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 r Inggris (en)Budi watches the 45 cows over the next 7 days. He calls and says that 8 more cows have become sick. The animals at risk are those that are disease free at the start of a period. At the start of the 7 day period there are 45 cows but 5 have already been diagnosed with the disease so this leaves 40 that were disease free at the start of the7 day window.
 r Bahasa Indonesia (id)Budi menggembala 45 ekor sapi selama 7 hari ke depan. Dia menelpon dan mengatakan bahwa 8 ekor sapi sakit. Hewan yang rentan adalah hewan yang bebas penyakit pada awal periode. Pada awal periode 7 hari terdapat 45 ekor sapi namun 5 diantaranya telah didiagnosis sakit, maka saat ini tersisa 40 ekor sapi sehat.