Manuals:Insemination/id: Perbedaan revisi

(Created page with "*Pesan dikirimkan oleh inseminator atau paravet terdaftar. *Pesan selalu dimulai dengan DP. *Nama peternak – tulis nama dengan benar dan lengkap, menggunakan nama pertama da...")
(Created page with "====Mengidentifikasi Pemilik Ternak==== *Setidaknya 50% peternak memiliki nomor HP dengan nomor yang berbeda di Indonesia. Diharapkan selama proses pendaftaran, pemilik ternak...")
Baris 52: Baris 52:
*Tidak wajib - Nomor alternatif pemilik yang dapat dihubungi jika tidak menggunakan nomor telepon. Untuk detail lebih lanjut, lihat di bawah.
*Tidak wajib - Nomor alternatif pemilik yang dapat dihubungi jika tidak menggunakan nomor telepon. Untuk detail lebih lanjut, lihat di bawah.
====Identifying a livestock owner====
====Mengidentifikasi Pemilik Ternak====
*At least 50% of farmers have mobile telephones which have unique numbers within Indonesia. The preference is to use a livestock owner's mobile telephone number during the registration process. The Confirmation step (KDP) allows the system to capture the farmer's phone number accurately and automatically and confirm their involvement.   
*Setidaknya 50% peternak memiliki nomor HP dengan nomor yang berbeda di Indonesia. Diharapkan selama proses pendaftaran, pemilik ternak dapat mencantumkan nomor HP-nya. Tahap Konfirmasi (KDP) membuat sistem bisa mencatat nomor telepon peternak dengan akurat dan otomatis, serta mengkonfirmasi keterlibatan mereka.   
*For those farmers without a mobile phone, a different number may be used. Owners can be registered with an alternative identifier, such as:
*Untuk peternak yang tidak memiliki HP, dapat menggunakan nomor berbeda. Pemilik dapat mendaftar dengan nomor pengidentifikasi alternatif, misal:
**their Driver's Licence: SIM (12 digits)
**nomor SIM (12 digit)
**their local identifier (8 digits or less), such as an existing ID number from the local cooperative or a local farmer id scheme.
**nomor pengidentifikasi lokal (8 digit atau kurang), misal: nomor ID dari kooperasi lokal.
**their date of birth - ddmmyy
**tanggal lahir - hari/bulan/tahun
**If this alternative identifier is used, the farmer does not have to confirm the registration as would happen for those farmers registering with a phone number.
**Jika menggunakan nomor pengidentifikasi alternatif ini, peternak tidak harus mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran, seperti yang dilakukan peternak yang mendaftar dengan nomor telepon.
====Farmer confirmation if using telephone as identifier====
====Farmer confirmation if using telephone as identifier====

Revisi per 18 September 2014 13.13

Bahasa lain:
English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

Inseminasi dan Pembibitan Buatan


Pendaftaran Peternak
DP [Nama] [Kode Lokasi] {Identifikasi pemilik}
Pendaftaran Kepemilikan Hewan
DH [ID Peternak] ([Identifikasi Hewan] [Kode spesies] [Jenis Kelamin] [Umur]...)
Pergantian Kepemilikan
Perubahan ID Hewan
GI [ID Peternak] [ID Hewan Lama] [ID Hewan Baru]
Pemberitahuan Dari Peternak Bahwa Hewan Sedang Berahi
BH {ID Pemilik} [ID Hewan]
Melaporkan Inseminasi Hewan
IB [ID Peternak] [ID hewan] [ID pejantan] [Kode pembuatan]
Hasil Uji Kehamilan
PKB [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan] [Bulan]
Melaporkan Kelahiran
LH [ID Pemilik] [ID Hewan] [Jenis Kelamin] [Identifikasi Pedet] [tanggal_lahir] {Berat Lahir}
Melaporkan Bobot Bayi Hewan
BB [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan] [Berat Badan]
Melaporkan Keguguran
KGG [ID Pemilik] [ID Hewan] [Trimester 1,2,3]
Daftar Kawanan Pemilik Individu
DHP {ID Peternak}
Permintaan Informasi Hewan Individu
IH [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan]

