Facilitation Guide/en
Daftar isi
Training Facilitation: How to facilitate a course and help people to learn
Course introduction
Training facilitation
- What is a training facilitator?
- Key qualities of a good training facilitator
- Key features of good training facilitation
- Dos and Don’ts in facilitation
- Some important features of adult learning
- How people learn
- How to help people learn better
- Building a good learning atmosphere
- Techniques that maximise learning
- Making sure that participants learn something
Group work
- Encouraging participation
- Working in small groups
- Creating the right mood for the moment
- Dealing with tricky situations
Logistics and practicalities
Logistics and practicalities
- Preparing to facilitate a group
- Course logistics and practicalities
- Factors that affect the smooth running of a course
- Using activities in training
- Evaluation
- Working with equipment
- Setting up a room for training