Translations:Basic Excel Trainer/66/en

  1. Have two pairs work together to form a larger group of four.
  2. Give each group time to discuss and make their list of file and folder management principles/rules.
    • Circulate among the groups.
    • Make sure that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. Give some examples e.g. organise documents in folders; keep files names short.
    • Use the discussion time to lead people towards at least the major ideas listed below, so there are some outputs of the exercise.
  3. Ask the groups to pick their best idea, and write it on the special paper provided.
    • Demonstrate that the writing must be LARGE, and brief, so that everyone will be able to see from the back of the room.
  4. Have one member of the first group come up to the front, read and explain their idea, and pin/stick it to a board.
  5. Repeat this with each group in turn.
    • If a group's best idea is the same as one that has been used, ask them to give their second idea.
  6. Go around the groups again, until all ideas have been used.
    • Use a different person from the group each time, to give everyone practice in speaking in front of a crowd.
  7. When all ideas have been presented, ask the participants to look them over, and see if there are any that have the same theme, or seem to belong together.
    • Ask for a volunteer to come up and move the papers so that ones that are similar can be grouped together.
    • Can all papers be grouped with at least one other paper?
  8. Ask the participants to suggest a name for each grouping.
  9. Review each grouping. Is there any duplication? Does anything need to be rephrased? Is there a logical order for the items?
  10. Make a final call for additional items.
  11. When satisfied, let the participants know that these will be typed up and sent to them electronically, so that they can incorporate these principles into their work. Advise them that you will look forward to seeing whether they will want to suggest any changes to the list when they come back for the next session of Excel training.