Translations:Basic Field Epi: Manual/437/en

Infectious agents can enter the new host by different ways. Possible ways to enter a host include:* Orally - by being eaten (many parasites/worms survive on grass or feed)

  • Respiratory - through breathing the agent into the nose, throat and airways, (avian influenza virus, bacteria causing pneumonia).
  • Mucous membranes - through contact with the eye, mouth, or nose. (Pinkeye)
  • Skin - through intact skin (ringworm) or through damaged skin (human anthrax) or through biting insects (bluetongue) or through animal bites (rabies)
  • Coitus - transmitted when animals breed (vibriosis in cattle)
  • Iatrogenic - through some management or veterinary procedure (surgery, vaccination, dehorning, castration, injections) Bluetongue in livestock and HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis in humans