Using the data/id
Revisi per 7 Mei 2015 13.41 oleh Nadia (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "==Memanfaatkan data== 110px|left")
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Memanfaatkan data
Remember: The reports menu on the iSIKHNAS website is growing all the time. There are now over 200 reports which can be customised to your area. These reports display YOUR data in useful ways to help you to interpret and analyse the data. These reports come in the form of tables, charts and maps.
- The list of available reports to analyse data relating to animal health is growing all the time. Some reports relate to disease, including .
- General routine disease reports
- Priority Syndrome reports
- Differential diagnosis maps
- Treatment Reports
- Disease Outcomes
- Important disease investigation and response
Other reports relate to surveillance and vaccination data.
- Think about doing the Excel course or the Epidemiological Data Analysis course to further develop your skills in using iSIKHNAS raw data for your own more complex analysis.
Some of the other report types available
- A range of fascinating reports are available to help you look more closely at the animal movements your staff and staff from other districts are reporting. All movements will be mapped and all the data available real-time so that you can have better information faster.
Budget advocacy
- There are many existing reports which will help with keeping track of the use of resources including staff time and to assist you in arguing for the need for increased resources.
- Have a look at a course specialising in Using iSIKHNAS data for Budget Advocacy and learn more about how you can use evidence-based arguments when seeking more funds for activities.
Breeding management
- These reports are still undergoing development. Please contact your local coordinator to work with the Champions to create new reports suitable to your needs.
Abattoir activity
Specific abattoir reports are available. These include;
- Analisa pelapor per provinsi
- Hewan dipotong per province
- Sapi dipotong
- Lokasi rumah potong
- Laporan pemotongan per spesies per bulan
- Pemotongan per jenis hewan per hari
- Pemotongan per kabupaten
- Rekapitulasi pemotongan per kabupaten per hari
- Pemotongan Hewan per hari per tipe hewan
- Pemotongan 30 hari terakhir
Population statistics
- Village population data can be reported using the POP message and data from these reports can be viewed and downloaded easily using the Reports menu on the website. A growing number of reports are available from the website.
And there are others...
How to ask for a new report to be made
- Define your question and what data you will need to answer it. Make the question as clear and reasonable as possible. Contact your Coordinator or the Champions via email to ask for this new report. They can usually arrange for it to be created and up on the website for use very quickly.