Manuals:Animal Idenification

Revisi per 14 Maret 2014 18.02 oleh Catriona (bicara | kontrib) (Marked this version for translation)

Individual Animal Identification

Training materials

Powerpoint for Animal Identification

SmartCards for IB and Animal Identification

Message formats

Advice about Owner IDs

  • The owner ID is the owner's mobile phone number.
  • To make life easier for users the owner's ID can be shortened to be just the last few digits of the phone number - as long as it remains unique for all the owners in the sender's area of responsibility.

Register a livestock owner

DP [Name] [Location Code] {Owner identification}
  • Message is sent by a registered inseminator or para-vet.
  • The message always begins with DP
  • Farmer name – try to write the name correctly and fully, using first name and family name and capitals where appropriate
  • Location code – where the livestock owner lives, to the desa level (8 digit location code). Use CKL system query to find the correct code.
  • Optional - Alternative owner identifier number if not using telephone number. See below for more details.

Identifying a livestock owner

  • At least 50% of farmers have mobile telephones which have unique numbers within Indonesia. The preference is to use a livestock owner's mobile telephone number during the registration process. The Confirmation step (KDP) allows the system to capture the farmer's phone number accurately and automatically and confirm their involvement.
  • For those farmers without a mobile phone, a different number may be used. Owners can be registered with an alternative identifier, such as:
    • their Driver's Licence: SIM (12 digits)
    • their local identifier (8 digits or less), such as an existing ID number from the local cooperative or a local farmer id scheme.
    • their date of birth - ddmmyy
    • If this alternative identifier is used, the farmer does not have to confirm the registration as would happen for those farmers registering with a phone number.

Farmer confirmation if using telephone as identifier

  • This message is sent from the new farmer's own phone number.
  • The message always starts with KDP.
  • PIN code sent to the registering inseminator's phone during first registration step (DP).
  • The PIN code should be sent back to iSIKHNAS within 20 minutes of the initial registration step. If not, it cannot be used and the registration process must begin again.
  • This process captures the correct phone number of the newly registered owner and confirms that he/she is willing to participate in the system.
  • This step is not needed if registering using an alternative identifier.
  • Note: It is possible to register a livestock owner using his phone number in two ways - one will require the KDP and the other does not require the owner to use the KDP.

Example: Step 1: DP [Name] [Location Code] ( and ignore the optional {Owner identification} ) Step 2: KDP [PIN]


Step 1:DP [Name] [Location Code] {Owner identification} (Using the optional alternative identifier such as a coop code, local farmer code or date of birth. See above.)

Register an individual animal

DH [Farmer ID] ([Animal identification] [Species code] [Sex] [Age]...)
  • Message always starts with DH
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Species/breed code
  • Sex
  • Age - in years. If it is possible to define the age of the animal more accurately it is acceptable to use decimal places. For example, an animal thought to be three and a half years old would be reported as 3.5.
  • Breed codes for cattle can be queried by DKB SP.

Change ownership of an animal

  • Message always starts with JH.
  • Owner ID (Seller)
  • New owner ID (Buyer)
  • Animal ID
  • If several animals are involved in the same transfer of ownership then the Animal IDs of all the animals can be listed, each separated by a space.

Change animal ID

GI [Farmer ID] [Old Animal ID] [New Animal ID]
  • Message always starts with GI.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • New animal ID
  • This function is used for situations when animals need to change their local IDs to avoid confusion in a new herd. Remember!! All animals in the same herd must have UNIQUE identification.

Report the fate of an animal

AH [Owner ID] [Animals Id] [Animal Disposal]
  • Message always starts with AH.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID
  • Code for fate
    • M = Dead
    • C = Stolen
    • D = Slaughtered

System Query

Individual owner herd listing

DHP {Farmer ID}
  • Message always starts with DHP.
  • Owner ID

Individual animal information

IH [Owner ID] [Animal ID]
  • Message always starts with IH.
  • Owner ID
  • Animal ID