What does it do?

What does it do?

Using iSIKHNAS, we can link laboratory submission data with disease reports; maps with movement data or outbreak reports; slaughter data with production and population data; and all smoothly and automatically in easy to use formats. That is great for decision makers at every level and good for everyone who is working in the animal health sector.

The variety of reports available via the website or automatically sent by email is always expanding. Upon request, new reports can be created for regular viewing and reporting, analysis and information sharing.

Here are a very few examples of the automated reports available.

A simple disease report
A priority syndrome report
Priority disease report
Many reports are available as a graph.
Some reports relate to wider activities such as treatment, for example.
Some reports relate to wider activities such as movement.
Other reports relate to slaughterhouse activities
There are many other reports which relate to the system, staff or resources.