Manuals:General Introduction
Daftar isi
What is iSIKHNAS?
iSIKHNAS is Indonesia’s new animal health information system. The system uses every day technology in simple but clever ways to gather data from the field and make it immediately available to stakeholders in ways that are readily useful and meaningful.
In addition, iSIKHNAS will soon integrate several existing information handling systems to make them more efficient and available to more users. The integration of these systems will make their data all the more powerful and will greater support the work of our decision makers at all levels.
Indonesia has several existing systems which have managed data for single purposes including InfoLab for laboratory data and the original SIKHNAS for field disease reports. These systems lacked real power because they were not connected. iSIKHNAS is bringing these systems together so that their data is able to be more efficiently managed and shared by all stakeholders. The data will be made available to authorised users through a variety of means such as the iSIKHNAS website or via the reports, charts, spread sheets and maps created by the system and sent by email or SMS to staff who require them.
Using iSIKHNAS, we will be able to link laboratory submission data with disease reports, maps with movement data or outbreak reports, slaughter data with production and population data, and all smoothly and automatically. That is great for decision makers at every level and good for everyone who is working in the animal health sector.
Why do we need a new system?
The old paper-based systems are slow and inefficient and meant that much of the information collected in the field is out of date by the time it is received. Information is often sent “up” and takes a very long time to come back “down” again. By the time it does, the data had been changed and squeezed into formats that aren’t always useful.
iSIKHNAS will change all this by its use of the SMS messages from mobile phones in the field and simplified spread sheets from the offices to quickly draw data in from as close to its origin as possible and make it available for viewing and analysis in user friendly ways to those who need it. Clever, automated systems will ensure accurate data entry, automated reports, ease of access to data, programmed routine analyses and, very importantly, alert systems for staff who need to respond to disease reports.
iSIKHNAS is not just about improved management of data. Its success is very much reliant on the people who work at the grassroots throughout rural Indonesia. The collective contribution of all staff and their provision of improved services to livestock owners is what will ultimately make Indonesia’s animal health system stronger. Good relationships, improved communication and stronger cooperation lies at the heart of the improvements iSIKHNAS will bring to the animal health sector in the next few years.
iSIKHNAS is being designed to disrupt as little as possible the routine work of staff, but some training in the use of the system will of course be necessary. Additional training is also being developed to reinforce staff with additional skills in the areas of Field Epidemiology, Surveillance and Data Management and Analysis amongst others. These flexible, targeted courses will help staff to work with more confidence and efficiency and will bring about greater precision to decision makers and rewards to their communities.
System components
- Field disease reporting including treatments and outcomes
- Priority disease investigation, response and follow-up
- Laboratory data (including InfoLab)
- Other field activities such as vaccination and active surveillance
- Livestock movement
- Abattoir data collection
- Human resource and training management
- Artificial Insemination/Production/Breeding
Key facts
- Program name: Australia Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious Diseases (AIP-EID)
- iSIKHNAS is one of several components of the AIP-EID program that support the strengthening of Indonesia’s animal health system
- Donor: Australian Government through Australian AID (AusAID)
- Australian implementing agency: Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
- Indonesian implementing agency: Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services
- iSIKHNAS component implementing consultant: AusVet Animal Health Services
- iSIKHNAS technical team: led by Subdirectorate Disease Surveillance, Directorate of Animal Health.
What are the benefits of iSIKHNAS?
For the users in the field
- Fast, easy data entry, direct from the source
- Immediate response for important problems
- Lower data entry burden for everyone
- Automatic data checking
- Return messages confirming report details
- Sustainable, integrated system using everyday technology
- Regular reports generated automatically
- More time for important work and less paperwork
For all users
- Provides service and benefit to all users
- Replaces a slow, paper-based system
- Stronger support for decision makers
- Immediate access to the data at all levels
- User-friendly, flexible data sharing service
- Automatic analyses for different routine purposes
- Real time access to data in different formats
And all this ...
- Allows us to help farmers better.
- Helps to reduce risks to rural communities and the livestock sector.
Who is involved?
- Dinas veterinarians and para-vets
- Other technical staff
- Village reporters, pelapor desa (‘pelsa’)
- Abattoirs and slaughter houses
- Laboratory staff
- Meat inspectors
- Staff working in quarantine
- Inseminators
- Vaccinators
- Some human health staff
- As well as many farmers!!
- Make sure you know who to contact for help with the system. Save the name, phone number and email address of your local iSIKHNAS coordinator as a contact in your phone.
- It is important to remember that your phone is an important part of your work now and so you should protect your phone more carefully.
- Protect it.
- Keep it with you at all times.
- Keep it properly charged.
- Register a new phone number with iSIKHNAS if you lose or change your phone.
Help for users
There are different ways to learn about how to use the system and get help or support for problems or questions.
Every new user should receive some training on the system and how it operates. The training might be quite short and simple if, for example, you only every need to view data, or if you only send in one type of report. For certain key users, such as dinas para-vets, the training will be longer and will involve multiple message types, code lists and various operational issues which will affect the routine workflow.
In order to complement the iSIKHNAS system several other training courses will be developed to assist staff in other aspects of their work.
Staff will be offered training in
- Field Epidemiology
- Surveillance
- Budget Advocacy
- Epidemiological Data Analysis
- GIS for Animal Health
Other sources of help
- Q message sent to iSIKHNAS
- User manual
- SmartCards - user reference cards
- Code lists
- iSIKHNAS Website
- iSIKHNAS Information WIKI
- Local iSIKHNAS coordinator
- iSIKHNAS “ Champions”
Quick reference cards are a very useful tool to keep handy at all times. These cards will help you to send error free messages and make sure you are using the correct codes.
iSIKHNAS automatically checks every message
- If it is correct,
it sends a response to the user AND starts to manage, organise and analyse the information and make it available in the iSIKHNAS system.
- If it is not correct,
it warns the user and advises the user how to correct the mistake and send again. Read the reply from iSIKHNAS. It will help you!!
This means that the data in iSIKHNAS will always be clean and correct.