Manuals:Movement/id: Perbedaan revisi

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Baris 4: Baris 4:

Revisi per 5 September 2014 16.25

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Health Certification for the Movement of livestock


VSK [permit ID]

Health permits for movement

  • SKKH is required for all movements of the following species that move between different kabupaten:
    • Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry
  • SKKH is issued by Dinas Kabupaten
  • To issue an SKKH, either:
    • the animals to be moved must be examined by a dinas field staff member, or
    • the issuing officer must be familiar with the current health status of the animals
  • An SKKH certifies that the animals at the time of examination are not showing any signs of infectious disease and are suitable for movement
  • In kabupaten using iSIKHNAS, an SKKH must have an iSIKHNAS movement permit number.
    • An iSIKHNAS SKKH is issued by submitting an SMS (SK code) with the required details.
    • The iSIKHNAS system returns the permit number and emails a copy of the SKKH to the dinas office.
    • The emailed copy can be printed, stamped, signed and given to the owner, or
    • A manually written copy can be prepared, and the permit number written onto the SKKH (when there is no access to email).

  • Movement report always starts with SK.
  • Owner ID
  • Use CKL [name of location] to find the location code of origin or source of animals.
  • Use CKL [name of location] to find the location code of destination of animals.
  • Use KODE SP to find the Species code from the Species code list.
  • Number of animals of that species.
    • Sequence may be repeated if multiple species involved.
  • Owner mobile phone number where available.

Movement validation

VSK [permit ID]
  • Movement validation always starts with VSK.
  • Movement permit number generated by iSIKHNAS system.

