Manual for Coordinators/id: Perbedaan revisi

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Baris 1: Baris 1:
==Menu Cepat: Koordinator iSIKHNAS==
''Klik link ini''
|'''Roles and Responsibilities'''||[[Manual_for_Coordinators#Roles_and_responsibilities:Regional_and_Provincial_coordinators|Daerah dan Provinci Koordinator ]]||[[Manual_for_Coordinators#Roles_and_responsibilities:District_coordinators|Kabupaten Koordinator]] || [[Manual_for_Coordinators#District_coordinators_-_in_more_detail|Lebih lanjut tentang koordinator kabupaten]]
| || || ||
|'''Komunikasi'''||[[Communication#iSIKHNAS Videos|Lihat video]]|| [[FAQ:_Frequently_Asked_Questions|Pertanyaan umum]]
| || || ||
|'''Panduan'''|| [[Reports|Reports]] || [[Manual_for_Coordinators#Manage|Manage]]|| [[Manual_for_Coordinators#Monitoring_your_District|Monitor]]
| || || ||
|'''Lookup Cepat'''||[[ISIKHNAS code lists|Kode]] || [[Operational_instructions:Message_Information_sheets_ENG|Format Pesan]]|| [[FAQ:_Frequently_Asked_Questions#Getting_information_from_the_system|Kueri]]
| || || ||
|'''Pelatihan'''||[[ISIKHNAS_Training_Resources#ISIKHNAS_Training_Centre|iSIKHNAS]]||[[Training#Technical_Training_Courses_for_Staff_Development|Kusus lain]]|| [[Facilitation Guide|Meningkatkan pelatihan]]
Baris 64: Baris 41:
* Additional material on the iSIKHNAS wiki to assist you with your training responsibilities.
* Additional material on the iSIKHNAS wiki to assist you with your training responsibilities.
==Model Koordinasi dan Pengelolaan iSIKHNAS==
{{fpblock|Mangement of the System|Organigramme.svg|iSIKHNAS coordination and management model}}
Pengelolaan sistem informasi kesehatan hewan iSIKHNAS akan diatur oleh sebuah komite yang ditetapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan. Komite ini beranggotakan perwakilan senior dari kelompok-kelompok pemangku kepentingan seperti Produksi, Kesmavet, Obat Hewan, dan Karantina. 
Komite pengelola akan memperoleh dukungan keahlian teknis dari Administrator Sistem (Champions) dan Panel Penasihat Epidemiologi (Epi Leaders). 
Sub sektor kunci yang dilibatkan dalam bidang-bidang khusus, misalnya Produksi dan Kesmavet, akan menunjuk koordinator masing-masing untuk memimpin pengawasan dan pelatihan staf yang terlibat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan ini.
Setiap tingkatan administratif menetapkan koordinator masing-masing yang akan menerima pelatihan mendalam dalam penggunaan dan pengawasan sistem iSIKHNAS. Ini berarti setiap wilayah regional, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota akan memiliki koordinator iSIKHNAS masing-masing. Daerah tertentu mungkin akan lebih memilih untuk membagi peran koordinasi diantara dua atau tiga orang staf dalam rangka memastikan sistem selalu terpantau dan dukungan untuk pengguna dapat tersedia setiap saat.
{{fpblock|Roles and responsibilities:Regional and Provincial coordinators|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Regional and provincial coordinators play an important leadership, support and system oversight role.}}
{{fpblock|Roles and responsibilities:District coordinators|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|District coordinators play a vital leadership, support and system oversight role at the district level.  They train, motivate and support their dinas staff and all other users enabling everyone to work efficiently and effectively.}}
==Tools for Coordinators==
{{fpblock|Coordinator Checklist|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|This helpful checklist will keep you on the ball!  It includes daily, weekly and monthly tasks for coordinators.}}
{{fpblock|Troubleshooting|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|An important part of the job of a coordinator is to help other staff to use the system accurately and efficiently.  These troubleshooting tools will help you do do this.}}
===Website -
[[File:ISIKHNAS logo big.png|100px|left]]
The iSIKHNAS website is the main tool for all administration, management and monitoring tasks.
[ Go to iSIKHNAS at]
{{hlbox|'''A few important things to remember about the website.'''
* Every user must be registered and trained before they can be given access (a password) to the iSIKHNAS website.  The data on the website should never be shared with anyone without authorisation.  Some of the data on the website may be highly sensitive.
* The password ensures the website remains as secure as possible. [[FAQ:_Frequently_Asked_Questions#I_want_to_change_my_password._What_is_a_good_password_to_use.3F|'''Read more about passwords''']] - they are the real 'gate keepers' which keep our system secure.  Don't share your password with anyone. 
{{fpblock|Role of the Coordinators|Coordinator.png|There are three coordinator levels: Regional, Provincial and District}}
* The website automatically logs a user out after a certain time of inactivity. So if you leave your desk for a while and return, you will probably find that you will have to log back in to the website. This is done for security reasons.
{{fpblock|Coordinator Checklist|Options256.png|This helpful checklist will keep you on the ball! It includes daily, weekly and monthly tasks for coordinators.}}
{{fpblock|Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting.svg|An important part of the job of a coordinator is to help other staff to use the system accurately and efficiently. These troubleshooting tools will help you do do this.}}
* Every user will have a different '''view''' of the website and different access rights to parts of the website according to their assigned User Type and Location.
* This acts to simplify the site for users and adapt it to suit each user's core interests and responsibilities.
* The site will change over time. Features will be improved, new features added and new reports created - users should be prepared to adapt to the changing face of the system.}}
{{fpblock|Website|Tailored website.svg|The iSIKHNAS website is the main tool for all administration, management and monitoring tasks.}}
{{fpblock|User registration|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Coordinators have the responsibility for overseeing the registration of new users. This can be done in several ways.}}
{{fpblock|User registration|User registration.svg|Coordinators have the responsibility for overseeing the registration of new users. This can be done in several ways.}}
{{fpblock|Manage|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|The '''Manage''' menu allows coordinators to create, update and manage users and special programs such as for vaccination and surveillance, as well as managing infrastructure and location data.}}
{{fpblock|Manage|Manage icons grouped.svg|The '''Manage''' menu allows coordinators to create, update and manage users and special programs such as for vaccination and surveillance, as well as managing infrastructure and location data.}}
{{fpblock|Reports|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|The '''Reports''' menu provides access to the database for animal health and staff monitoring purposes.  It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.}}
{{fpblock|Reports|Reports.svg|The '''Reports''' menu provides access to the database for animal health and staff monitoring purposes.  It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.}}
{{fpblock|Monitoring your District|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|The '''Monitoring''' sub-menu in '''Reports''' provides access to the database for system and staff monitoring purposes.  It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.}}
{{fpblock|Monitoring your District|Monitoring.svg|The '''Monitoring''' sub-menu in '''Reports''' provides access to the database for system and staff monitoring purposes.  It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.}}
{{fpblock|Training your staff|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Coordinators are responsible for training staff in the use of iSIKHNAS. There a many resources available to help coordinators in this important role.}}
{{fpblock|Training your staff|Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png|Coordinators are responsible for training staff in the use of iSIKHNAS. There a many resources available to help coordinators in this important role.}}
{{fpblock|SMS message formats and codes|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Coordinators will need to be fully aware of the system's data codes, SMS formats, data standards and standard operating procedures for SMS-based reports.}}
{{fpblock|SMS message formats and codes|Code book.png|Coordinators will need to be fully aware of the system's data codes, SMS formats, data standards and standard operating procedures for SMS-based reports.}}
{{fpblock|Troubleshooting|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Things can go wrong with any system.  DON'T PANIC.  Read through this troubleshooting guide to help you.}}
{{fpblock|Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting.svg|Things can go wrong with any system.  DON'T PANIC.  Read through this troubleshooting guide to help you.}}
{{fpblock|Using the data|ISIKHNAS logo big.png|Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.}}
{{fpblock|Using the data|Data download.svg|Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.}}

