Translations:District coordinators/15/id

Dukungan dan Pengawasan

Monitor catatan pesan dan segera merespon terhadap masalah yang muncul dengan cara yang suportif

  • Pesan catatan kesalahan dapat dikirimkan kepada anda melalui email setiap hari.
  • Catatan kesalahan juga dapat dilihat di laman dengan mengunnjungi Laporan : Pengguna bagian - Daftar pesan SMS kesalahan oleh pengguna
  • Catatan kesalahan adalah perlengkapan yang sangat berguna bagi koordinator dan hendaknya diperhatikan setiap hari. Catatan ini mengidentifikasi pengguna yang menemui masalah dengan format pesan, kode dan data lainnya yang salah. Ingat: iSIKHNAS tidak akan menerima pesan-pesan yang dikirim dengan format yang tidak sesuai - this is to ensure the data that enters the system is error free - so any users who make mistakes are immediately sent a message from the system helping them to send the correctly formatted message. Encourage your staff to read these helpful return messages as they will help them to save time, frustration and pulsa.
  • Coordinators can learn a great deal from user errors - weaknesses in training; poor understanding of concepts; poor knowledge, in treating disease, for example, and once the problem has been identified you can contact the person and gently and clearly explain where they are going wrong. A quick response from you will show how much you care about your staff, the data and good, efficient work.
  • Errors are extremely useful training tools. You can play games with your staff during training and ask them to correct the errors or find the problem.
  • Users who have frequent problems sending messages may need special tools to help them in the field - 'smart cards' or 'cheat sheets' to keep in their pockets if they don't feel confident about using their phone confidently.