Routine Disease Reporting and Case Management

Modul 1: Pelaporan Penyakit di Lapangan dan Manajemen Kasus

Gambaran Ikhtisar

This is the first and most fundamental of the iSIKHNAS modules. Conducted over two days, the course introduces district level technical staff to the iSIKHNAS system, its philosophy and the key functions of the system. It concentrates on developing skills in the reporting of routine and priority disease events by veterinary field staff and Pelsa (village reporters), response reports, treatments, specimen submissions to the lab and outcome reports. It also includes many useful system queries for use in the field.

Field disease reporting is central to Indonesia's new animal health information system, iSIKHNAS where village reporters (Pelsa) and district field veterinary staff (Dinas) report cases of disease by sending simple coded messages from their mobile phones. Reports can either be for General Signs (Tanda Umum) using the U SMS message format or reports of suspected priority diseases using the P message - Priority Syndrome report (Sindrom Prioritas). The messages sent from the field ensure that the relevant veterinary staff are alerted and the data is also immediately included in the available for analysis by decision makers at every level.

Village reporters (Pelsa) assist in this vital reporting role and it is important for Dinas staff to be fully aware of the role and responsibilities and appreciate the work of the Pelsa in their area.

When Pelsa report health problems it is important for field staff to respond to these with either a phone call in the first instance, and a visit if the report is a Priority Syndrome report or seems important after talking to the Pelsa. A Response (R) message is sent to iSIKHNAS to give details of this follow-up by Dinas staff. Lab samples (LAB) might be taken and associated with the case. Treatments (OB) might be given and these too need to be recorded with the case ID. Eventually, details about the case outcome (PK) may be known and these can be recorded as well.

Jadwal Pelatihan Yang Disarankan

Hari Waktu Sesi Kegiatan
1 08.00-08.15 Sesi 0 Pembukaan
08.15-09.00 Sesi 1 Pengenalan iSIKHNAS
09.00-12.00 Sesi 2 iSIKHNAS Modul 1
12.00-13.00 ISHOMA
13.00-15.00 Latihan SMS skenario
15.00-15.15 Coffee break
15.15-16.00 Latihan SMS skenario lanjutan
16.00-17.00 Evaluasi
2 08.00-09.00 Review Sesi 2
9.00-9.15 Coffee break
9.15-12.00 Sesi 3 iSIKHNAS Module 1 lanjutan
12.00-13.00 ISHOMA
13.00-16.00 Latihan SMS skenario
16.00-17.00 Sesi 4 Evaluasi dan Kesimpulan

Materi Pelatihan


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