Revisi per 27 Februari 2015 17.04

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English • ‎Bahasa Indonesia

Panduan Koordinator iSIKHNAS


Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Pembuatan iSIKHNAS

Seiring berkembangnya sebuah sistem, penting untuk tetap mengingat prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam perancangan dan pembuatannya. iSIKHNAS akan menjadi tulang punggung upaya Indonesia dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan hewan, menjaga mata pencaharian pemilik ternak, serta memastikan pengelolaan yang baik terhadap produksi dan cadangan pangan di seluruh Indonesia. Sistem ini dirancang dan dibangun melalui kolaborasi erat diantara staf yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan hewan di berbagai daerah.

iSIKHNAS dirancang untuk memenuhi tujuan-tujuan berikut ini:

  • Menjadi sistem yang fleksibel, mudah digunakan, dan bermanfaat bagi semua penggunanya.
  • Memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna dari berbagai sektor industri peternakan.
  • Menerapkan teknologi tepat guna dan tidak menuntut perubahan besar dari sistem yang telah ada.
  • Mengintegrasikan sistem yang telah ada untuk memfasilitasi penggunaan data secara kolaboratif.
  • Menyederhanakan dan mempermudah kegiatan memasukkan data, serta memastikan data dari lapangan dapat tersedia dengan cepat.
  • Mengenali kontribusi penting dari setiap pengguna dalam transfer informasi.
  • Memberikan manfaat dan pelayanan yang baik kepada semua penggunanya.
  • Menjamin ketersediaan data secara luas dan bebas untuk pengambilan keputusan dengan tujuan yang berbeda-beda di semua tingkatan.