Format Pesan

Mendaftarkan Pemilik Ternak

DP [Nama] [Kode Lokasi] {Identifikasi pemilik}
  • Pesan dikirimkan oleh inseminator atau paravet terdaftar.
  • Pesan selalu dimulai dengan DP.
  • Nama peternak – tulis nama dengan benar dan lengkap, menggunakan nama pertama dan keluarga (marga), serta penggunaan huruf kapital yang tepat.
  • Kode lokasi – tempat tinggal pemilik ternak, hingga ke tingkat desa (kode lokasi 8 digit). Gunakan CKL [nama lokasi] untuk mencari kode yang benar.
  • Tidak wajib - Nomor alternatif pemilik yang dapat dihubungi jika tidak menggunakan nomor telepon. Untuk detail lebih lanjut, lihat di bawah.

Mengidentifikasi Pemilik Ternak

  • Setidaknya 50% peternak memiliki nomor HP dengan nomor yang berbeda di Indonesia. Diharapkan selama proses pendaftaran, pemilik ternak dapat mencantumkan nomor HP-nya. Tahap Konfirmasi (KDP) membuat sistem bisa mencatat nomor telepon peternak dengan akurat dan otomatis, serta mengkonfirmasi keterlibatan mereka.
  • Untuk peternak yang tidak memiliki HP, dapat menggunakan nomor berbeda. Pemilik dapat mendaftar dengan nomor pengidentifikasi alternatif, misal:
    • nomor SIM (12 digit)
    • nomor pengidentifikasi lokal (8 digit atau kurang), misal: nomor ID dari kooperasi lokal.
    • tanggal lahir - hari/bulan/tahun
    • Jika menggunakan nomor pengidentifikasi alternatif ini, peternak tidak harus mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran, seperti yang dilakukan peternak yang mendaftar dengan nomor telepon.

Farmer confirmation if using telephone as identifier

  • This message is sent from the new farmer's own phone number.
  • The message always starts with KDP.
  • PIN code sent to the registering inseminator's phone during first registration step (DP).
  • Using the Farmer's mobile phone, the PIN code should be sent back to iSIKHNAS within 20 minutes of the initial registration step. If not, it cannot be used and the registration process must begin again.
  • This process captures the correct phone number of the newly registered owner and confirms that he/she is willing to participate in the system.
  • This step is not needed if registering using an alternative identifier.
  • Note: It is possible to register a livestock owner using his phone number in two ways - one will require the KDP and the other does not require the owner to use the KDP.


Step 1:

DP [Nama] [Kode Lokasi] {Identifikasi pemilik} 
but ignore the optional {Owner identification}

Step 2:



Step 1:

DP [Name] [Location Code] {Owner identification} 
Using the optional alternative identifier such as a coop code, local farmer code or date of birth.  (See above)

Register an animal to an owner

DH [ID Peternak] ([Identifikasi Hewan] [Kode spesies] [Jenis Kelamin] [Umur]...)
  • The message always starts with DH
  • Farmer ID
  • Animal ID (see notes below)
  • Species code/animal breed code
  • Sex – J (male) atau B (female)
  • Age - in years or part year (using decimal point)
  • Multiple animals can be registered to the same farmer using a repeated sequence within the same message (Animal ID, Species code/animal breed code, Sex, Age)
  • Every animal must have a unique number or name within the herd - no herd may have animals with the same name or ID number.
    • This means that you may have to change the ID of certain animals coming into the herd - through purchase or inheritance - if their ID is the same as one already in the herd.
  • Keep a good record of the particular physical features which identify each animal in the herd. Keep their individual ID with this record.
  • Every animal should be tagged for easy and accurate visual identification.
  • There are many benefits to having your animals tagged.
  • Tags can be purchased blank or pre-numbered.
  • Numbers are preferable to use as ID. If possible,
    • Use an ear tag with the ID number on each animal.
    • Use the system the farmer is already using - minimum change.
    • Use one or two digits if not using any formal system (Farmer cooperative, Dinas ID system etc) .
    • Use a number that is already tattooed or branded on the animal.
  • If a farmer wishes to use a name as identifier, remember that names
    • cannot contain punctuation or spaces.
    • must be unique within the herd
    • can only be one word.
    • should be reliable - simple, short, easily remembered and easy to record correctly every time.
    • Should use common spelling.
    • should not be confusing, difficult to remember or difficult to spell correctly.

