Semua terjemahan

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 r Inggris (en)= Message attributes =
The interface to edit message attributes is available through the Admin | Create SMS Handler | Edit SMS Message menu options. The fields are:
== Start code ==
Every message has a start code. This must contain only letters (no numbers, symbols, spaces or punctuation), and should be written in capital letters. It must be at least one letter, but can be longer. It is best to keep it as short as possible, while still allowing it to be easily understood and unique. Two or three letters is normal.
== Name ==
The name for the message is a short name describing the purpose of the message or the type of data being collected. It should be written in Indonesian and English.
== Permission ==
This controls who is allowed to send this type of message. The drop down list shows all defined group permissions, normally named in the form 'can_dosomething'. If there is an existing permission that is already suitable for this type of report, that can be used, but normally it will be necessary to define a new permission. Once defined, and associated with the SMS message, different user groups can be give this permission or not, depending on their responsibilities.
=== Defining a new permission ===
In the menu, go to Admin | Permissions | Edit Permissions. 
==== Name ====
Enter a new name for the permission in the form 'can_xxx'. For a permission for a particular SMS message, the normal name for the permission is 'can_send_''message_type'''. For example, for an OB message, the corresponding permission would be 'can_send_ob'.
==== Enable by default ====
This sets all groups to have this permission by default. Normally this should be set to 'no' so that groups have to be explicitly give this permission, unless it is sure that almost all users should be able to use this permission.
==== User permission ====
Set this to 'no' as we are creating a group permission.
 r Bahasa Indonesia (id)= Atribut-atribut Pesan =
Interface untuk menyunting atribut-atribut pesan tersedia melalui Admin | Membuat SMS Handler | Sunting pilihan menu Pesan SMS. Bidang-bidangnya adalah:
== Kode mulai ==
Setiap pesan memiliki satu kode mulai. Ini hanya berisi huruf saja (tidak ada angka, simbol, spasi atau tanda baca), dan harus ditulis dengan huruf besar. Setidaknya ada satu huruf, namun bisa lebih panjang. Lebih singkat lebih baik, walaupun tetap memungkinkan untuk mudah dimengerti dan unik. Normalnya adalah dua atau tiga huruf.
== Nama ==
Nama untuk pesan tersebut adalah sebuah nama pendek yang mendeskripsikan tujuan dari pesan itu atau tipe data yang sedang dikumpulkan. Hendaknya ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.
== Perizinan ==
Ini mengontrol siapa yang diizinkan untuk mengirimkan tipe pesan ini. Daftar drop down menunjukan seluruh perizinan grup yang terdefinisikan, biasanya dinamai dalam format 'dapat_melakukansesuatu'. Jika ada perizinan yang sesuai dengan tipe laporan ini, yang bisa digunakan, tetapi biasanya akan diminta untuk mendefinisikan perizinan baru. Setelah terdefinisi, dan diasosiasikan dengan pesan SMS, grup pengguna yang berbeda dapat memberikan izin ini atau tidak, tergantung pada tanggung jawab mereka.
=== Mendefinisikan perizinan baru ===
Pada menu, kunjungi Admin | Perizinan | Sunting Perizinan. 
==== Name ====
Enter a new name for the permission in the form 'can_xxx'. For a permission for a particular SMS message, the normal name for the permission is 'can_send_''message_type'''. For example, for an OB message, the corresponding permission would be 'can_send_ob'.
==== Enable by default ====
This sets all groups to have this permission by default. Normally this should be set to 'no' so that groups have to be explicitly give this permission, unless it is sure that almost all users should be able to use this permission.
==== User permission ====
Set this to 'no' as we are creating a group permission.