Translations:Basic Excel/188/en

To unmerge the cells, and refill the cells with the desired data:

  1. Select the merged cells.
  2. Click on 'Gabung & Ketengahkan' from the 'Perataan' section from the 'Rumah' tab of the Ribbon.
    Merged cells (2)
  3. Select 'Pisahkan Sel'. We can see that the cells have been unmerged, because we can see the cell gridlines.
    Merged cells (3)
  4. The original content of the merged cells has been placed in the top lefthand cell - in this case, D3. Copy this data to the cells below:
    Merged cells (4)
  5. Note that in this case, we elect to 'Isi Tanpa Pemformatan' to avoid copying the border formatting:
    Merged cells (5)