Sale of animal

  • Message is used only by inseminators, para-vets or other authorised user.
  • This message is not for use by farmers.
  • This message always begins with JH
  • Selling Farmer ID (old owner)
  • Buying Farmer ID (new owner)
  • Animal ID - see notes on animal ID.
  • It is possible that the Animal ID for a newly bought animal has the same ID as an existing animal in the new herd. In this case, iSIKHNAS will temporarily rename the new animal with BARU (new) directly after the original Animal ID, for example a cow with ID 6 is bought and the JH message has been sent. iSIKHNAS automatically deletes this animal from the Selling Farmer's herd list and checks the Buying Farmer's herd list. In this example there is already an animal with ID 6 so iSIKHNAS renames the new animal 6BARU and sends a message to the new owner to advise that he should use GI message to re-identify the animal with a new identifier that is unique within the new herd.

Change animal ID

GI [ID Peternak] [ID Hewan Lama] [ID Hewan Baru]
  • This message always begins with GI.
  • Farmer ID
  • Old Animal ID
  • New Animal ID

Farmer notification that an animal is on heat (in oestrus)

BH {ID Pemilik} [ID Hewan]
  • The message always starts with BH.
  • The animal ID number or name (no spaces or punctuation).
  • This message is sent by a farmer and an alert is sent to their local inseminator who will telephone and visit.
  • Not all farmers will want to use this function and will prefer to contact their usual inseminator/para-vet directly. It is NOT obligatory for farmers to use this message however it might be in the interests of some inseminators to recommend its use to their client farmers to avoid being called at inconvenient times or for other practical reasons.

Report insemination of an animal

IB [ID Peternak] [ID hewan] [ID pejantan] [Kode pembuatan]
  • The message always starts with IB.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Bull ID
  • Batch number
  • This message has a repeatable sequence which allows more than one insemination to be reported in the one message.

Report an abortion

KGG [ID Pemilik] [ID Hewan] [Trimester 1,2,3]
  • This message always starts with KGG.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Trimester stage of dead foetus
    • 1 = First trimester (0 - 3 months)
    • 2 = Second trimester (4 - 6 months)
    • 3 = Third trimester (7 - 9 months)

Pregnancy test results

PKB [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan] [Bulan]
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Age of foetus in months
    • Part months may be reported using a decimal place. Example: 10 weeks pregnant you would report as if it were 2 and a half months ie 2.5
  • This message has a repeatable sequence which allows more than one pregnancy test to be reported in the one message.

Report a live birth

LH [ID Pemilik] [ID Hewan] [Jenis Kelamin] [Identifikasi Pedet] [tanggal_lahir] {Berat Lahir}
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Sex of calf - B (female) or J (male)
  • Calf ID
    • Use the same naming principles as you would use for any animal ID in iSIKHNAS. (see above)

Report calf weight

BB [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan] [Berat Badan]
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Weight
  • This message has a repeatable sequence which allows more than one calf weight to be reported in the one message.
  • It may be possible to instigate locally standardised ways to measure the weight including the use of a girth/chest measuring tape or similar tool.

Animal disposal report

AH [ID Pemilik] [ID Hewan] [Kondisi Hewan]
  • This message always starts with AH
  • Farmer ID
  • Animal ID
  • Fate code - M Mati, C Dicuri, P Dipotong
  • This message is not for recording a sale of an animal to another farmer. Use JH message for

System Query

Individual owner herd listing

DHP {ID Peternak}
  • Message always starts with DHP.
  • Farmer ID
  • This message will provide a full list of the Animal IDs owned by the farmer, grouped by species and sex.

Individual animal information

IH [ID Pemilik] [ID hewan]
  • Message always starts with IH.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • This message will provide a response which outlines the history of the animal identified. At the moment, this message is only used for production and breeding related details including events such as inseminations, births, transfer of ownership etc. In the future, it may be joined with all health data associated with this animal.