Fungsi dan Tantangan Kunci Bagi Koordinator

Sebagai koordinator sistem, kepemimpinan dan petunjuk yang anda berikan akan membantu memastikan prinsip-prinsip tersebut tetap fundamental bagi sistem dan penggunanya. iSIKHNAS bukan merupakan alat bantu pengumpulan data, melainkan sebuah sistem terintegrasi yang dapat memberdayakan penggunanya dengan memberikan akses untuk memperoleh informasi terbaru yang relevan dengan cepat dan murah sehingga mereka dapat berkonsentrasi pada kegiatan-kegiatan inti. Sebagai koordinator, anda merupakan bagian dari konsep pelayanan kesehatan hewan baru yang dibangun di atas hubungan yang baik, komunikasi yang jelas dan tepat waktu, serta kepemimpinan dan dukungan yang memadai.

  • Menggunakan data untuk mendukung peran anda dalam melakukan pemantauan.
  • Membantu orang lain menggunakan data dengan lebih efektif untuk memperoleh pencapaian kesehatan hewan yang lebih baik.
  • Memahami dan menghargai filosofi, pengelolaan, dan struktur pendukung iSIKHNAS serta memanfaatkan dukungan dan alat bantu yang dimilikinya.
  • Memahami peran dan tanggung jawab semua pihak yang terlibat serta membantu mereka mencapai potensi masing-masing.
  • Memberikan rekomendasi dan analisis menyangkut perubahan kebijakan serta peningkatan dan dukungan teknis.
  • Memotivasi dan meyakinkan staf.
  • Membangun budaya latihan secara terus-menerus.
  • Memastikan data selalu diperbarui dan pelapor dapat memperoleh bantuan untuk mengirim data dengan kualitas terbaik.

Beradaptasi dengan Perubahan di Masa Depan

Kendati telah banyak upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi dampaknya, iSIKHNAS yang baru tetap akan membawa beberapa perubahan bagi semua staf. Setiap koordinator perlu disiapkan untuk memandu pengguna baru, membantu pelatihan dan operasional sistem, memberikan bantuan melalui telepon dan surat elektronik, memantau pelaporan dan kesalahan, serta mengatasi kelemahan. Staf perlu mendapatkan pengakuan dan penghargaan, sebagai bentuk penguatan positif, apabila berhasil menggunakan sistem ini serta memperoleh bantuan ketika menghadapi kesulitan. Kolaborasi dengan pemilik ternak dan komunitasnya juga perlu memberikan manfaat dan hasil positif dalam setiap kegiatan interaksi. Dalam setiap langkah, kita perlu mengingat bahwa ini adalah sistem yang ditujukan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang setara kepada semua penggunanya. Jika semua pihak dapat berkontribusi berdasarkan prinsip ini, maka kita semua akan memperoleh manfaatnya.

Changes you can expect over the coming months include;

  • Increased data as roll out takes effect
  • New functions and improvements on the Website
  • Increase in the number of reports, charts and other analyses available
  • New mapping capabilities
  • Additional material on the iSIKHNAS wiki to assist you with your training responsibilities.

Mangement of the System


iSIKHNAS coordination and management model


Role of the Coordinators


There are three coordinator levels: Regional, Provincial and District


Coordinator Checklist


This helpful checklist will keep you on the ball! It includes daily, weekly and monthly tasks for coordinators.




An important part of the job of a coordinator is to help other staff to use the system accurately and efficiently. These troubleshooting tools will help you do do this.



Tailored website.svg

The iSIKHNAS website is the main tool for all administration, management and monitoring tasks.


User registration

User registration.svg

Coordinators have the responsibility for overseeing the registration of new users. This can be done in several ways.



Manage icons grouped.svg

The Manage menu allows coordinators to create, update and manage users and special programs such as for vaccination and surveillance, as well as managing infrastructure and location data.




The Reports menu provides access to the database for animal health and staff monitoring purposes. It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.


Monitoring your District


The Monitoring sub-menu in Reports provides access to the database for system and staff monitoring purposes. It allows coordinators to view reports and analyses in various formats, as well as download raw data.


Training your staff

Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png

Coordinators are responsible for training staff in the use of iSIKHNAS. There a many resources available to help coordinators in this important role.


SMS message formats and codes

Code book.png

Coordinators will need to be fully aware of the system's data codes, SMS formats, data standards and standard operating procedures for SMS-based reports.




Things can go wrong with any system. DON'T PANIC. Read through this troubleshooting guide to help you.


Using the data

Data download.svg

Coordinators need to be competent users of the iSIKHNAS website and in particular of how to access data from the site. Coordinators should use the Reports section of the iSIKHNAS website heavily for a variety of different purposes, but also, very importantly, help and encourage others to explore, become familiar with and use this data.