Translations:Surveillance course participant/82/id

Surveilans poin agregasi dilakukan di tempat-tempat dimana hewan dibawa dan dikumpulkan, seperti rumah potong, pasar ternak atau fasilitas pencelupan. Hewan-hewan yang dikirim ke is conducted at places where animals are brought together, such as at abattoirs, livestock markets, or dipping facilities. Animals that are sent to the aggregation point tend to be healthier than the general population, so the results may show a ‘healthy animal bias’. If disease is found in any of the samples, it can be hard to trace back to find where the animal came from. Aggregation point surveillance can provide estimates of prevalence of certain diseases (recognising the possibility of bias). It can provide a way of monitoring the progress of a disease control program. Aggregation point surveillance can also assist in providing confidence in freedom from certain diseases.