Code Lists

Species codes

Code Species
LPU Lingkungan Pasar Unggas
WL Waste bins
MPK Tables where chickens are displayed
WK Baskets holding cut-chicken
MPR Processing table
KLB Wet cloths
MCB Defeathering machine
AY chicken
DG meat
PKNY Chicken Food
BLAY Feather Chicken
DAG beef
DD pijeon meat
SB Straw
DKB Daging Kambing
ODGS Processed Beef
DGBB Duck Meat
DGKD daging kuda
DAJ dog meat
ODGA Processed Chicken
DGD Lamb
DA chicken meat
DGI Duck Meat
DGP Quail Meat
KPAY chicken head
RDG Rendang
ABN Abon
DDG Dendeng
KPS lung cow chips
AYU Chicken Ungkep
BBU Duck Ungkep
AYS Chicken Suwir
KCA Keripik Ceker Ayam
NUG Nugget
RUA Rambak Usus Ayam
DBP Patty
LSP cow waste
LHA Neck Chicken
LKR Buffalo waste
BBSP Beef Tripe
BIOG Biogas
AYF ayam afkir
BIOU Bio-Urine
KOM Compost
PPC Liquid Fertilizer
BSO Meatball
TPD Tepung Darah
TPT Bone Powder
OT Olahan Tanduk
KKL Leather Craft
STC Shuttlecock
PAT feed
OBT Medicine
KMT Cosmetic
ROL Rolade
AYPHI Ayam Philipine
EKS cows
SOS Chicken meat sausage
SYPA chicken wing
SOP beef sausages
KSP cow foot
KAY chicken feet
BLU Bulu
ODG Other processed meat
DSA Smooked beef
DGB Pork
IT duck
TLR egg
TT hatching eggs
TA Egg
TI Duck Eggs
TLP Quails Eggs
TLA Salted Egg
PMP White Peking Mojosari duck
AG goose
SS milk
KJ Keju
SKR Ice Cream
KSS Milk Crackers
NSS Milk Noga
DSS Dodol Susu
KFR Kefir
STS Milk Stick
PSS Milk Candy
KOS Milk Cosmetics
BUT Butter
SGR Fresh Milk
SSP Milk Pasteurization
SSB Milk Powder
YOG Yoghurt
SSA Cow's Milk
SSK Buffalo's Milk
SSD Sheep's Milk
EG Manila duck
FS cow faeces
FU bird faeces
KK turkey
MDU Honey
BLB Grouse
SBR Bird Nest
SBRW Swift Nest
UL other poultry
KS Kulit sapi
KSB Wet Cow skin
KSK Dray cow skin
KKB Kulit kambing
KUL Snake skin
KKR Buffalo Skin
BBK duck
GIS Cow Kidney
LAY Fat chicken
HAY Hati Ayam
KLY Kulit Ayam
TLG Bone
DRH Blood
AAY ampela ayam
PSP cattle lung
LIS Cow Spleen
TRL Tenderloin
OTS Brain Cow
TLS Bone Cow
TIS Beef Ribs
HTS Hati Sapi
BBP Peking Duck
TDKK Buffalo Horn
TKS Cattle Horn
MP pigeon
CL Lumbricus Worm
SR Burung Srindit
LB Burung Love Bird
MKI Merpati Kipas
PL Pleci Bird
AM Anis Merah Bird
AK Anis Kembang Bird
PKT Burung Perkutut
DK Burung Derkuku
JLK Jalak
JB Jalak Bali
JP Jalak Putih
JPL Jalak Perling
JS Jalak Suren
JDK Jalak Donking
PT Pentet Bird
BKS Kasuari Bird
PY quail
GL Glatik Bird
CB Burung Ciblek
KT Kakatua
KTJP Kakatua jambul putih
KTJK Kakatua jambul kuning
ANS Burung Anis
SMY Samyong Bird
HN Owl
CLN Cililin Bird
KOL Colibri Bird
KONI Konin bird
PRK Parkit
MUR Robin
BKT Kapas Tembak Bird
BCR Cucak Ranting Bird
BG Crow
BMR Merak Bird
BFA Falk Bird
NR Nuri Bird
EL Elang
BCB Burung Cucak biru
CRW Cucak rawa bird
MNY Manyar Bird
PPT Burung Pipit
TRC Trocokan Bird
BSG Sirpu Bird
TB Tengkek Buto Bird
BEO Parrot
MKU Burung Makau
PKP Perkici Pelangi
EOS Eos Bornea
JGP Jagal Papua Bird
KAC Kacer bird
BLT Black Throte Bird
KTL Kutilang Bird
BRB Rambatan Bird
BPK Perbak Kuning Bird
BPKG Punglor Flower Bird
BPS Poksay bird
BWB Wambi Bird
BPB woodpecker onion bird
BP woodpecker bird
KEN Cannary Bird
BK Kepudang Bird
MER Merbah Bird
CJ Cucak Jenggot Bird
CI Burung Cucak Hijau
KDLET Kadal Ekor Tebal
SSLH Halmahera Soa Soa Layar
SSLA Ambon Soa Soa Layar
TOGB Gehyra baliola
TOGR Strip Tokek
TOKK Crytodactylus devent
KLG Flying Foxes
SP cattle
SSO Sumba Ongole Cattle
SBAC Bali Cross Cattle
SPKA Kaur Cattle
SPRT Rote Cow
SPGB Galacian Blond Cattle
SPBBC Belgian Blue Cross Cattle
KR buffalo
KRK Kuntu Buffalo
KRB kerbau belang
BNT banteng
KB goat
KBBRA Boerawa Goat
KBPEC PE Cross Goat
KBSPR Sapera Goat
KBSE Senduro Goat
DB sheep
RUS deer
KD horse
KDL Local Horse
KDSA American Sadel Horse
KDFR Friesian Horse
KDSR Shire Horse
KDMS Mustang
KDRM Rocky Mountain Horse
KDPL Plavius Horse
KDJ Jalil Horse
KDSD Snaafi Dancer Horse
KDMC Meydan City Horse
KSD Seattle Dancer Horse
KDR Horse Race
KDF Fjord Horse
KDFB Falabella Horse
KDBF Black Forest Horse
KDFS Flores Horse
KDND Ngada Horse
KDT Timor Horse
KDSW Sawu Horse
KDMG Mangarai Horse
KDBN Bone Horse
KDMH Mahar
KDS Sumba Horse
KDJW Jawa Horse
KDAC Aceh Horse
KDSB Sumbawa Horse
KDB Bima Horse
KDA Horse Arab
KDTB Thoroughbred Horse
KDAS Australian Horse
KDAQ American Quarter Horse
BB pig
BBL Wild Pig
KL rabbit
ON camel
AJ Dog
AJDA inside dog
AJDAA inside dog puppy
AJDAD inside dog adult
AJLU Stray dog
AJLUA puppy stray dog
AJLUD adult stray dog
KC Cat
KCH hutan Cat
BRR Berang-berang
SI gibbon
OU orang-utan
OWA Owa Owa
MY Monkey
KKG Kukang
UD shrimp
KPTK Cannary Crab
SIP snail
LMB dolphin
DY Duyung
SGL Sea Lion
KUR Turtle
MCT mice
MM guinea pig
HST hamster
BR bear
BY Chrocodile
IG iguana
SG Sugar Glider
BDK rhino
SMG Siamang
BGL Bunglon
MUS Weasel
BWK Biawak
LSG otter
KTK Frog
TRT Tarantula
MCD Neofelis nebulosa
HAR tiger
GJ Elephant
ULR snake
ULBP Boold Phyton
ULKB Stegonotus batjanensis
ULB Boa Snake
ULC Retic Snake
ULST Tanimbar Sanca Snake
ULSH Halmahera Sanca Snake
ULBE Beludak Snake
ULBM Ular Beludak Maut
ULBH Ular Boa Halmahera
ULKS Brahyombos albus
SGA lion
AN anoa
LDK hedgehog
NYA mosquito
LEB bee
UH Hongkong Caterpillar
JKR Jangkrik
UB Bamboo Cartepillar