Bekerja dengan peralatan

Revisi per 16 Januari 2015 17.10 oleh Linda (bicara | kontrib) (Created page with "Terdapat beberapa kesalahan umum yang sebaiknya dihindari.")
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22. Bekerja dengan peralatan

Material yang mungkin dibutuhkan dalam sebuah sesi pelatihan

  • Flipchart, kertas dan spidol
  • Flipchart tambahan
  • Laptop dan proyektor
  • Kabel sambungan
  • slide PowerPoint
  • papan tulis
  • Monitor, TV
  • Pemutar DVD atau CD
  • Peralatan Video
  • Kamera
  • USB/flash disk
  • Lembar kerja
  • Alat tulis (buku dan pulpen)
  • Handouts (materi cetak)
  • Format evaluasi
  • Pulpen dan spidol
  • kartu berwarna
  • Papan nama
  • Medali atau trofi, hadiah
  • Gula-gula,
  • alat visual
  • Bean bag atau bola
  • Post it notes (catatan tempel)
  • Selotip, perekat blue tack,
  • Sertifikat
  • Gunting
  • Bel, stop watch, timer (pengatur waktu), dll

Pelatihan dengan komputer


  • Cenderung mengisolasi
  • Cenderung membuat orang secara fisik menjadi pasif
  • Cenderung mengarah kepada hanya satu gaya belajar
  • dapat can be very media based rather than experiential, depending on the content of the course
  • seringkali peserta hanya melihat layar komputernya dan tidak mendengarkan anda.

Dengan poin-poin ini didalam pikiran anda, cobalah untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar dimana penggunaan komputer dipadukan dengan kegiatan lainnya. Bangunlah pelatihan anda sehingga akan membuat pengalaman menjadi

  • lebih kolaboratif
  • lebih eksloratif
  • penuh dengan pilihan
  • berdasarkan kegiatan
  • berpusat pada masalah
  • kreative
  • menggabungkan 4 fase siklus pembelajaran - Persiapan, Presentasi, Praktik dan kinerja.

Bagaimana cara menggunakan alat bantu visual

Terdapat beberapa pedoman untuk menggunakan alat secara lebih efektif.

  • jangan menghalangi pandangan.
  • periksa dari belakang ruangan apakah alat bantu dapat terlihat dengan jelas.
  • jangan mengisi pandangan dengan terlalu banyak informasi.
  • batasi jumlah ide dalam satu slide (maksimum 4).
  • ungkapkan hanya satu ide pada satu waktu.
  • Buatlah secara sederhana dan diskusikan.
  • tunjukan alat bantu visual sehingga bisa dibaca, dicerna dan peserta mendengarkan anda.
  • ketahui bagaimana cara menggunakan atau bagaiaman alat berfungsi, dan bagaimana menangani jika alat tidak berfungsi. *practik menggunakan alat.

Alat bantu visual paling baik digunakan saat;

  • Menyajikan data statistik
  • Memperkenalkan topik baru atau mengganti topik
  • Selingi dengan humor
  • Tekankan poin-poin kunci
  • Rangkum kembali poin-poin kunci
  • Mengontraskan
  • Anda membutuhkan dampak visual
  • Anda ingin memastikan bahwa setiap orang melihat hal yang sama

Alat bantu visual merupakan alat yang bisa memudahkan atau malah mengganggu proses pembelajaran tergantung dari seberapa efektif mereka digunakan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa alat yang paling umum digunakan.


Slide PowerPoint dapat meningkatkan penyajian jenis informasi tertentu tetapi jika digunakan berlebihan maka akan menghilangkan efektifitasnya.

Powerpoint sifatnya fleksibel dan profesional dan memungkinkan untuk memvisualisasikan ide.

Terdapat beberapa kesalahan umum yang sebaiknya dihindari.

Very importantly, remember that PowerPoint slides should

  • Never be read out aloud to participants
  • Never have too many words, long phrases or paragraphs
  • Never have more than 2 to 3 points/ideas on each slide
  • Never reveal more information than you want people to see or that people need at that moment
  • Never be confusing either in meaning or visually
  • Never be the words you say – just the ideas you want to convey
  • Never overuse the gimmicks, transitions and graphical extras that come with the software.

So, when using PowerPoint slides you should

  • Always use dot points instead of long whole sentences
  • Always use a little colour and useful graphical elements to relieve boredom and add interest
  • Always be simple and clear so that the message is distilled to its most clearest form
  • Always be shown for long enough time to allow everyone to read, digest and listen
  • Always ADD to your words NOT detract from them
  • Always try to use cartoons, images, screenshots, video, graphs or other graphics instead of words wherever possible
  • Be consistent with the use of font type and size. Don't overuse capitals, italics or coloured text.
  • Always blank the screen when you are not talking to a slide. It is confusing to see a slide that has nothing to do with what the presenter is talking about.

PowerPoint presentations

  • Can control and regulate what information people see and when – use that control wisely and your message will be much more powerful. Remember that there is no limit to the number of slides you can use. Use more slides with less information on each than fewer slides packed with words and ideas.
  • Need to be practiced so that you develop a ‘script’ to each slide, the content of your talk. This will help you to avoid being tempted to use the words on the slides as a your script and avoid the common problem of just reading the slides and saying nothing else.
  • Should not drive what you say, only the flow of your presentation. The slides should be tiny visual reminders to you of the full version of your ‘script’, and the full versions of the points you want to make.

Flip charts

Flip charts are useful for on-the-spot lists, brainstorming, prioritising, capturing ideas generated by a group or creating plans or drafts. They are often used as spontaneous tools and are better for smaller groups.

Some tips

  • You can practice more difficult graphics in advance.
  • Prepare more complex calculations or diagrams in advance.
  • Make sure you write at the correct size and in a dark colour using thick pens.
  • If you can't draw very well, trace something in advance in pencil and 'pretend' to draw it.
  • Use only big headings, dot points, key concepts and meaningful graphics.

Video/digital media

Video and DVD can be useful for demonstrating a skill or a behaviour, setting up a scene, or delivering content by an expert, for example. They can also be extremely useful for sharing participants' own practice sessions in order to promote self-evaluation, or to seek the feedback of others.

Some tips Make sure

  • the equipment is working
  • you know how to adjust the lighting and sound amplification
  • you watch the DVD before and know where you want to start and finish
  • you have prepared the questions for drawing out the main points from the video
  • you prepare the participants properly before they watch the video for the first time - ask them to look out for something in particular, for example.
  • you ask participants if they would like to see the video again, a little later.

White/black boards

Boards are often used in a similar way to flip charts for on-the-spot lists, brainstorming, prioritising, capturing ideas generated by a group or creating plans or drafts. Make sure you have chalks and an eraser. Practice to make sure you write clearly and in a size everyone can see.

Overhead projectors

These tools are now becoming less popular but can still be useful in the absence of any other. They can be used in similar ways to flip charts or whiteboards and even PowerPoint. Whichever tool you use, remember that participants must be able to see the visuals.

Penggunaan peralatan atau alat bantu visual secara efektif

Terdapat beberapa pedoman dasar untuk menggunakan peralatan secara efektif.

  • tidak menghalangi pandangan.
  • periksa dari bagian belakang ruangan apakah alat bantu dapat terlihat dengan jelas
  • don't fill the view with too much information.
  • limit the number of ideas to one slide/visual (4 maximum).
  • reveal only one point at a time.
  • keep it simple and talk around it.
  • tunjukan alat bantu visual selama mungkin sehingga dapat dibaca, dicerna dan didengarkan.
  • know how they operate or work, and how to trouble-shoot when they don't.
  • berlatih menggunakan alat bantu.