Operational instructions:U: Perbedaan revisi

Baris 16: Baris 16:
* Species code.
* Species code.
* The number of infected animals.
* The number of infected animals.
* Code locations are required if the case occurs outside the working area.
* location code is required if the case occurs outside the registered work place.
* Dinas service officers are required to give a diagnosis code
* Dinas service officers are required to give a differential diagnosis - Separate multiple possible diagnoses with a comma
===Users=== <!--T:5-->
===Users=== <!--T:5-->

Revisi terkini pada 5 Februari 2015 14.55

Bahasa lain:
English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

U: Tanda Umum : General Signs



U [sign,sign...] [species] [number of animals] {location code}


U [sign,sign...] [species] [number of animals] {location} {differential diagnosis,differential diagnosis...}
  • Messages always begin with U
  • Sign codes. Separate multiple signs with commas
  • Species code.
  • The number of infected animals.
  • location code is required if the case occurs outside the registered work place.
  • Dinas service officers are required to give a differential diagnosis - Separate multiple possible diagnoses with a comma


  • Pelsa
  • Dinas staff
    • Veterinarian
    • Paravet


To report any cases of illness requiring the assistance of dinas field staff.

  • Pelsa
    • To report any common signs of disease
    • Automatic alerts are sent to local dinas staff responsible
    • Dinas staff will respond with a phone call or visit.
  • Dinas staff
    • To report any routine signs of disease not already reported by local pelsa
    • Must include a differential diagnosis
    • This will be included in an automatically generated monthly report.

When used

  • For any kind of disease?
    • All signs of disease that do not correspond to one of the priority disease syndromes
    • There are two SMS formats for reported cases of the disease in the field: U and P
      • P is used for all cases in accordance with the definition of priority disease syndrome
      • U is used for all other cases which do not correspond to disease syndrome that requires priority handling agency personnel
  • What is a case?
    • Case is an incident or disease problems
      • In one or more animals that have a semblance of a problem
      • In the same location (rural or farm the same, but not necessarily the same owner)
      • At the same event, or nearly equal
    • Only need one report per incident (incident disease).
      • Do not create separate reports for each individual animal when there are few animals with the same problem

Reporting process

  • Pelsa report
    • Farmer sees that one or more animals have a health problem
    • Farmer tells Pelsa about the problem
    • Pelsa inspects the animal/s
      • Note the species
      • Note the number affected
      • Identify two or more signs of illness that can be seen in the animal/s
        • The signs can be found on the list of sign codes (KODE TAN or CKT)
        • 'Tanda lain' or 'other signs' should be avoided and only used if there is no alternative sign which corresponds to the signs observed.
    • Send SMS U
  • Petugas dinas report
    • Farmer reports directly to the dinas officer
    • Dinas officer inspects the animal/s
      • Note the species
      • Note the number affected
      • Identify two or more signs of illness that can be seen in the animal/s
        • The signs can be found on the list of sign codes (KODE TAN or CKT)
        • 'Tanda lain' or 'other signs' should be avoided and only used if there is no alternative sign which corresponds to the signs observed.
    • Send SMS U

Other codes required

  • Signs*
    • Pelsa Signs List - short list of common signs and codes for Pelsa. Multiple signs should be separated by a comma.
    • Dinas Signs List - full listing of signs and codes for field staff. Multiple signs should be separated by a comma.
    • Use this SMS format to see a short list of common signs
    • Use this SMS format to find a specific sign code from your handphone
CKT [sign]
  • Species Code - list of species and their codes
  • Use this SMS format to find a species code from your handphone
  • Kode lokasi (Optional: Use only if you are reporting from a different work location to the one you are registered in. Pelsa usually will not have to give a location code because their registered work location is the village where they work. Others will usually have to enter a code because they report for a wider area.
  • memberikan diagnosa diferensial
  • Pelsa – Tidak perlu menyertakan kode diagnosa
  • Petugas dinas – wajib memberikan satu atau lebih kemungkinan diagnosa, berupa kode dari Daftar penyakit, jika terdiri dari beberapa kode penyakit, pisahkan dengan koma.


  • Pesan SMS
    • SMS konfirmasi akan dikirim kepada pelapor (pelsa atau petugas dinas)
    • SMS pemberitahuan akan diteruskan kepada petugas dinas teknis yang bertanggungjawab terhadap wilayah kerja pelapor.
  • SMS konfirmasi akan mengikut sertakan ID kasus yang unik. ID kasus ini akan digunakan untuk laporan-laporan selanjutnya berkaitan dengan kasus tersebut (respon, pengobatan, pengiriman sampel, dll)

Tindak Lanjut

Petugas dinas akan merespon kasus yang dilaporkan

  • respon awal melalui telepon
  • jika memungkinkan, diikuti dengan kunjungan lapangan untuk memeriksa hewan yang dilaporkan


Contoh - Pelsa

 Terima kasih. [ID kasus 2352] Anda telah melaporkan 2 kasus pincang pada sapi di ....

Contoh - Dinas

 Terima kasih. [ID kasus 2352] Anda telah melaporkan 5 kasus mencret, demam pada sapi di DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Selatan, ... 
Ddx: koksidiosis, Salmonellosis

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