What makes it special?

Revisi per 27 Februari 2014 15.23 oleh Catriona (bicara | kontrib)

To ensure it meets its goals iSIKHNAS has been built on a number of strong founding principles which have driven its growth from the outset. They are crucial features of its success and values which underpin every aspect of its approach to all its stakeholders.

The system should

  • have at the heart of the system those involved in data reporting - the people working closest to the animals and their owners.
  • only enhance, support and ease the work of those reporting and they should be rewarded by their involvement with the system.
  • not burden any users' normal duties but instead bring immediate and tangible benefit to their work.
  • give more than it takes from users to ensure that every user benefits from the system.
  • should provide a service to all its different users at all times and that this service should be responsive to the changing needs of its users.

Data reported should be

  • a natural outcome from the conduct of routine animal health work, it should never be the goal in itself.
  • only ever entered once, by the person reporting, at the time of the event.
  • automatically checked so that it is correct at entry
  • reported in its smallest, most immediate form from the field
  • never grouped, manipulated or generalised (aggregated)
  • able to be used flexibly
  • secure
  • immediately available to all who need it
  • provided to users in accessible, flexible forms, tailored to specific needs
  • able to be submitted in a variety of ways