are two different ways to report health problems found in the field: U and P.
- P is used for all cases which match any of the described priority syndromes which require a more urgent and focussed response from personnel.
- U is used for all other cases that do not fit the priority syndromes and which do not require priority handling.
- What is a case?
- A case is an incident or disorder
- In one or more animals with the same problem.
- In the same location (rural area, farm or community, but not necessarily the same owners)
- At the same time or close to the same time.
- Only need one report per disease event.
- Do not send separate reports for each individual animal when there are animals with the same problem, in same location, at the same time.
- A case is an incident or disorder
Reporting Process
- Pelsa report
- A farmer noticed that one or more animals are sick.
- Farmer reports the problem to local Pelsa
- Pelsa visits animal and/or talks to farmer
- Pelsa sends a U report describing major signs, number of animals affected
- Sign codes can be found using CKT [freetext sign] and KODE TAN.
- Dinas staff automatically notified
- Dinas staff respond by phone or visit as soon as they are able to.
- Priority Syndrome reports will be answered before General reports and so reponse times may differ widely.
Codes required
- Signs - multiple signs each separated by a comma
- Species. If multiple species are affected, use the main species
- Location code (optional: if the reporter is reporting from a different village to the one in which he/she is registered),
- List of possible diagnoses
- Pelsa reports – do not include diagnoses
- Dinas staff, include one or more possible diagnoses from the Diagnosis code list, each separated by a comma.
- SMS messages
- A confirmation message is sent back to the sender
- Immediate alerts are sent to veterinary technical staff responsible for that same area.
- Response messages will include a unique case identifier. This should be used for any further reports relating to the same case (response, treatment, specimen submission etc)
Follow-up actions
Dinas veterinary staff will respond to the case
- Initial response is by telephone
- If possible, this is followed by a field visit to examine and treat the animals
Contoh - Pelsa
Terima kasih. [ID kasus 2352] Anda telah melaporkan 2 kasus pincang pada sapi di [lokasi].
Terima kasih. [ID kasus 2352] Anda telah melaporkan 5 kasus mencret, demam pada sapi di DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Selatan, ... Ddx: koksidiosis, Salmonellosis