Translations:Basic Excel/147/en

We recommend the following approach for working with a new dataset:

  1. Save a copy of the original data.
    • Never make changes to the original dataset.
  2. Is there data on more than one worksheet in the workbook?
    • Inspect each worksheet.
    • Do not assume that an unnamed worksheet will be empty.
  3. Make sure you understand what you have been asked to do.
    • What data will be needed to complete this task?
    • Must all workbook data be processed?
    • Does this workbook represent the complete task, or will additional (similar) workbooks be arriving?
  4. Outline the structure of the final structure that will be needed to complete the task.
    • List the headers and data categories.
  5. Make a note of the problems or issues that make the original dataset unsuitable for immediate analysis, or that must be changed so that it fits your proposed structure. Look for:
    • dataset not being contiguous (blank rows or columns separating components of the dataset)
    • repeated heading row
    • inappropriately formatted header row
      • multiple header rows
      • merged cells in header rows
    • merged cells in columns
    • repeated columns, or columns containing data that is not needed for the analyses
      • this material does not need processing
    • multiple pieces of information stored in a single column
    • categorical data with inconsistent categories
    • problem data
      • some incorrect data will never be identified
      • some incorrect data will only become obvious once the data summarisation has been completed (this will be the next exercise).