Pedoman:Koordinator Sistem

Revisi per 1 April 2015 11.32 oleh Nadia (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "Sebagai koordinator sistem, kepemimpinan dan petunjuk yang anda berikan akan membantu memastikan prinsip-prinsip tersebut tetap fundamental bagi sistem dan penggunanya. iSIKHN...")
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Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Pembuatan iSIKHNAS

Seiring berkembangnya sebuah sistem, penting untuk tetap mengingat prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam perancangan dan pembuatannya. iSIKHNAS akan menjadi tulang punggung upaya Indonesia dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan hewan, menjaga mata pencaharian pemilik ternak, serta memastikan pengelolaan yang baik terhadap produksi dan cadangan pangan di seluruh Indonesia. Sistem ini dirancang dan dibangun melalui kolaborasi erat diantara staf yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan hewan di berbagai daerah.

iSIKHNAS was designed so that it should;

  • fleksibel, ramah pengguna, berkesinambungan dan memberikan manfaat bagi seluruh penggunanya.
  • memenuhi kebutuhan para pengguna dari berbagai sektor dalam industri peternakan.
  • menggunakan teknologi yang layak dan tidak memerlukan banyak perubahan dari sistem-sistem yang sudah ada.
  • mengintegrasikan sistem-sistem yang sudah ada guna memfasilitasi penggunaan data yang kolaboratif.
  • menyederhanakan dan meringankan beban data entry dan memastikan ketersediaan data dari lapangan secara cepat.
  • mengenali kontribusi vital yang dimainkan oleh setiap pengguna dalam penyaluran informasi.
  • menjadikan data tersedia seluas-luasnya dan sebebas-bebasnya untuk pengambilan keputusan pada semua tingkatan dan untuk beragam kegunaan lainnya.

Sebagai koordinator sistem, kepemimpinan dan petunjuk yang anda berikan akan membantu memastikan prinsip-prinsip tersebut tetap fundamental bagi sistem dan penggunanya. iSIKHNAS bukan merupakan alat bantu pengumpulan data, melainkan sebuah sistem terintegrasi yang dapat memberdayakan penggunanya dengan memberikan akses untuk memperoleh informasi terbaru yang relevan dengan cepat dan murah sehingga mereka dapat berkonsentrasi pada kegiatan-kegiatan inti. Sebagai koordinator, anda merupakan bagian dari pelayanan kesehatan hewan baru yang dibangun di atas hubungan yang baik, komunikasi yang jelas dan tepat waktu, serta kepemimpinan dan dukungan yang memadai.

Whilst much effort has been gone into minimising change, the new iSIKHNAS will inevitably bring about some change for all staff. Every coordinator will have to be equipped to chaperone newcomers to the system, assist in training and system operations, offer support by telephone and email, monitor reporting, errors and address weaknesses. Staff should be congratulated and thanked, given positive reinforcement for their successful engagement with the system and assisted wherever there are difficulties. Collaboration with livestock owners and their communities should give benefit or have positive outcomes at every interaction. At every step, we should remember that this is a system for providing a service to all its users equally. If everyone contributes with this in mind we will all benefit.

iSIKHNAS coordination and management model

The management of iSIKHNAS is overseen by a committee of senior staff from various directorates general and subdirectorates. The committee is supported by the technical expertise from the system administrators or Champions and the Epidemiology Advisory group.

Sections are represented by an appointed coordinator who is responsible for the oversight of the specialist activities such as abattoir reporting, breeding and production and quarantine for example.

Each administrative level will have a coordinator appointed and trained. So, each region, province and kabupaten will have a designated coordinator. Some areas may choose to share the coordination between two staff members to ensure that one person is burdened with too much responsibility.

The most important roles are undertaken by the field staff - dinas vets and para-vets - and the village reporters (pelsa). These individuals are the source of most data and their continued collaboration is vital to the ongoing strength of iSIKHNAS.

ISIKHNAS management structure v1.png

Job description

An iSIKHNAS coordinator is responsible for the smooth operations by staff registered and trained to use the system in a particular geographical/administrative area.


  • Act as an ambassador, information source and spokesperson for the system in the district
  • Safeguard the philosophy and principals upon which iSIKHNAS has been built
  • Ensure users can access and refer to you easily and freely.
  • Share the coordination role with one or more deputies.
  • Respond to requests for new data reports

User development and administration

  • Register new users Pelsa and Dinas correctly
  • Train new users Pelsa and Dinas in all relevant aspects of the system
  • Ensure user details are up to date
  • Facilitate or assist training of specific user groups such as abattoir, production, police or health department, for example.
  • Supervise and monitor all registered users in the area of responsibility
  • Register local infrastructure and create new location codes where necessary and ensure these are up to date.

Support and monitoring

  • Monitor the message log and respond quickly to problems in a supportive manner
  • Respond to feedback and questions from users in a timely and supportive manner
  • Assist para-vets to respect and support the work of village pelsa
  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of the team, set goals and priorities for improvement and development
  • Identify training needs of staff based on monitoring of field reports


  • Report technical problems, inadequacies or redundancies immediately to the Champions and Provincial coordinator

Analysis and management

  • Assist in the analysis of data for the evaluation of activities, performance and priority setting.
  • Assist in the analysis of data for the purposes of budget advocacy for support for ongoing and new activities
  • Make recommendations from the results of data analysis
  • Manage surveillance, vaccination and population data collection activities through iSIKHNAS.