Operational instructions:KODE/en

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Bahasa lain:

KODE: Kode sistem : System codes


KODE {code type}
  • Message begins with KODE
  • Optional: Enter code list desired
    • If you do not enter a code then iSIKHNAS will respond with
isikhnas: Format: KODE {jenis kode}. Jenis kode: SP (spesies), RP (rumah potong), JHRP (jenis hewan RPH), POP (jenis hewan populasi), 

TAN (tanda), AH (akhir hewan), JP (jenis pengguna), PK (perkembangan kasus), SL (seksi lab ), BS (bentuk spesimen), SIN(sindrom prioritas), SUM (sumber penyakit), UC (uji cepat), JI (jenis infrastruktur)

Used by

  • Mostly used by field level reporters


  • To give field access to the most current code lists via a mobile telephone.

When to use

  • This query may be used at any time. Answers in the form of code lists may be saved to individual phones for later use although this is not widely recommended.

Reporting process

Codes required


Follow-up actions


AY ayam; IT itik; AG angsa; EG entog; UL unggas lain; MP merpati; PY puyuh; SP sapi; KR kerbau; KB kambing; 
DB domba; KD kuda; KL kelinci; AJ anjing; KC kucing; BB babi