Translations:Budget Advocacy:Outline/72/en

Session plans

Session Topic Details
1 Welcome and introductions Underdevelopment
2 Communication Under development
3 Introduction to iSIKHNAS. 2.1 What are performance indicators?
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • groups of 4-5 each
    • list up to 5 examples of possible performance indicators for different areas of activity
    • for each Performance Indicator (PI):
      • what data is needed?
      • where would you get the data?
      • how would it be calculated?
      • what could it be used for?
  • groups report back & discuss
4 2.2 Using iSIKHNAS data to estimate and compare performance indicators
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • individual or small groups (2-3) with shared computer
    • work through spreadsheet example of PI calculation and comparison
  • show worked example and discuss
5 2.3 Using performance indicators to support budget requests
  • Review of Day 1 and activities
  • Powerpoint of concepts and examples
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • groups of 4-5 each
    • work through exercise on using performance indicators for budget advocacy
  • groups report back & discuss
6 3.1 Introducing animal health economics – the economic impact of disease
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • groups of 4-5 each
    • each group list up to 10 things that might be considered “costs” of disease and classify as direct or indirect. Each group does a different disease from list: (brucellosis, rabies, HPAI, helminthiasis, foot-and-mouth disease, Haemorrhagic septicaemia, classical swine fever)
  • groups report back and discuss
7 3.2 Estimating the costs of disease
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • worked example on-screen
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • individual or small groups with shared computer
    • work through spreadsheet examples of sensitivity analysis
  • show worked example and discuss
8 3.3 Estimating the costs and benefits of animal health activities
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • excel example:
    • individual or small groups with shared computer
    • work through spreadsheet examples of cost and benefits calculation on screen
  • group discussion
9 3.4 Using disease costs and benefits for budget advocacy
  • Review of Day 2 and activities
  • Powerpoint of concepts
  • discussion, questions and clarifications
  • group activity:
    • groups of 4-5 each
    • each group to outline a case for a proposed animal health activity (lab testing for abortion investigations, HPAI control program, helminthiasis, haemorrhagic septicaemia?)
  • groups report back and discuss (after break)
10 3.5 Animal health economics tools: cost-benefit analysis
  • Complete topic 3.4